Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

 Title   Date   Author   Host 

Vaccine pioneer admits adding cancer-causing virus to Vaccine
April 18, 2011

In this interview Dr. Maurice Hilleman reveals some astounding revelations. He admits that Merck drug company vaccines (Polio) had been deliberately contaminated with SV40, a cancer-causing monkey virus from 1953-1963.

For years, researchers suggested that millions of vials of polio vaccine, contaminated with SV40, infected individuals which caused human tumors, and by 1999, molecular evidence of SV40 infections were showing up in children born after 1982. Some experts now suggest the virus may have remained in the polio vaccine until as late as 1999. In 2002, the journal Lancet published compelling evidence that contaminated polio vaccine was responsible for up to half of the 55,000 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cases that were occurring each year. And there is the likelihood that there was an importing and spreading of the AIDS virus in the same manner, as revealed in the video. At first no one could fathom how the virus had been transmitted into the human population, but this shocking video proves that it was deliberately added to the vaccine by Dr. Maurice Hilleman, which was "good science" at that time. Just Who is Dr. Maurice Hilleman? Now, for those of you who may think Dr. Hilleman was just another crackpot (he passed away in 2005), think again. He was, and still is, the leading vaccine pioneer in the history of vaccines. He developed more than three dozen vaccines-more than any other scientist in history-and was the developer of Merck's vaccine program. He was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society, and received a special lifetime achievement award from the World Health Organization. When he was chief of the Department of Respiratory Diseases with what's now the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, he discovered the genetic changes that occur when the influenza virus mutates, known as shift and drift. He was also one of the early vaccine pioneers to warn about the possibility that simian viruses might contaminate vaccines.So Dr. Hilleman knew what he was talking about. And in his own words, "vaccines have to be considered the bargain basement technology for the 20th Century."

9/11 - Painful Deceptions
December 28, 2010

Eric Hufschmid wrote the book, "Painful Questions," which deals with the events of 9-11. Evidence and facts are carefully examined; photos and video captures are analyzed.

Eric shows us with graphic (literally), undeniable evidence that the official explanations for the atrocities committed on September 11, 2001 are questionable at best. He shows us that there is MUCH more to 9-11 than we are being told by our media and our government. Eric Hufschmid raises some very uncomfortable questions about 9-11; questions so uncomfortable that the magician/comedians Penn and Teller showed the book and urged people, "if you ever see anyone carrying it, push them down a flight of stairs." Why?

Police Caught by Their Own Dash Cam Framing Citizens For Another Cop's Crimes
September 4, 2010

21 years of DUI convictions by two officers now have to be reversed by the courts and millions of tax dollars now lays in waste.

A cop's dashboard camera is supposed to catch criminals in the act. For four Hollywood cops, the dash cam may have foiled their plans to frame a motorist. The four police officers -- three of them longtime veterans of the force -- were caught on one of the cop's dash cameras plotting to place the blame for a February traffic accident on a woman one of them had hit with their patrol car. The disturbing video shows the woman, Alexandra Torrensvilas, handcuffed in the back of the squad car as the officers get their stories straight on what they are going to say happened...

People sign "I am a moron" petition without reading headline
June 6, 2010

Social critic Mark Dice asks people to sign a petition for some reason or another, and almot everyone does without even reading a word.

Mark Dice is a media analyst, social critic, political activist, and author who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture, and the role the mainstream media plays in shaping our lives. Mark frequently stirs up controversy from his commentaries, protests, and boycotts, and has repeatedly been featured in major media outlets around the world.

Proof That Cops Are The Most Dangerous People in Our Society!
November 18, 2009

A look into the sickening world of law enforcement. Proof That Cops Are The Most Dangerous People in Our Society!

Any bailiff that would do this is the same caliber as any 9/11terrorist. Who do these vermin badges think they're fooling? Do they think they are above the law? Cops are on complete power trips. Were they bullied as kids and now feel the need to exercise authority on anything they can to appease their superiority complex? These assholes should be jailed and treated as criminals at least the same as citizens would be if they committed the same crime, not less. They should also be held to a higher standard and a wall behind the court house erected. When a cop is found guilty of a crime or pulls shit like this, he should be put up against that wall. A group of his coworkers are to pull their weapons and shoot him dead. If any of them miss they should be put against the wall as well.

Dash Cam Cop Attacks EMT
by Matthaios Kober
June 13, 2009

OHP released the dash cam footage of the trooper involved in a scuffle with a paramedic.

There was a stalled car on the side of the road in the way so the Ambulance could not pull over to let the Police Officer pass him on the way to a call, so the Police Officer turns around and pulls over the Ambulance on the way to the Emergency Room to give the Ambulance driver a ticket and picks a fight with an EMT in the process.

TSA pulls pants off 71 y/o man with knee implant
July 28, 2008

...thousands of passengers have complained that these screenings have become abusive.

Dont Talk to Police
June 21, 2008

An law school professor and former criminal defense attorney tells you why you should never agree to be interviewed by the police.

Female arrested forcibly strip searched nude by ohio male cops
by Liberty Patriot
June 16, 2008

Fully nude strip searches of females are being forcefully conducted by male police officers, against policy, and in Abu Ghraib torture style, in Stark County Ohio. The women are video-taped and left naked for up to six hours.

Near the beginning of the video you can see the black male officer helping to strip Hope's panties off of her while another male officer holds her down. The woman's bra and panties are removed along with all her clothing, exposing her bare naked breasts, ass, and vagina in front of the male officers. She is eventually completely stripped and left naked and handcuffed on the floor. All this happened merely because 911 was called for help on Hope's behalf when she was hurt in a fight. Hope accidentally showed her dead sister's ID to police, she keeps it with her in remembrance of her sister. So far, five women have come forward with similar strip search experiences at this Ohio jail.

News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens!
by Exvidiousgaming
February 26, 2007

An astounding video uncovered from the archives today shows the BBC reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of more 9/11.

The incredible footage shows BBC reporter Jane Standley talking about the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building while it remains standing in the live shot behind her head. How did the BBC know that it was going to collapse? And why did they report the collapse when it is clearly standing in the background?


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