Security News and Issues

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Brutally Funny: Comedians Tear Into Obama Administration and Leave No Doubt Why It's a Joke
July 19, 2014

When you see the jokes back-to-back, the story line begins to become much clearer.

Whether they like him or not, late-night comedians love to poke fun at the Commander-in-Chief. Here are some of the most hilarious - and often brutal - jabs at our current President.

Top Marine General Risks His Career to Make a Stand Against Obama
July 19, 2014

Top Marine General James Amos made a bold stand against Obama, calling him out for his failed foreign policy in dealing with the mess in Iraq.

Barack Obama's ever-shrinking fan club has been busy of late, slamming the president for his mishandling of practically every situation that comes across his desk. One of the many blunders on his list that is drawing the ire of his critics is the mistake of pulling out of Iraq too soon, leaving the country vulnerable to radical Muslim terrorists, who are now taking the country over a piece at a time.

UNREAL: Obama Administration to Defy a Congressional Subpoena
July 18, 2014

The White House blatantly defied a Congressional subpoena for one of Obama's political advisers, refusing to testify before the House Oversight Committee.

Barack Obama's administration has taken lawlessness to an entirely new, unprecedented level. No administration in history has committed so many criminal acts, while arrogantly defying every effort at Congressional oversight. Yesterday it was announced that a political strategist in Obama's administration would not be appearing before the House Oversight Committee, despite a subpoena. This isn't the first time this has happened either, as Secretary of State John Kerry ignored a Congressional subpoena to testify about his knowledge and role in the Benghazi cover up.

Delusional Democrats Who Lied About Border Security Called Out in a Video So Absurd It's Hilarious
July 18, 2014

Who you gonna believe? The Democratic Party or your lyin' eyes...

The Washington Free Beacon has put together a greatest hits compilation of the Democrats' border security quotes. Why would the Democrats continuously insist that the border is secure? Perhaps because Republicans insist on having a secure border before discussing any type of immigration reform legislation. Democrats don't think people will catch up to this at some point? The PR game that carried Obama - health care lies and all - to the White House is showing significant signs of incompetent wear and tear lately...

The NSA Is Totally Passing Around Your Sexy Selfies
July 18, 2014

In an extensive new interview with The Guardian, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden emphasized the need for "lawyers, journalists, doctors, accountants, priests," and others with a duty to protect confidentiality to ditch unencrypted communication.

He also confirmed what many people have joked about since the NSA's surveillance was first revealed: Yes, agents are totally looking at and passing around your "sexually compromising" photos. According to Snowden, looking at O.P.P. is a "routine" part of NSA life, and one that's considered "a fringe benefit of a surveillance position."

1 Cop, 2 Cops, 5 Cops...This Guy Let's Them All Have It, Then he Walks Away
July 18, 2014

Meet Ricky, a seemingly nervous guy, who was simply walking down the street when an officer pulled up next to him and brandished her .40 cal.

Ricky refused to submit to police harassment. He happened to 'fit the description' of a guy that cops were looking for, so they felt it necessary to dispatch multiple units to shake him down. He did not give in.

San Diego strippers sue cops for photographing them nude during 'club inspections'
July 18, 2014

"They made me feel like I was a gang member pretty much, and they wanted to document every single one of my tattoos"

The San Diego Police Department was hit with a lawsuit this week by 30 strippers who say local cops violated their rights during licensing inspections that occurred at two area establishments since 2013. On Wednesday, attorneys for the dancers formally accused the SDPD officers of causing "emotional distress and pain" by raiding strip clubs, then conducting thorough inspections in which the women were photographed by the police in various stages of undress. City protocols requires that establishments with nude dancing obtain a permit, and the Los Angeles Times reports that such licenses allow the police to make "regular inspections" at any time.

These Cops Can't Go Back to Work After Experiencing Police Misconduct Firsthand
July 18, 2014

"All I could think of was if I sneeze, or blink, or clear my throat, that, yeah, I might have a bullet lodged in my head"

Four veteran New York State Parole officers, who were driving down route 59 in Rockland County, didn't know their lives were going to be forever changed on that late April night. The last thing they thought would happen would be a potentially deadly confrontation with other cops. But that is exactly what happened. The officers were wearing their vests and shields and riding in a state-issued vehicle with a parole placard on the dashboard. Suddenly, the car was surrounded at gunpoint by cops from the Ramapo Police department and one from the Village of Suffern...

TSA agent stops man from boarding plane, questions existence of the District of Columbia
July 17, 2014

It's easy to forget the limited voting rights afforded to District of Columbia residents. One TSA agent however has gone a step further, questioning the existence of the US capital.

Justin Gray, a resident of Washington, DC, was flying out of Orlando International Airport over the weekend when a Transportation Security Administration agent claimed his up-to-date District of Columbia driver's license was not a valid form of identification. The TSA agent, Gray said, asked to see his passport upon inspection of the DC license. Gray said he did not have a passport with him because he didn't need it in this case.

A Passenger Posted A Joke On Facebook About The Malaysian Plane Disappearing Before Boarding
July 17, 2014

"If it should disappear, this is what it looks like." - Cor Pan

A young Dutchman apparently posted a picture of the downed Malaysian airliner on Facebook minutes before he boarded it, writing: "If it should disappear, this is what it looks like." Cor Pan, who appeared to be going on a beach holiday to Malaysia, posted the photo as a joking reference to another Malaysia Airlines flight that mysteriously disappeared over the Indian Ocean in March. A few hours later his flight too would disappear from radar screens, taking him and the other 297 people on board the Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur flight to their deaths in eastern Ukraine.


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