Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

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De-Railing Security Bugs
A List Apart
by Jeff Lembeck
February 5, 2013

Security should always be at the forefront of your mind when developing on the web, and for Ruby and Rails developers that has definitely been the case recently.

Multiple exploitations over the last month have sounded the alarms for anyone that has a Ruby or Ruby on Rails app deployed. How does this affect you? These bugs allow "attackers to bypass authentication systems, inject arbitrary SQL, inject and execute arbitrary code, or perform a DoS attack on a Rails application." To break that down: the attacker will have the full ability to run code on your system. With this security opening, they can now take over your server, and it doesn't stop there.

Dark Patterns: Deception vs. Honesty in UI Design
A List Apart
by Harry Brignull
November 1, 2011

We might not like to admit it but deception is deeply entwined with life on this planet. Insects evolved to use it, animals employ it in their behavior, and of course, we humans use it to manipulate, control, and profit from each other.

With this in mind it's no surprise that deception appears in various guises in user interfaces on the web today. What is surprising, though, is that up until recently it was something web designers never talked about. There was no terminology, no design patterns, and no real recognition of it as a phenomenon at all. If it wasn't a taboo it certainly felt like one.

Ron Paul confirms U.S. empire will suddenly collapse like Soviet Union did
by J. D. Heyes
October 18, 2013

Former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul doesn't seen a rosy future ahead for the United States. In fact, he sees a repeat of recent history - though not U.S. history - on the horizon.

"They're (Washington collectively) not going to work their way out of it, so it's just (all) going to collapse," he said. "Let's just keep working on the fact that, when we get around to rebuilding this whole entire system, that we do it the way it was intended originally, and actually improve upon it."

CDC, FDA, Industry experts on vaccine toxicity
by K.P. Stoller, M.D.
August 19, 2012

Selected vaccine authorities from CDC, FDA, and manufacturers discuss, in a closed meeting, the possibility of neurodevelopment disorders resulting from vaccine components.

The CDC published a study in late 2003, repudiating any possible link between thimerosal and developmental problems such as autism, but the CDC did have data supporting such a link which it secretively kept from the public. Documents released through the Freedom of Information Act detail the transcript of a meeting held in June of 2000 between members of the CDC, the FDA, and representatives from the vaccine industry. This top secret meeting was held to discuss a study done by Dr. Thomas Verstraeten and his co-workers using Vaccine Safety Datalink data as a project collaboration between the CDC's National Immunization Program (NIP) and four HMOs. The study examined the records of 110,000 children...

GRAPHIC! Watch Corporate Florida Police Brutalize Woman, Laugh As She Screams In Agony
September 13, 2013

Florida police brutalize woman. Break cheekbone, laugh about it and lie afterward.

This video might piss a few Floridians off, but it's doubtful many would be surprised. Especially any with any experience with law enforcement. Skip ahead to about 8:40, but be forewarned - this is extremely graphic, her screams are loud, and probably not safe for work. This is dashboard footage from a patrol car in Tallahassee, FL showing the arrest of a drunk woman who drove into a house. There were no injuries reported. After allowing the 110-pound woman back out of the car to give her a breathalyzer test, the "police" attempt to re-position her to administer the test. As she drunkenly and feebly pushes against one of the 250-pound officer's shoulders, he shouts "Don't f*cking TOUCH me!"and slams her head down into the cruiser's trunk lid right before pressing down into her head, putting a good deal of his weight on the forearm wedged into her skull.

How did America's police become a military force on the streets?
by Radley Balko
July 1, 2013

Are cops constitutional? In a 2001 article for the Seton Hall Constitutional Law Journal, the legal scholar and civil liberties activist Roger Roots posed just that question.

Roots, a fairly radical libertarian, believes that the U.S. Constitution doesn't allow for police as they exist today. At the very least, he argues, police departments, powers and practices today violate the document's spirit and intent. "Under the criminal justice model known to the framers, professional police officers were unknown," Roots writes. The founders and their contemporaries would probably have seen even the early-19th-century police forces as a standing army, and a particularly odious one at that. Just before the American Revolution, it wasn't the stationing of British troops in the colonies that irked patriots in Boston and Virginia; it was England's decision to use the troops for everyday law enforcement.

Judge Who Accused Cop of Striking Him Sees Cover-up in Refusal to Prosecute
by Debra Cassens Weiss
August 23, 2012

A New York judge who says a police officer struck him after apparently mistaking him for a heckler is blasting Queens District Attorney Richard Brown for refusing to prosecute.

Judge Thomas Raffaele claims Brown is orchestrating a cover-up, the New York Law Journal reports. A press release explaining the refusal to prosecute is full of falsehoods, Raffaele told the publication. "Everything they say is a lie." Raffaele has said the incident occurred on June 1 when a crowd had gathered as officers were making an arrest. One officer was ramming his knee into the back of a screaming handcuffed man, and the crowd was jeering, according to Raffaele's account. One officer appeared to be getting angry, and he ran toward the crowd and began hitting people, Raffaele said. Raffaele said he was the first one hit in "a full-force, open-hand blow to the front of my throat."

Girl Tasered at School
ABC 11 (NC)
by Ken Ward
January 13, 2006

BUNN - The family of a Franklin County girl wants to know why a school resource officer tasered her Thursday.

Angel Debnam was tasered Thursday at Bunn High School. "Something sticks in you, and it's like a wire," Debnam said. "When I was on the ground crying and shaking, he asked me, 'Was that enough' Are you calmed down now'' and he did it again."

Chicago Voter Database Hacked
ABC News (IL)
by Jake Tapper and Rebecca Abrahams
October 23, 2006

As if there weren't enough concerns about the integrity of the vote, a non-partisan civic organization today claimed it had hacked into the voter database for the 1.35 million voters in the city of Chicago.

Bob Wilson, an official with the Illinois Ballot Integrity Project hacked the database, which contains detailed information about hundreds of thousands of Chicago voters, including their Social Security numbers, and dates of birth.

Deadly flu outbreak shuts centres for disabled
August 3, 2012

Two Hunter region facilities for the disabled are in lock-down after a flu-outbreak and the deaths of three residents who had suffered flu-like symptoms.

In the past week, two men in their 60s and a woman aged in her 40s died at the Stockton and Kanangra Centres. 51 residents are now being treated for the flu and strict infection control measures have been introduced at the centres which house 450 people. The Opposition Health spokesman, Doctor Andrew McDonald says he is concerned that it may be a new strain of flu. "This is a great concern because most of these people had been vaccinated against the flu," he said.


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