Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

 Title   Date   Author   Host 

Civil Disobedience And The National ID
News With Views
by Devvy Kidd
December 13, 2004

"Those who are willing to allow the government to establish a Soviet-style internal passport system because they think it will make us safer are terribly mistaken."

The only question remains is how many Americans will stand up and say no' If you want to stop this before it can be implemented, then you must act at once - Bush hasn't signed this bill yet, but he will. Don't send an e-mail, call your member of Congress. They millions of e-mails every year. Forget it. Call them. It's not too late.

The 9-11 Intelligence Bill: More Bureaucracy, More Intervention, Less Freedom
by Rep. Ron Paul, MD
December 6, 2004

Before the US House of Representatives, October 8, 2004 Mr. Speaker, the 9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act (HR 10) is yet another attempt to address the threat of terrorism by giving more money and power to the federal bureaucracy.

Most of the reforms contained in this bill will not make America safer, though they definitely will make us less free. HR 10 also wastes American taxpayer money on unconstitutional and ineffective foreign aid programs.

Worms & Firewalls; Online Safety Isn't Simple Anymore
by Shawn K. Hall
December 5, 2004

Antivirus programs can not protect you from this type of virus because the attack occurs before the context of the worm has entered a static (file or mapped memory) state.

In other words - because the worm does not really exist in the same terms as what the anti-virus "expects," your anti-virus software will be incapable of detecting the virus until *after* the virus has had the opportunity to do what it was designed to do.

Free Virus Scanners - Where Can I Scan My System For Viruses For Free?
by Shawn K. Hall
December 5, 2004

Even if you have a *current* antivirus package installed the viruses that you may receive will probably not be detected by it. There are literally *dozens* of new viruses discovered *every day*.

Most of the viruses circulating today are the one's that utilize new exploits, or new implementations of older exploits that the older scanners are not capable of detecting. What Antivirus Programs are Available'

Biometrics must balance privacy and security
by Marsha Walton
December 3, 2004

Humans have always recognized one another through physical traits: seeing a loved one walk through the door, hearing your boss's voice on the phone, finding the right tribal campfire.

Visual cues have helped us to differentiate friend from foe. Biometrics, an automated way to authenticate a person's identity, is being used from airports to grocery stores for both security and convenience.

Hackers Use Web Sites, Ads to Infect PCs
Washington Post
by Brian Krebs
November 23, 2004

Hackers co-opted several popular Web sites including over the weekend, using them to infect thousands of computers with a virus that can be used to steal passwords, bank accounts and other personal information.

Displaying an increasingly sophisticated approach to online theft, the hackers gained control of a German online advertising services firm and served up thousands of Internet ads designed to send visitors to one of several Web sites where the hackers had installed the virus. Hackers also can use the virus to plant programs on victims' computers that send out spam, flood monitors with pop-up advertising or attack other Web sites, said security researchers who analyzed the code.

Banner Ads Serving Up MyDoom
by Sean Michael Kerner
November 22, 2004

New move in virus battle renders banner ads susceptible to MyDoom variant. A chilling turn in the war against viruses appeared over the weekend. It looks like viruses are now being spread unsuspectingly through Web sites via compromised ad servers.

The SANS Institute Internet Storm Center on Saturday reported that a 'high profile UK website' was among those that had been hit. On Sunday, The Register confirmed on a note on its site that, "early on Saturday morning some banner advertising served for The Register by third-party ad serving company Falk AG became infected with the Bofra/IFrame exploit."

The significance of one handwritten resignation letter
V Myths
by Rob Rosenberger
November 16, 2004

"I have Handwritten this [resignation] letter," U.S. attorney general John Ashcroft told the president on 2 November, "so its confidentiality can be maintained."

"Handwritten" to maintain "confidentiality." Ashcroft didn't even trust the security of his home PC, let alone the classified laptop he takes on road trips!

State electronic voting machine battle continues
The Herald-Mail Company (MD) - [Archive Subscription Required]
by Wanda T. Williams
October 18, 2004

TrueVoteMD, an election integrity group opposing the state's electronic touch-screen voting machines, is fighting the state's decision to not grant poll-watching credentials to group members for the Nov. 2 election.

"Electronic voting machines are vulnerable to human error and tampering," said Linda Schade, co-founder of the Tacoma Park, Md.-based group of approximately 3,000 members. "We're hoping to educate voters and document the problems that people have."

Bush v. the 2nd Amendment by Chris Powell
by Chris Powell
September 11, 2004

Lately, Democratic presidential contender John Kerry has been making laughable attempts to appeal to gun owners, despite his very clear record in favor of gun control.

This would probably be funnier if it weren't for the fact that Bush, too, has a very clear record of undermining the Second Amendment. Most supporters of gun rights seem to be oblivious to this, or at best only dimly aware. Pointing out the failure by Bush to protect the right to bear arms nearly always brings out the question "So you think Kerry would be better?" Obviously only those who agree with Sarah Brady think Kerry would be better on guns, but it would take some considerable effort for Kerry to do worse, as Bush has attacked gun rights in his domestic agenda, by Administration actions in the courts, and in his foreign policy.


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