Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

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Giving away the secrets of 99.3% email delivery
by Far the Biggest Cause of Failed Email Delivery We See Is Due to Bad Email Addresses That Were Entered in to the System-Problems Like 'Joe
February 1, 2012

One of the most frequently asked questions we get is about how we handle mail delivery and ensure that emails are making it to people's inboxes.

First, some numbers to give a little context to what we mean by "a lot" of email. In the last 7 days, we've sent just shy of 16 million emails, with approximately 99.3% of them being accepted by the remote mail server. Email delivery rate is a little bit of a tough thing to benchmark, but by most accounts we're doing pretty well at those rates (for comparison, the tiny fraction of email that we use a third party for has had between a 96.9% and 98.6% delivery rate for our most recent mailings).

Trust is fragile
by The Way
January 16, 2012

Taylor's post about our growth in 2011 included a bunch of numbers showing how the pistons inside the 37signals engine are pounding faster, but it all got swept away by what seemed like an innocent side-note: The 100 millionth file was called cat.jpg.

Being as it is that the internet is constantly accused of being just an elaborate way of sharing pictures of cats, sharing pictures of cats, we thought that was funny. But it wasn't. We shouldn't make jokes about anything even remotely related to people's data. Because the natural train of thought from there goes: Hey, if they saw the file name cat.jpg and shared it with the world, what's to prevent them from sharing other data? Actual sensitive data, like Downsizing-Plans-2012.pdf? Hell, what if they're actually looking at my secret new logo and leak it to the press?

Why Attacking Application Exceptions is Important
January 4, 2012

Every week, a few of our programmers focus on responding to customer problems that might indicate a bigger issue with one of our applications.

In addition, we're constantly looking at issues (Rails exceptions, performance "hotspots", etc.) that don't bubble up to the customer level, but that are just "good housekeeping". Taking care of these issues can have both real and measurable impacts - for example, we reduced application exceptions by 43% in December, allowing us to proactively fix even more problems before customers noticed.

High-Fructose Corn Syrup vs. Corn Syrup: The Facts
January 18, 2010

High fructose corn syrup remains as one of the most controversial health topics.

The facts continue to pour out, and you have the ability to understand why corn syrup, and the variations of the substance, extremely hinders the health of people across the world.

State Law Enforcement to Test Saliva for Drugs
by Katie Kormann
July 21, 2013

Arkansas law enforcement may now test a person's saliva to determine if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Arkansas law enforcement may now test a person's saliva to determine if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The law was passed in March and went into effect July 17. Lieutenant Allan Marx with the Sebastian County Sheriff's Department was a driving force behind the changing law. He said before the Arkansas DWI law changed, officers could test a person's blood, urine and breath. Marx said while working a case last year, he learned about saliva testing and recognized a need for it in Arkansas. "If there's ever a new way, a new tool that we can use to help not only law enforcement but help the public and the safety of the people out there, it needs to be used," said Marx. "I believe this product is going to save lives."

Ten Laws to Design By
by Ross Johnson
July 27, 2010

As designers we have to be aware of the function of our work and design as much as we care about the aesthetics and visuals.

There are a lot of terms for the design of how the site functions and works, from "usability design" to "user experience," what remains constant is that if we want to become better designers we have to pair these two concepts together. Using clear and effective design laws as guides we can use proven formulas for better design. These laws both assist in the usability / experience of our design as well as the aesthetic values. Furthermore being able to refer and cite these laws when presenting or discussing design you can further establish yourself as a expert with justified reasons for your design choices.

War Veteran Files Federal Lawsuit Against Metro Police
by Joe Bartels and Chris Benka
May 3, 2013

A World War two veteran who said he was roughed up by a Metro Police officer filed a lawsuit claiming he was handcuffed and slammed to the ground because of a 311 call.

George Pappas and his wife of 64 years, Sippin, moved to Las Vegas last year. The couple was looking for peace and quiet, but he said all that changed when Metro came knocking on their door. Pappas said the officer explained they had been dispatched to his house because of a 311 call. George said neither of them called and then the officer asked to speak to George's wife. "I opened the door, he stood by the wall and I was at the door, and we talked for a little bit and then he said that he had to check to see if everybody wasOK in the house," Pappas said. "I said, 'My wife is very ill, I can't let you see her,' so he marched me out and said, 'You are going down,' by grabbing my hand, putting the handcuffs on the left hand, and throwing me on the ground."

Mother of Unarmed Man Killed by Police Sues Department
by Stephen Jackson
May 31, 2012

The family of an unarmed man shot and killed by Metropolitan Police Department officers have filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the department.

Celestine Gibson, the mother of Stanley Gibson, is suing Metro, asking for at least $20 million. Gibson was killed on December 12, 2011 while sitting in his car. He was unarmed. Police say they were called to the Alondra Condominium Complex to investigate a report that two men were trying to break in to a condo. When officers arrived, the suspects had apparently left the area. While officers were taking a report, Gibson pulled into the complex and parked. As police approached his vehicle, he started his car and tried to leave. Police pinned his car, keeping him from leaving the area, and tried to get him out of the vehicle.

Woman sues after being held 'hostage'
by Jamiel Lynch
July 29, 2014

A woman from Carbondale claims she suffered emotional and mental distress during an active shooter training exercise she claims she didn't know she was a part of.

Michelle Meeker is suing the Carbondale police chief and an officer. Her employer, the Heritage Park Care Center, where the exercise occurred October 13, 2013, is also listed in the complaint. In a complaint received by 9NEWS Tuesday, Meeker claims she was taken hostage by a man with a gun while at work at the assisted living center in Carbondale. Meeker says the gunman held her against her will while she begged for her life. According to the complaint, what she did not know at the time was that the man with the gun was a Carbondale police officer, and it was all a part of an active shooter drill that was taking place. Meeker claims that she was not informed of the training and suffered severe mental and emotional distress since the incident.

Make calls from locked iPhone 4s
by Brian Purkiss
October 25, 2010

A security hole in iPhone 4 software allows you to make a call after dialing a few pound signs and timing a few others as found by a MacForums member.


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