Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

 Title   Date   Author   Host 

Pigs are flying...
October 24, 2013

Hollywood celebrities come together and make a video slamming the government

DCSO fires three over jail beating; captain resigns
by Susan E. Hoffman
August 7, 2013

Three DeSoto County Sheriff's deputies have been fired, and the jail captain has resigned, as the result of a beating of an inmate who was dating a jail nurse at the time.

The Sheriff's Office completed its investigation of allegations by Jody Holland, 43, formerly of Arcadia, that he was beaten by deputies while he was detained in the county jail.

Citizen Addresses Auto Theft By Cop To The Mayor
August 5, 2014

This young mother had her car impounded.

It was later determined that she was not the suspect they were looking for, nor was the vehicle the one they were looking for. The law requires all impounds be held a minimum of 30 days. Stockton Police sold this young woman's car before that 30 days was reached.

A Brief History of Mental Illness
by Bill Whittle
July 30, 2014

In this searing and personal Firewall, Bill Whittle talks about his Brief History of Mental Illness, how he managed to avoid going Full Progressive, the famous author who helped bring him back to sanity, and asks the fundamental question: "What if I'm wrong?"

Police Play NSA: Warrantless Data Collection the New Normal? Don't Cops Have Better Things to Do?!
by Rt America
July 18, 2014

Sacramento sheriff's deputies have been playing NSA. They tool around town with suitcase-sized StingRay surveillance devices in their squad cars, scooping up cellphone data from whomever happens to be within a one-mile radius.

The deputies have reportedly been doing their shady business without warrants, and dozens of law enforcement agencies nationwide may be doing likewise. But hey, what's the big deal? After all, the feds say it's OK. Not only that, but federal agents have even been telling local officers to keep their StingRay shenanigans hush hush. If a judge asks, the feds advise locals to say they obtained evidence, not from a StingRay, but from a "confidential source."

Shotspotter. Oakland Police admits it is always on and records conversation
by Wakeupoakland
June 17, 2014

If you ask if these can hear conversation they've said no. Now we know better. The question is are they always on.

It's true. They are admittedly like red light cameras. Capt Joyner told me directly. Why doesn't the reporter follow up? The mics she is talking about on this segment are less than 30ft from people's front yard. Where is the privacy policy? Where is the search warrant?

Fukushima VICE
June 12, 2014

39 months after the Fukushima meltdown...what is TEPCO doing to remedy the situation?

Police Brutality Caught on tape May 2014 (Do Police Own Us?)
by Tom Zebra
June 11, 2014

Aereo, the Supreme Court, and the Future of TV
June 1, 2014

The Supreme Court will soon reach its decision on the much-publicized American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. v. Aereo, a case many believe will have a profound effect on the way we watch television.

Aereo rents small antennas and cloud storage to subscribers, allowing them to record and playback over-the-air broadcasts through digitally enabled devices. Broadcasters feel Aereo is retransmitting copyrighted work to paying customers and, based on current copyright law, should be subject to the same retransmission fees cable and satellite companies currently pay. Aereo argues that it is simply a technology company that empowers individuals and therefore isn't engaged in the "public performance" of copyrighted works subject to these fees. April's oral arguments gave little indication of which way the Supreme Court will rule. The decision is expected any day now.

Cop Assaults Air Force Capt. for Not Knowing Neighbor, Says He Could Have Tased or Shot Him Instead
by Jpd Kaikki
May 22, 2014

Capt. Nicolás Aquino attends the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California, and plans to devote his life to military service.

His family fled Paraguay to escape a brutal dictatorship before he was born, and they came to America because of the rights the U.S. Constitution offered. "That's one of the many factors in terms of why I wanted to serve this country, so I could uphold those ideals, that I could fight, that I could give back to the community and make sure that [my family] can keep those freedoms," says Aquino. Aquino says he works everyday towards protecting these rights. That, he says, makes his entanglement with law enforcement these past few months even more infuriating.


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