Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

 Title   Date   Author   Host 

EFF sues NSA over warrantless government spying program
by Zack Whittaker
July 17, 2013

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has filed a lawsuit against the National Security Agency (NSA) over its widespread, warrantless surveillance program.

The privacy and civil liberties group is representing 19 groups, including a Los Angeles church, an environmental protection group, and religious foundations, under claims that the U.S. government is violating the Fourth and Fifth Amendments.

iOS 7: why I'm finally dumping my iPhone for an Android
by David Gewirtz
June 21, 2013

My iPhone lies there like a dead fish, telling me nothing. If you believe the weather and clock icons on my iPhone, the temperature and time of day haven't changed for 18 months.

I think I figured out what's going on with iOS 7. Sir Jony has been trapped in a monochromatic hardware world of his own making for so long that now that he's allowed to meddle in software, he's pulled out that box of Crayolas he's kept locked in the bottom drawer and let loose his inner Wonderland. I'll get back to iOS 7 in a minute. First, let me tell you about our phones. I've been using iPhones since a month after the iPhone app store opened back in 2008. After five years, I've decided to dump my daily driver (an iPhone 4S) for a hot new Samsung S4. In fact, we're getting two of them.

Instagram vulnerability: Anyone can add you, see your photos
by Emil Protalinski for
July 11, 2012

A new security flaw has been discovered in Instagram that allows a perpetrator to add anyone as a friend and see their private photos and profile information.

Spanish security researcher Sebastián Guerrero has discovered a flaw in Instagram which he has dubbed the "Friendship Vulnerability." In short, it allows anyone to add themselves as a friend to your Instagram account. As a result, they can then view photos you have set to Private as well as profile information. Guerrero blames the bug on Instagram's "lack of control on the logic applied to authorization feature." He explains that both the iPhone and Android apps are affected by the remote vulnerability.

Five reasons DNSChanger victims deserve to lose the internet
by Michael Lee
July 6, 2012

The FBI's shut-down of temporary DNS servers will rid the internet of those infected by DNSChanger, and it will be a better place because of it.

Six thousand Australians infected with DNSChanger malware are set to be cut off from the internet on Monday, when the FBI shuts down the temporary servers that are keeping them online. In my opinion, they deserve to lose the privilege to connect to the internet. DNSChanger tricks computers into connecting to rogue DNS servers, which point certain domain names to IP addresses of their choosing.

ASUS to preinstall Bluestacks on PCs: Android on Windows | ZDNet
by James Kendrick
June 4, 2012

ASUS will be offering the ability to run Android apps on its Windows PCs due to a deal with Bluestacks. This has implications for Windows 8 as it allows Android apps to run out of the box.

PC-maker ASUS has signed a deal with Bluestacks to include its Android app player on ASUS PCs as reported by AllThingsD. Bluestacks makes it possible to run top Android apps on the Windows desktop. This deal has major implications for ASUS, Bluestacks, and even Microsoft with Windows 8 on the horizon. The deal gives ASUS customers six months of free access to Android apps on their new Windows PCs.

Medicaid hacked: over 181,000 records and 25,000 SSNs stolen
by Emil Protalinski
April 9, 2012

The Utah Department of Health has been hacked. 181,604 Medicaid/CHIP recipients have had their personal information stolen. 25,096 have had their Social Security numbers (SSNs) compromised.

The Utah Department of Technology Services (DTS) notified the Utah Department of Health (UDOH) on Monday the server that houses Medicaid claims was hacked. On Wednesday, the UDOH publicly announced the breach. On Friday, DTS revealed the damage: 181,604 Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Plan (CHIP) recipients had their personal information stolen. Of those, 25,096 appear had their Social Security numbers (SSNs) compromised. The agency is cooperating with law enforcement in a criminal investigation. The hackers, who are believed to be located in Eastern Europe, breached the server in question on March 30, 2012.

New Apple antivirus signatures bypassed within hours by malware authors
by Ed Bott
June 1, 2011

After a month-long Mac Defender/Mac Guard malware attack, Apple has finally released the security update it promised last week.

The bad guys have wasted no time. Hours after Apple released this update and the initial set of definitions, a new variation of Mac Defender is in the wild. This one has a new name, Mdinstall.pkg, and it has been specifically formulated to skate past Apple's malware-blocking code.

Why People Will Happily Line Up To Be Microchipped Like Dogs
by Tyler Durden
November 29, 2017

So...some people actually want to be microchipped like a dog. They're lining up for it. They're having parties to get it done. It if isn't available to them, they're totally bummed out.

I'm not even going to venture into the religious aspect of having a microchip inserted into a human being. Let's just talk about the secular ramifications. Certain folks won't be happy until everyone has a computer chip implanted in them. Here's how this could go. Initially, it would be the sheep who blindly desire to be chipped for their own "convenience" leading the way. Then, it would become remarkably inconvenient not to be chipped - sort of like it's nearly impossible to not have a bank account these days. Then, the last holdouts could be forcibly chipped by law. Read on, because I could not make this stuff up.

Meet The Man In Charge Of America's Secret Cyber Army (In Which 'Bonesaw' Makes A Mockery Of PRISM)
by :
June 22, 2013

With his revelations exposing the extent of potential, and actual, pervasive NSA surveillance over the American population, Edward Snowden has done a great service for the public by finally forcing it to answer the question: is having Big Brother peek at every private communication and electronic information, a fair exchange for the alleged benefit of the state's security. Alas, without further action form a population that appears largely numb and apathetic to disclosures that until recently would have sparked mass protests and toppled presidents, the best we can hope for within a political regime that has hijacked the democratic process, is some intense introspection as to what the concept of "America" truly means.

US To Use Drones In Chris Dorner Manhunt
by :
February 10, 2013

We were hoping to evade coverage of the latest mass distraction du jour, that of the former LAPD officer Chris Dorner who recently went rogue following a three man murder spree and who has vowed to kill again as per his 6,000 word manifesto, but the US government had made it impossible following confirmation that the search for Dorner is now the first official drone-hunt in US history.


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