Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

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"Blogger Developers Network" Blog, Cracked
by Dirson
August 3, 2005

Since yesterday, "Blogger Developers Network" is cracked. This blog is a space where Blogger team publishes projects and code related with the blogging tool. You can see the original appearance of the blog on this screenshot or through Google cache.

The cracker, who changed the title ("Downloading..99%") and the design with another one inspired by 'Matrix' movie (view screenshot 1 and screenshot 2), claims that the attack was possible due to a vulnerability of Blogger, which allows any member who is invited to this blog become into admin.

"Brain Dead" Man Recovers Before Doctors Can Take His Organs
by Steven Ertelt
April 26, 2012

In what is becoming a more common theme, doctors rushed too fast to attempt to take the organs of a man who was thought to be "brain dead" but recovered - this time thanks in part to the dedication of his family.

"But The Client Wants IE 6 Support!"
Smashing Magazine
by Lea Verou
November 3, 2011

Frequently, when I discuss CSS3 with other developers, the issue of stubborn clients comes up.

They tell me that even though they personally don't think a website should look the same in all browsers and they're eager to try all of these new techniques, their clients insist that their website should look the same, so the developers are stuck with the same Web development techniques that we used five to ten years ago. Their clients just don't "get" graceful degradation. Is this really the issue? Are our clients incapable of understanding these things?

"Cancer cured for good?" - Gc-MAF and the miracle cure
by Kat Arney
February 22, 2016

As an organisation dedicated to beating cancer, we have a deep-rooted interest in any new research developments that could lead to new, more effective treatments for the disease.

So when we received an enquiry from a supporter about an article entitled "Cancer cured for good" by Bill Sardi and Timothy Hubbell* we were intrigued. The article talks about research by Nobuto Yamamoto in the US, looking at a protein called Gc-MAF (aka GcMAF). His published studies appear to show that injections of very small amounts of Gc-MAF can "cure" people with breast, bowel and prostate cancer.

"Clean Energy" Is Obama-Speak for Crony Government
Michelle Malkin
by Michelle Malkin
August 24, 2012

Breaking news: The Fishwrap of Record has finally discovered that the Obama administration gives its Chicago corporate pals special access to power and regulatory favoritism.

On Thursday, The Not-So-New York Times published an A1 story titled "Ties to Obama Aided in Access for Big Utility." Everyone, put on your shocked faces! "With energy an increasingly pivotal issue for the Obama White House," the Times intoned, "a review of Exelon's relationship with the administration shows how familiarity has helped foster access at the upper reaches of government and how, in some cases, the outcome has been favorable for Exelon." You mean Hope and Change was all smoke and mirrors? Well, knock me over with a feather and call me Grandpa Daley!

"Crucify them:" It's the Obama Way
Michelle Malkin
by Michelle Malkin
April 27, 2012

One of President Obama's radical eco-bureaucrats has apologized for confirming an indelible truth: This White House treats politically incorrect private industries as public enemies who deserve regulatory death sentences.

Environmental Protection Agency administrator Al Armendariz, an avowed greenie on leave from Southern Methodist University, gave a little-noticed speech in 2010 outlining his sadistic philosophy. "I was in a meeting once, and I gave an analogy to my staff about my philosophy of enforcement, and I think it was probably a little crude and maybe not appropriate for the meeting, but I'll go ahead and tell you what I said," he began. In a video obtained and released by Sen. James Inhofe (R., Okla.), Armendariz then shared his bloody analogy...

"Days of Rage" comes to Boston: "They wanted to be arrested and we obliged."
Hot Air
by Tina Korbe
October 1, 2011

As I've watched the video footage of protesters attempting to "Occupy Wall Street" and, now, "Occupy Boston," I've been struck again and again by this realization: They're my age.

So excuse me if I find it hard not to dismiss the movement as born of inexperience and misguided idealism. The romantic impulse to be an outcast, an individual facing outstanding and institutionalized obstacles is one I have to tamp down in myself sometimes; I think it comes with the territory of being in your 20s. Most of the protesters seem like Brita from the TV show, Community - terrified they'll be consigned to a life of meaninglessness if they ever stop "raging against the Machine."

"Don't Tell Your Parents" 6th Grade Assignment at Milan Elementary, MS
by Allison Martinez
November 23, 2013

While it is unclear if this is explicitly a Common Core assignment or not, a group of students today in Tupelo, MS had quite an interesting assignment.

The sixth graders at Milam Elementary were given an assignment to do in class, and they were not to discuss this assignment with their parents. Naturally, telling a group of kids between the ages of ten and eleven to not tell their parents about an assignment is probably the surest way for them to tell their parents. In fact, it is typically a way to ensure a student sneaks a copy home. The reason why this is so concerning is that Tupelo prides itself on data driven instruction. Now, data is nice if it helps you figure out if a student needs extra help in a particular area. However, what if that effort is aimed at monitoring the political views of a student?

"exe" read backwards spells "malware"
Commtouch Cafe
by Lordian Mosuela
August 18, 2011

RIGHT TO LEFT OVERRIDE (RLO) is a unicode control character (U+202E) that reverses the character reading order from the traditional left-to-right, to right-to-left.

We reported this trick last year but it has resurfaced extensively in the past week to trick users into opening malware executables. Malware uses RLO to reverse the direction of text in a filename. This can make an "exe" file appear to be a harmless "doc" file. These new variants of the Bredolab virus are distributed via emails that have a subject line similar to "inter-company invoice".

"False Flag Terrorism" to Sustain America's "Humanitarian" Agenda
by Joachim Hagopian
June 5, 2014

In late May 2014, President Obama rolled out his foreign policy initiatives at West Point and said nothing new.

Every lie he uttered is just a retread cover for the same old, same old disastrous foreign policy the US has engaged in since the cold war began shortly after World War II. The fact is Washington has been regularly practicing this same modus operandi for over sixty years. Through constant use of false flags deceptively blaming the designated enemy of the United States, starting with the dual threat of the Soviet Union and China's spreading Communism in the early 1950's, then in this century fabricating the al Qaeda enemy's spreading terrorism and now back to a revitalized cold war stopping the expansionist spread of Russia and China again, the US has been busily justifying its aggressive interventionist policy throughout the world.


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