Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

 Title   Date   Author   Host 

Chicago plans advanced surveillance
USA Today (IL)
by Debbie Howlett
September 9, 2004

A surveillance system that uses 2,000 remote-control cameras and motion-sensing software to spot crimes or terrorist acts as they happen is being planned for the city.

The high-definition, motorized cameras can rotate 360 degrees and include night-vision capability. They will be mounted on buildings and utility poles across the city. The city is also considering allowing private companies to join the network, for a fee. Officials said the system size is nearly limitless.

Maths holy grail could bring disaster for internet
Guardian Unlimited (UK)
by Tim Radford
September 7, 2004

Two of the seven million dollar challenges that have baffled for more than a century may be close to being solved

Mathematicians could be on the verge of solving two separate million dollar problems. If they are right - still a big if - and somebody really has cracked the so-called Riemann hypothesis, financial disaster might follow. Suddenly all cryptic codes could be breakable. No internet transaction would be safe.

Uncle Sam Mothballs Screening Program
Washington Post
by Cynthia L. Webb
July 16, 2004

The Bush administration has sent the embattled CAPPS II airline passenger screening program back to the hangar for a major overhaul, a decision that civil liberties advocates have applauded as a win for privacy rights.

The New York Times reported that the government "is pressing ahead with a new computer system that will rely on government databases."

Editor sacked over 'hoax' photos
May 14, 2004

Mirror editor Piers Morgan is sacked as the newspaper concedes photos of soldiers abusing an Iraqi were fake.

In a statement the Mirror said it had fallen victim to a "calculated and malicious hoax" and that it would be "inappropriate" for Morgan to continue. The Queen's Lancashire Regiment (QLR) said the Mirror had endangered British troops by running the pictures. Roger Goodman, of the QLR, said the regiment now felt "vindicated". Mr Goodman added: "It is just a great pity it has taken so long... and that so much damage has been done in the meantime."

Voting Lesser of Two Evils Won't Save America
by Devvy Kidd
May 11, 2004

The issue of whether someone should vote for the "lesser of two evils" this November has become very contentious in recent months with friends and relatives clashing to the point of creating hard feelings.

Sadly, most Americans don't really recognize that they are being deliberately herded into this direction to keep them in line and "faithful" to either the Democrat or Republican parties. Sun-Tzu is considered one of the greatest military tacticians of all time. I have learned much from studying his strategies as well as Francis Marion aka The Swamp Fox. The herding technique is one of the most effective methods of manipulating those to be conquered into the right direction. I use a bull and cape metaphor on my web site to illustrate this, but basically, this is how it works...

Phoenix school first to install face scanners
December 11, 2003

A north-central Phoenix school is the first in the nation to install cameras designed to detect the faces of sex offenders or missing children and instantly alert police.

The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office used a grant to install equipment in the entrance and attendance office at Royal Palm Middle School, 8520 N. 19th Ave. The cameras are expected to be operating next week. Rebecca Dornbusch, deputy director of the International Biometric Industry Association in Washington D.C., had never heard of biometric face scanning being used on K-12 campuses. Biometric handprints are being used by a few day care centers to insure the right adults are picking up kids after school, she said.

Computer Viruses and Organized Crime
Tech News World
by Jack M. Germain
November 29, 2003

Internet security experts are divided on the source and purpose of computer viruses and worms like Blaster and SoBig.

But some government agencies are investigating a possible connection between the increasing spread of infected computers and organized crime.

Bill Gates beats back bugs
The Toronto Star
by Tyler Hamilton
November 29, 2003

Viruses threaten Microsoft's brand and its bottom line Security-software firms are caught in the crossfire

When the Blaster and SoBig viruses hit the Internet in August, they infected millions of Microsoft-based home and business computers, bogged down corporate networks and caused billions of dollars in direct and indirect damages.

Do you know where your company's vehicles are
Computer World (Australia)
by Ephraim Schwartz
November 29, 2003

Proprietary and public wireless technology is being used to track asset management, fuel consumption, logistics, security and safety, and service and maintenance.

United States Army Awards $730,000 Contract for Portable Landmine Detection Program
Business Wire (MA)
November 26, 2003

Implant Sciences Corporation (AMEX:IMX, IMX.WS) today announced the receipt of a U.S. Army Contract of $730,000 for the continued development of a Portable Landmine detection device.

This is the third installment added to the program, bringing the total amount of the contract to $850,000.


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