Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

 Title   Date   Author   Host 

As Islamic extremists declare Britain's first Sharia law zone, the worrying social and moral implications
July 29, 2011

As a throng of Muslim families crowd around him, Abu Izzadeen speaks in a quiet voice of his plans for the future of Britain.

The tall, bearded 36-year-old - who was recently freed from prison after serving a term for funding terrorism - is telling, in chilling detail, how he wants to impose Islam's strict Sharia law on this country. At a shopping mall in Waltham Forest, North London, Muslim passers-by listen intently. Some shout greetings in Arabic from across the street.

United Nations Report Declares Internet Access a Human Right
June 6, 2011

The United Nations has declared cutting off access to the Internet a human rights violation, according to a report by Wired.

The report released Friday by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection to Freedom of Opinion and Expression came just as Syria's Internet was disconnected. According to a report by the Associated Press, authorities have cut off Internet access before in areas of military operations but Friday's outage was more widespread. US security firm Renesys said that two-thirds of all Syrian networks were unavailable. These outages recall the earlier Egypt Internet outages in January where more than 88 percent of ISPs were cut off.


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