Hi, Folks!
It’s not Patch Tuesday, but Microsoft, Adobe, Google, and more have released updates today. The typical computer should see approximately 150mb of updates.
This update series is brought to you by Adobe Flash, which has demonstrated their ineptitude by yet again exposing the world to a zero-day vulnerability on every browser in every major platform. Flash is now integrated into Internet Explorer and Chrome, and in the near future will be disabled by default in some other browsers, however, you would be well-advised to consider simply disabling and removing Flash entirely. These days it’s only used by advertisements and a couple streaming sites that haven’t caught up with the times.
Now back to our updates…
Microsoft released out-of-cycle updates for Internet Explorer and Edge to address the Flash vulnerability. This includes security updates. A reboot is required.
Google Chrome 51.0.2704.103 is a security update. Use Menu, Help, About to install the most current version.
Adobe AIR is a security update.
Win: https://12pd.com/click?air
Mac: https://12pd.com/click?airmac
Adobe Flash Player is a security update.
Win: https://12pd.com/click?flash
Win: https://12pd.com/click?flashie
Mac: https://12pd.com/click?flashmac
Don’t forget to check your mobile devices, too! Many updates will also apply to your tablet, phone, kindle or television – so check your device-appropriate App Store and install updates.
Important Notes
Everything above this section should be checked by everyone on every computer. Chances are good that close to every single computer you touch will be affected by those updates. This is not the case with the items below, though you should still check each line item below to see if it applies to software you have installed.
Please remember that while I list many different applications within these updates, most people should ONLY install updates for a program if they already have a previous version of that program installed.
It is essential to maintain all the applications you have installed on your computer, but often you can minimize the time investment and the potential for exploitation simply by uninstalling software you do not need.
Also note that using the applications own “check for updates” function, when available, will best preserve your current settings, and often avoid any crapware that might come with a fresh installer. Use this option if it’s available to you.
Finally, if you’re sick of doing this all yourself, let me! Call or email me any time, and we can set you up with subscription SaferPC updates which will be installed each month whenever necessary. Click, call or email for more details:
Internet Updates
One or more of these are likely to be of interest to everyone.
Skype 7.25 doesn’t provide a current changelog, so should be treated as a security update.
aria2 1.24.0 fixes several bugs and improves performance. This is not a security update.
Utility Updates
These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.
NTLite updates drivers and fixes several bugs. This is not a security update.
USBDeview 2.60 improves connectivity detection. This is not a security update.
Virtual Machine Updates
These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.
VirtualBox 5.0.22-108108 fixes several bugs. This is not a security update.
Web Package Updates
These are likely to be of interest only to web developers.
Drupal 8.1.3 is a security update.
Redirection 2.4.5 fixes several bugs. This is not a security update.
WooCommerce 2.6.1 fixes several bugs. This is not a security update.
That’s all for now folks. Keep it clean out there. 😉
Shawn K. Hall