Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

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Hillary's Scandals from Whitewater to Emailgate
October 15, 2016

In this video, it is revealed that Hillary Clinton used the White House as a way to funnel money to powerful friends while her husband was president. Anyone who crossed Hillary died under mysterious circumstances. Hillary has managed to keep her past quie

Hillary has made billions off the American taxpayers in illegal schemes and backroom deals. Despite spending millions on media damage control and a legal team, Clinton can't stop Americans from seeing this video and discovering the truth about her antics. In this video, it is revealed that Hillary Clinton used the White House as a way to funnel money to powerful friends while her husband was president. Anyone who crossed Hillary died under mysterious circumstances. Hillary has managed to keep her past quiet with fear and threats, but a brave few are willing to speak out.

2 Bristol residents charged with participating in IRS telephone scam
by Samantha Schoenfeld
September 15, 2016

Either you or someone you know has probably gotten a scam phone call threatening you to pay up. Some say that a child or grandchild is in jail and needs bail money.

On Thursday, federal authorities arrested Nancy Frye, 50, and Douglas Martin, 52, both of Bristol, and charged them with wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud. They each face a maximum of 20 years in prison.

Attention, College Students: Chromebooks Are About to Get Awesome
by David Pierce
August 19, 2016

HERE'S SOME UNHELPFUL back-to-school advice: Don't buy a laptop. Borrow one, steal one from a family member, buy a piece of junk for 40 bucks on Craigslist. If you can find a way to wait a couple of months before dropping serious coin on a new clamshell.

Later this fall, Apple's almost certainly going to release a new MacBook Pro, which is desperately in need of a revamp. And there will be Windows PCs practically falling from the ceiling-maybe even a few made by Microsoft itself. But the real reason to hold off on your purchase is to wait for the new breed of Chromebooks that are on their way.

U.S. Senator Calls for Federal Investigation of Billboards Spying on the Public
by Nicholas West
May 4, 2016

At issue is a new type of billboard that uses facial recognition surveillance combined with mobile phone tracking to study travel and shopping patterns.

Several years ago a notice appeared at Promenade Temecula in California, and Short Pump Town Center in Richmond, Va. which advised shoppers that their cell phone signal would be used to track them as they move from store to store. Despite privacy assurances, that test-run produced enough outrage to force the UK maker of the technology, Path Intelligence, as well as mall management to halt the surveillance.

800-Pound, Cattle-Munching Gator Shot Dead
by Nina Golgowski
April 12, 2016

A monster alligator, said to weigh 800 pounds, was recently hauled out of Florida's marshes after being blamed for snacking on a landowner's cattle, and now this ravenous reptile, given to charity, will be a meal for some hungry humans.

The huge beast was pulled Saturday from a pond at private hunting grounds near Okeechobee. Its head appeared to be the size of a small boy. Blake Godwin, a hunting guide for Outwest Farms, which offers wild boar, alligator and turkey hunts, said they found the gator with the remains of some of their missing livestock.

Stealing your thunder: why geoengineering is one of science's most contested terrains
by Joshi Herrmann
April 10, 2016

Giant mirrors in space, boats that create artificial clouds and special air balloons being readied for the next time a major volcano erupts - geoengineering is an area of science with so many fantastical possibilities.

It is also one of science's most contested terrains. Broadly defined as the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the environment and also known as "climate intervention", geoengineering is a field that potentially promises a dramatic Plan B for Earth's impending climate catastrophe, but some say it could lead to war and famine for millions.

The U.N.'s World Religion Will Cut Out Your Soul and Reduce the Population by 95%
April 5, 2016

Much has been written about the 1000 UN sponsored Temple of Baals being constructed in China, UK and the US. What is not being talked about enough is the fact that this represents the establishment of a one-world religion and the elimination of all other

This religion guided by Satan is pitting Muslims vs. Christians. It promotes pedophilia and every other perverted form of human interaction! This religion will cut out our soul and be used to depopulate the planet by 95%. When will this happen? It will happen yesterday. This is already underway. The interview with Dr. Broer commences about 8 minutes into the hour. Dr. Broer links the Temple of Baal to every occult practice and the elimination of all free will. This is spiritual genocide.

Global warming: Cooling the earth down
by R. Rajaraman
April 3, 2016

The Paris Conference last year primarily discussed plans to reduce carbon emissions, which is understandable as this is the most immediate item for action. But other measures for dealing with global warming.

Today, climate engineering efforts are viewed either as secondary measures to be undertaken alongside reducing emissions or as technologies which have not matured enough to warrant discussion by world leaders. But the situation can change dramatically in the future. Even if all the national commitments made in Paris are fulfilled, the effects of global warming will inevitably worsen in the near term. As nations struggle to reduce emissions even further, alternative solutions using engineering innovations will increasingly gain currency.

Lawmakers Seek Geoengineering Disclosure for Rhode Island
by Phillip Schneider
March 29, 2016

In a battle to halt government sponsored wide-scale climate modification, also known as 'solar radiation management,' two Rhode Island legislators have introduced a bill that seeks to stop geoengineering in the state.

The two representatives, Karen MacBeth (Dem), and Justin Price (Rep), have teamed up in a bi-partisan effort to pass "The Climate GeoEngineering Act of 2016", a bill that would help the state of Rhode Island monitor this largely secretive program, potentially revealing more information to the public about geoengineering projects happening around the United States.

Fukushima At Five: Reflections on the Crime, the Cover-up and the Future of Nuclear Energy
by Michael Welch
March 18, 2016

Nuclear expert Arnold Gundersen called it, "the biggest industrial catastrophe in the history of mankind."

It's been five years since a tsunami triggered by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility resulting in three meltdowns and the release of copious amounts of radioactive debris into the atmosphere and the Pacific Ocean.


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