Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

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CENSORED everywhere: See the video that YouTube, Vimeo and everyone else is desperately striking down: 'With Open Gates - The forced collective suicide of European nations'
by Mike Adams
November 16, 2015

Most people live in a Truman Show bubble of false reality, played out for them by the mainstream media and tightly controlled by the internet's gatekeepers such as Youtube and Google.

To prevent you from learning the truth about what's really happening with the wave of refugees and ISIS terrorists in Europe, YouTube has been desperately and rapidly censoring every instance of a must-see video entitled "With Open Gates - The forced collective suicide of European nations." This shocking, eye-opening video is an absolute MUST SEE for every citizen on our planet. It unveils the shocking, horrifying truth of how European nations are now being overrun by an invasion of refugees who intend to overrun western civilization and destroy Europe as we know it today.

CIA Officer Clair Lopez: Obama is a Muslim Terrorist with Brotherhood Ties to Take Down USA
November 15, 2015

Clare Lopez is a former CIA officer, and she is risking her professional career to call out President Barack Obama in the biggest way possible.

opez is well respected in the intelligence community and worked in the Reagan White House. After two decades in the field with the CIA, and as an instructor for special forces and intelligence students, Lopez is now with the Center for Security Policy managing the counter-jihad and Shariah programs. Now, she is claiming Obama is why America has completely "switched sides" during the war on terrorism. America is now supporting the enemy, especially through the Muslim Brotherhood.

SCOTUS Shreds Civil Rights Protections for Victims of Police Misconduct
by Evan Bernick
November 11, 2015

As the number of police killed in the line of duty continues to decline, while the number of civilians killed by police rises, the question of whether ordinary Americans have any meaningful civil recourse against officers who violate their rights.

On Monday, the Supreme Court effectively answered "no" in an appalling decision that reveals the extent to which the Court has failed to ensure that those charged with enforcing our laws exercise their authority responsibly. On March 23, 2010, Sergeant Randy Baker of the Tulia, Texas Police Department followed Israel Leija, Jr. to a drive-in restaurant with a warrant for Leija's arrest. When Baker approached Leija's car and informed Leija that he was under arrest, Leija declined to go quietly, speeding off and leading officers on an 18-minute chase at speeds between 85 and 110 miles per hour.

Updates to Chrome platform support
by Marc Pawliger
November 10, 2015

Today, we're announcing the end of Chrome's support for Windows XP, as well as Windows Vista, and Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8, since these platforms are no longer actively supported by Microsoft and Apple.

Starting April 2016, Chrome will continue to function on these platforms but will no longer receive updates and security fixes. If you are still on one of these unsupported platforms, we encourage you to move to a newer operating system to ensure that you continue to receive the latest Chrome versions and features.

Fukushima and the Dumping of Radioactive Materials into the Ocean. Enormity and Scale of this Unspoken Global Crisis
November 7, 2015

It came as no surprise, to those following the ongoing nuclear melt-downs at Fukushima, and the continuation of pouring seawater to cool the Corium masses, the T.E.P.C.O would "simply run out of room" for the highly radioactive waste water.

TEPCO has no choice but to pour the cooling water straight back into the Pacific Ocean from whence it came, after assurances that this practice was never going to happen. The implications and ramifications for the Pacific ocean, and food chains around the world, is a fact and an eventuality, no longer a possibility. As this is a first time Global crisis phenomenon, there is no data, no science and no research to lead us on with a solution, nor guide us with any protective measures as to the ongoing crisis. TEPCO released the following information on sheer volume of the highly toxic, deadly radiocative releases going on, on a daily basis from Fukushima.

Homeowner Goes Away For 8 Months, Returns To Find Town Has Demolished His House
November 3, 2015

When you leave home for an extended period, you probably lock the doors up tight, maybe turn on an alarm, and expect that the house will still be standing upon your return. Which is why one Long Island homeowner was shocked.

The 69-year-old man was in Florida for several months to recover from knee surgery, and discovered that while he'd been gone, the town had demolished his 1,570-foot house valued at around $423,072, reports CBS New York. He's suing, after spending two months in a motel, claiming all his furniture, jewelry and other possessions had vanished along with the house.

Does the Fourth Amendment Trump Your Locked Smartphone?
by Daniel Rothberg
November 2, 2015

Because of recent updates to the encryption on Google and Apple software, newly updated Androids and iPhones no longer can be unlocked -- even if law enforcement officers have a warrant.

It's the modern-day version of an age-old question criminal investigators face: What do you do with an unbreakable safe? That's the analogy Christopher Lalli, a Clark County assistant district attorney, uses to describe the situation detectives face when criminal investigations involve passcode-protected smartphones.

Tiny ID Chips Will Be Secretly Injected Into Everyone Via Vaccination Program, Claims Former Politician
by Tim Butters
October 29, 2015

A former politician believes he has stumbled across a sinister plot to secretly inject people with tiny identity microchips through a worldwide vaccination program which is due to start in January.

There's always been a considerable degree of debate surrounding the safety of vaccinations, particularly the mandatory vaccinations of children, but to date, not many prominent public figures have put their reputation on the line by revealing to the public that they are convinced there are dark plans afoot to inject every man, woman, and child with a microchip that is smaller than a grain of sugar.

"Fleeing" Muslims Have No Idea Woman Is FLUENT in Arabic, EXPOSE Terrifying Plan Right in Front of Her
by Sela T.
October 28, 2015

A young European woman, Aida Bolevar was recently traveling by train from Budapest, Hungary, to Vienna, Austria, when she encountered what can only be described as a migrant horde crowding the trains and train stations.

As the loud, angry crowd of mostly male Muslims invaded the station, she found herself having to force her way through the crowd. Enduring attempts of the men trying to steal her luggage, and being at the receiving end of a lot of their THREATS...which SCARED HER MOST. Because what the fleeing Muslims did not know, was that Aida, spoke fluent Arabic....and could understand the HORRIFYING actions they planned to take as they discussed them RIGHT INFRONT OF HER!

Homeless camps disappearing in Umatilla and Hermiston
by Jade McDowell
October 20, 2015

Longtime homeless camps in Umatilla and Hermiston have been cleaned out in recent weeks.

It used to be a community of sorts, a haven for some of Umatilla's most down and out. Now the stretch of woods along the Umatilla River between the high school and River Road is quiet. The improvised homeless camp that used to be nestled against the river banks is gone. In its place is a red and white sign proclaiming "No camping," the "N" defiantly whited out.


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