Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

 Title   Date   Author   Host 

DCSO fires three over jail beating; captain resigns
by Susan E. Hoffman
August 7, 2013

Three DeSoto County Sheriff's deputies have been fired, and the jail captain has resigned, as the result of a beating of an inmate who was dating a jail nurse at the time.

The Sheriff's Office completed its investigation of allegations by Jody Holland, 43, formerly of Arcadia, that he was beaten by deputies while he was detained in the county jail.

The hero from the SPU shooting released his first statement and it absolutely blew me away
by Joshua Riddle
June 9, 2014

Jon released an official statement for the first time since the tragedy at SPU. Jon saw the gunman and reacted. He tackled him to the ground and put him in a chokehold. Jon is an exemplary young man, and the world would be a much better place if everyone took a page out of his book.

Pigs are flying...
October 24, 2013

Hollywood celebrities come together and make a video slamming the government

Why we don't support old WordPress versions
by Joost de Valk
March 7, 2013

For all sorts of reasons, some people have a problem with updating WordPress installs properly. I will state now that for both our free and premium plugins we do not support anything but the latest and the prior to last version.

At the time of writing that's WordPress 3.5 and WordPress 3.4. If you're running anything else, we can't help you. But mostly, I want to convince you to upgrade by dispelling all the reasons why you shouldn't or "couldn't" upgrade. The top four reasons we hear...

Why and how we sell premium WordPress plugins
by Joost de Valk
November 5, 2012

About 2 months ago I released my first premium plugin for WordPress, my Video SEO plugin. A lot of people have asked me about the how and why of the selling and I thought it'd be a good idea to outline that in a post.

Why sell premium WordPress plugins? Of course we got some backlash for making a plugin available to the world and daring to charge for it. Unfortunately there are still people in the WordPress community who think everything should be free. What they don't understand is that not everything can be free.

Why relative URLs should be forbidden for web developers
by Joost de Valk
August 17, 2012

Twitter is the website / web service most of us love and sometimes hate, a service that has become an integral part of most of our online identities.

It's one of the services we expect to be there when we Google ourselves or other people. So when you Google yourself and instead of, you see a weird result, you think "huh". Then, when you're like me, you try to figure out what caused that and once you figure it, you think "d0h!". You'd think the people at Twitter would know better than to use relative URLs or even worse, a HOST header to determine the domain, resulting in this result when you search for my name...

Prelude to a War
by John Glaser
May 27, 2012

President Obama's speech to the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee on March 4 was framed by the media as a repudiation of an attack on Iran.

The well-known historian and Kennedy administration adviser Arthur Schlesinger called it "a policy of 'anticipatory self-defense' that is alarmingly similar to the policy that imperial Japan employed at Pearl Harbor." In this view of "defense," the United States has the inherent right to wage preventive-not preemptive-war at will. That is, to attack a country on the basis of some potential future capacity to threaten the U.S., which they may or may not attain. This amounts to a right to commit international aggression, even if a threat is largely manufactured, as it was with Iraq in 2003. The Obama administration has sanctioned Iran, isolated it diplomatically, encircled it militarily, subjected it to cyber-warfare and commercial sabotage, and repeatedly threatened it with preemptive strikes. Officials call such pressure an alternative to war, but it might instead serve as a prelude.

Framed for child porn by a PC virus
Yahoo! Tech
by Jordon Robertson
November 9, 2009

Of all the sinister things that Internet viruses do, this might be the worst: They can make you an unsuspecting collector of child pornography.

Heinous pictures and videos can be deposited on computers by viruses - the malicious programs better known for swiping your credit card numbers. In this twist, it's your reputation that's stolen. Pedophiles can exploit virus-infected PCs to remotely store and view their stash without fear they'll get caught.

Obama's War On Coal! - EPA Admit New "Green" Rule For Coal Plants Will Not Reduce Global Warming
September 29, 2013

Wake The Hell Up America! Obama's War On Coal - EPA Admit New "Green" Rule For Coal Plants Will Not Reduce Global Warming -RPT

Cali's gun control policy, Put in perspective by Colion Noir.
September 21, 2013

Cali's gun control policy, Put in perspective by Colion Noir. This should be common sense by now.


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