Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

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RF-IDing the dead
ZD Net India
by Alorie Gilbert
January 13, 2006

Electronic ID chips have found their way into everything from shavers to prison inmates. In September, with the Gulf Coast reeling from Katrina, some people found an entirely new use for the technology: identifying the dead.

Gary Hargrove, coroner of Mississippi's Harrison County, began injecting radio frequency identification (RFID) chips into cadavers to cope with the mounting body count. He said the chips, supplied by a Florida company called VeriChip, helped the county identify and return storm victims to their families without mix-ups. The county also injected the chips into bodies dislodged from graves during flooding.

Hotmail threatened by MSN flaw
ZD Net (UK)
by Joris Evers
June 7, 2005

A cross-scripting security hole could potentially have been used by malicious hackers to steal cookies from Hotmail users and get access to their accounts

Microsoft took part of its MSN Web site offline over the weekend, after it learned of a flaw that could let an attacker gain access to Hotmail accounts. The MSN Web site,, contained a so-called cross-site scripting flaw.. In its initial review of the issue, the company found that an attacker could use the vulnerability to obtain "cookies" from Hotmail users by getting them to click on a malicious URL. That could then grant access to those email accounts.

Fix SMTP and leave port 25 alone for the sake of spam
ZD Net
by George Ou
April 11, 2005

Larry Seltzer of eWeek, whom I have great respect for and usually agree with, wrote this article on dealing with spam using the controversial tactic of blocking all outbound port 25 access.

The logic behind this is that the vast majority of spam in the world comes from "zombies" (millions of computers that have been hijacked by professional hackers and spammers and are used as attack or spam platforms) that spew out tons of spam directly over TCP port 25 (a standard communication channel used specifically for e-mail). I think this is a bad idea. Here's why:

I want privacy because I break the law
by A Toronto Data Guy
February 11, 2010

If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. If you really need that kind of privacy, the reality is that search engines, including Google, do retain this information.

I've thought about Schneier's response (that people want privacy for a whole host of reasons, like when we make love, sing in the shower, and do things that are totally legal at the time of law) for some time now and I have come to this conclusion...

Fujitsu To Develop Vigilante Computer Virus For Japan
January 3, 2012

Japanese Defense Ministry has awarded Fujitsu a contract to develop a vigilante computer virus, which will track down and eliminate other viruses, or rather - their sources of origin

Are 'good' viruses a bad idea? Sophos seems to think so, saying, "When you're trying to gather digital forensic evidence as to what has broken into your network, and what data it may have stolen, it's probably not wise to let loose a program that starts to trample over your hard drives, making changes."

Finland To Legalize Use of Unsecured Wi-Fi
June 11, 2010

The Finnish Ministry of Justice has started preparing changes to a current law that criminalizes using unsecured wireless hot spots.

The reasoning includes the impossibility of tracking unlawful use, the ease of securing networks, and the lack of real damage done by this activity. It is also hard for a user to know if an unsecured network is intended for public use or not. The increased ubiquity of legal, open networks in parks, airports, and other public places has also influenced this move by the Ministry of Justice.

Citizen Addresses Auto Theft By Cop To The Mayor
August 5, 2014

This young mother had her car impounded.

It was later determined that she was not the suspect they were looking for, nor was the vehicle the one they were looking for. The law requires all impounds be held a minimum of 30 days. Stockton Police sold this young woman's car before that 30 days was reached.

A Brief History of Mental Illness
by Bill Whittle
July 30, 2014

In this searing and personal Firewall, Bill Whittle talks about his Brief History of Mental Illness, how he managed to avoid going Full Progressive, the famous author who helped bring him back to sanity, and asks the fundamental question: "What if I'm wrong?"

Police Play NSA: Warrantless Data Collection the New Normal? Don't Cops Have Better Things to Do?!
by Rt America
July 18, 2014

Sacramento sheriff's deputies have been playing NSA. They tool around town with suitcase-sized StingRay surveillance devices in their squad cars, scooping up cellphone data from whomever happens to be within a one-mile radius.

The deputies have reportedly been doing their shady business without warrants, and dozens of law enforcement agencies nationwide may be doing likewise. But hey, what's the big deal? After all, the feds say it's OK. Not only that, but federal agents have even been telling local officers to keep their StingRay shenanigans hush hush. If a judge asks, the feds advise locals to say they obtained evidence, not from a StingRay, but from a "confidential source."

Shotspotter. Oakland Police admits it is always on and records conversation
by Wakeupoakland
June 17, 2014

If you ask if these can hear conversation they've said no. Now we know better. The question is are they always on.

It's true. They are admittedly like red light cameras. Capt Joyner told me directly. Why doesn't the reporter follow up? The mics she is talking about on this segment are less than 30ft from people's front yard. Where is the privacy policy? Where is the search warrant?


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