Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

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Network feud leads to Net blackout
by John Borland
October 5, 2005

Network feud leads to Net blackout | Two major Net companies stop exchanging traffic, cutting off access to each other's networks for some customers.

On Wednesday, network company Level 3 Communications cut off its direct "peering" connections to another big network company called Cogent Communications. That technical action means that some customers on each company's network now will find it impossible, or slower, to get to Web sites on the other company's network.

Promotional Firefox community site hacked (again)
by Ryan Paul
October 4, 2005

Some of you may remember when the SpreadFirefox site got hacked by spammers in July. Well, it happened again. Although the unfortunate Drupal vulnerabilities have all been adequately patched, site maintainers overlooked significant, remotely exploitable v

SpreadFirefox members received e-mails this morning informing them of a potential intrusion. The e-mail assures us that the exploit was limited to the SpreadFirefox server, and never affected the Mozilla sites or software. Like last time, the administrators believe that no critical data was acquired, but they recommend that users change their passwords... Community Website Hacked Once Again
by HNS Consulting Ltd.
October 4, 2005

As you may remember, back in July, had its security compromised. Unfortunately this happened again, this time because of vulnerabilities in the TWiki system.

"The Spread Firefox Team became aware this week that the server hosting Spread Firefox, our community marketing site, has been accessed by unknown remote attackers who attempted to exploit a security vulnerability in TWiki software installed on the server. The TWiki software was disabled as soon as we were aware of the attempts to access This exploit was limited to and did not affect web sites or Mozilla software."

U.S. prison population soars in 2003, '04
USA Today
October 3, 2005

While the U.S. crime rate has fallen over the past decade, the number of people in prison and jail is outpacing the number of inmates released, the government reports.

The population of the nation's prisons and jails has grown by about 900 inmates each week between mid-2003 and mid-2004, according to figures released Sunday by the Bureau of Justice Statistics. By last June 30 the system held 2.1 million people, or one in every 138 U.S. residents.

Senate Turns Attention to Data Privacy
by Roy Mark
September 23, 2005

The Senate Judiciary Committee expects to vote next week on legislation making it a crime for data brokers to conceal a security breach involving personal data and increasing penalties for computer fraud when the act involves personal data.

The bill adds a legal bite to legislation already approved by the Senate Commerce Committee in July requiring data brokers, government agencies and educational institutions to disclose security breaches to consumers within 45 days if there is a "reasonable risk" of identity theft involved in the breach.

Beware, Bagle is Back
by David Needle
September 22, 2005

Several anti-virus security sites have issued warnings that a variant of the infamous Bagle worm has shown up on the Internet, spreading via e-mails. SophosLabs is warning that the apparent creator of Bagle is "intent on infecting as many people as possib

"All computer users should avoid opening unsolicited e-mail attachments and ensure that their anti-virus protection is up to date," said Carole Theriault, senior security consultant at Sophos, in a statement. "Businesses should also consider blocking all executable code from entering their networks via e-mail -- most companies have no need to receive computer programs via this route, and it dramatically reduces the risk of infection." All of the different versions of the Trojan horse attempt to turn off anti-virus and security software, and block access to security websites, in an attempt to allow hackers to gain access to infected computers. Anti-virus and security firm Microworld Technologies said the new Bagle worm is unable to propagate on its own, and the infected messages have been mass mailed using spamming technologies.

Katrina has role in fight over environmental law
The Seattle Times
by Ralph Vartabedian and Richard B. Schmitt
September 19, 2005

NEW ORLEANS - A controversial project to build a hurricane barrier for New Orleans 40 years ago and an environmental lawsuit that stopped construction have moved to the center of a political battle to change federal environmental laws.

A House panel has begun examining whether New Orleans' defenses against Hurricane Katrina were compromised by the suit, which resulted in an injunction in 1977. The Army Corps of Engineers dropped the project by 1986 in favor of raising levees in the city.

Stumbling government slows Katrina recovery
The Seattle Times
by Nicole Gaouette, Alan Miller and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar
September 19, 2005

WASHINGTON â€" The federal government's efforts to help victims of Hurricane Katrina have been hobbled by inadequate planning and coordination, troubled computer systems and confusion over who will pay the costs.

Interviews with federal officials indicate recovery difficulties have gone beyond the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and span key agencies in Washington, where top officials are trying to respond to a huge reconstruction problem for which they had no policies or plans. Huge contracts are pouring out of agencies, but the task ahead involves some issues the federal government hasn't thought seriously about since the 1960s.

Weather Manipulation And The Results
by Dee Finney
September 14, 2005

Many people have been talking about weather manipulation recently, even more so since Hurricane Katrina came rolling in very strangely.

The question is, did another country manipulate the hurricanes and steer them to hit the U.S. the way they did, OR did our own government do this as a test to see whether our country could use weather as a weapon against other countries. Was New Orleans' Hurricane Katrina disaster another deliberately created "spike" event in the same vein as the Oklahoma City Bombing and NYC's 9-11' Quite a bit of information is starting to point in that direction.

Time for Crack Stamps: Why are Rich AND Poor people so fat?
The Sierra Times
by Anthony C. LoBaido
September 14, 2005

The poor have always been exploited. Jesus said we would always have the poor with us. That's never been more true than the past two weeks.

Katrina, race and poverty bla, bla, bla. It's on the cover of every leftist, secular oriented magazine in the supermarket. Except for the mega funny newspaper which says Hitler is a fry cook in New Orleans. Er, I mean was. First, poor blacks are the majority in New Orleans. They have a black mayor. Don't these people deserve better from themselves, if not from the government?


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