Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

 Title   Date   Author   Host 

Citizens not Suspects
October 21, 2013

Officer insists I have drugs because I dont consent to there wants. Never roll over for someone who thinks they are higher than you. Be polite, say no.

Is the Government Shutdown Bush's Fault?
October 16, 2013


Shutdown Politics Closes Privately Funded Parks
October 16, 2013

"All of us in the concession community feel like we're the victim of pretty high-stakes politics," says Eric Mart, founder of California Land Management Services Corporation, a private company that operates several hundred campground facilities.

After the start of the federal shutdown, Mart received direction from the Forest Service to close down operations in their parks. This action left Mart and other private land-management companies confused and frustrated. His operations don't require any federal money to be spent and Forest Service lands aren't staffed by federal workers the way that national parks are. In fact, Mart's company and similar public-private partnerships actually pay the government a percentage of the revenue they raise from campsite and other fees. "We are a tenant of the U.S. Forest Service," wrote Warren Meyer, who owns Phoenix-based Recreation Resource Management "A tenant does not have to close his business just because his landlord goes on a vacation."

Police Overreact with a Taser Gun
October 8, 2013

The Supreme Court recommends that you DON'T talk to police officers, but you must say out loud "I'M GOING TO REMAIN SILENT."

There's no law that requires you or your teenagers to talk or answer any questions from a police officer, just say "I'M GOING TO REMAIN SILENT." Talking to a police officer can be very dangerous!

Police punch pregnant woman and bodyslam her face down on the sidewalk
August 28, 2013

An officer for the Rochester Police Department was recorded on video getting punching a pregnant woman in the back of the head and a body-slamming her face first into a sidewalk.

The woman was yelling loudly and not complying with the officer. While an officer struggled with her, she screamed, "Get off of me, you're gonna kill my baby." "I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant," she yelled. That's when an unidentified police officer balled his fist and punched the woman in the back of the head. The officer followed up his punch by holding his weight against the woman and falling with her onto the sidewalk, face first. The woman screamed and the bystanders cried out in shock.

Drone Crashes into Crowd in Virginia Injuring Five People
by Mark Dice
August 27, 2013

Protecting your constitutional rights while recording police
by Rtamerica
August 27, 2013

New York City police officer Michael Ackermann was indicted on three felony counts and five misdemeanors for lying about the circumstances that led to the arrest of NY Times photog Robert Stolarik.

Steve Silverman, executive director of Flex Your Rights, joins us to talk about that case and how to protect your rights when photographing or recording police officers. When interactions between police and citizens are being recorded, the number of police incidents and complaints drops, Silverman says, and he reminds viewers that you always have the right to openly record on-duty police officers.

Courtesy, Professionalism & Respect - NYPD's Biggest Farce
August 26, 2013

This video shows interactions had on Sunday, August 25, 2013 with some NYPD employees

Unfortunately the idealistic traits put forth on NYPD vehicles - "Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect" - weren't too evident. Instead, a more accurate trait visible was non-responsiveness and evading. Don't you deserve better?

Police Taser Man to Get Him Off Roof - Choke & Drag Him Face-Down Across A Staircase, Killing Him
August 21, 2013

Police tase man for refusing assistance, then beat him, drag him down staircase.

Walking On The Wrong Side of The Road Retaliation Arrest for Asserting my 5th Amend Right Not To ID
August 17, 2013

In Texas, you are not required to identify yourself until you've been lawfully ARRESTED. Being detained does not mean you must present identification.

The problem here is that the cop attempts to use a sneaky method to get the guy to talk, stating that if he doesn't talk to him he'll be detained/arrested. That's coercion. Saying you're not going to arrest the guy or cite him if he talks to you is not following the law. Either arrest/cite him or release him. But he is not required to sit and have a so-called "friendly chat" with anyone. But this is how cops show they're assholes. They pick and choose WHO to apply the law to and who not to, as well as when to apply the law and when not to. This is another bad cop.


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