Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

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San Mateo County DA vows to prosecute too touchy SFO security pat downs
November 16, 2010

The San Mateo district attorney's office has a warning for all TSA personnel at SFO -- anyone inappropriately touching a passenger during a security pat down will be prosecuted.

Incoming San Mateo DA Steve Wagstaffe says any complaints of inappropriate touching during an airport security pat down will land on his desk. "The case would be reviewed and if we could prove the elements of it, that it was inappropriately done with a sexual or lewd intent, that person would be prosecuted," he said. The charge -- sexual battery.

China calls for new global currency
by Abc News
April 17, 2015

China is calling for a global currency to replace the dominant dollar, showing a growing assertiveness on revamping the world economy ahead of next week's London summit on the financial crisis.

The surprise proposal by Beijing's central bank governor reflects unease about its vast holdings of U.S. government bonds and adds to Chinese pressure to overhaul a global financial system dominated by the dollar and Western governments. Both the United States and the European Union brushed off the idea.

Police Say Fatal Shooting Came After Altercation
by Jim Salter
August 10, 2014

An angry crowd of a couple hundred people marched into a suburban St. Louis County police department Sunday morning, demanding answers a day after a police officer shot and killed an 18-year-old black man.

An unarmed 18-year-old black man was shot and killed by police in suburban St. Louis after an altercation that involved two people and an officer, authorities said Sunday while hundreds of protesters demanded answers outside. Police have not disclosed the name of the man who was killed, but family members say it was 18-year-old Michael Brown.

NYPD Stop-and-Frisk Database Lawsuit Settled
by Larry Neumeister
August 7, 2013

City officials will no longer store the names and addresses of people whose cases are dismissed after a police stop under an agreement that settles a lawsuit over the stop-and-frisk issue.

The deal signed Tuesday resulted from a May 2010 lawsuit brought in state court in Manhattan by the New York Civil Liberties Union. The civil rights group announced the settlement Wednesday, saying the New York Police Department will no longer store the names of people who are stopped, arrested or issued a summons when those cases are dismissed or resolved with a fine for a noncriminal violation. "Though much still needs to be done, this settlement is an important step toward curbing the impact of abusive stop-and-frisk practices," said Christopher Dunn, associate legal director of the NYCLU and lead counsel in the case.

Rand Paul: Chris Christie Is the 'King of Bacon'
by Arlette Saenz
July 30, 2013

The feud between two potential GOP presidential contenders escalated today as Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie traded barbs about "pork" and "bacon" throughout the day.

In an interview on CNN's "The Situation Room" with Wolf Blitzer, Paul nicknamed Christie the "King of Bacon" after the New Jersey governor accused him of engaging in "pork barrel spending." "This is the king of bacon talking about bacon," Paul said.

6 Police Misconduct Settlements Worth Millions
by ABC News
April 30, 2013

When police abuse their authority everyone loses. Victims may get hurt or even lose their life, police damage their credibility and taxpayers end up shouldering huge payouts to victims and their families.

Last week, the Los Angeles Police Department settled a lawsuit brought against it by two women officers mistakenly shot at during the Dorner manhunt in February. The settlement will cost the city $4.2 million and attorneys called it "a bargain." Here's a list of recent settlements paid out to victims of police misconduct...

Tasered 10-Year-Old Boy Sues Police
by Lida Alikhani
November 2, 2012

A 10-year-old boy attending a Tularosa, N.M., Intermediate School's Career Day expected it to be fun and educational, but instead he ended up in the emergency room.

The boy, identified as R.D., blacked out after receiving 50,000 volts of electricity when struck by a police officer's Taser gun. Rachel Higgins, a guardian appointed by the court to protect the child's privacy filed a lawsuit Oct. 26 in 1st Judicial District Court in Santa Fe County against Police Officer Chris Webb and the New Mexico Department of Public Safety on behalf of R.D., claiming that Webb fired his electronic control weapon at the boy on May 4, 2012. Webb has been charged with battery, failure to render emergency medical care, unreasonable seizure and excessive force.

ABC News Tracks Missing iPad To Florida Home of TSA Officer
by Megan Chuchmach
September 26, 2012

In the latest apparent case of what have been hundreds of thefts by TSA officers of passenger belongings, an iPad left behind at a security checkpoint in the Orlando airport was tracked as it moved 30 miles to the home of the TSA officer last seen handling it. Confronted two weeks later by ABC News, the TSA officer, Andy Ramirez, at first denied having the missing iPad, but ultimately turned it over after blaming his wife for taking it from the airport.

Lawsuit: Gmail and Yahoo! Invade Privacy, Even If You Don't Have An Email Account With Them
by Abby Ellin
June 29, 2012

A lawsuit contends that Gmail and Yahoo! email invade privacy--even if you don't have an email account with them.

By now most of us have accepted a fact of the digital age: If, say, we write the word "eyeglasses" in the body of an email, advertisements for LensCrafters and Armani specs will most likely pop up on our computer screens soon. We may not like it, but we understand that we trade privacy for the convenience of modern technology. But some California residents have decided to take a stand against it, and have filed two class action lawsuits against Google and Yahoo in Marin County Superior Court. The suits, filed on June 12 and June 28, claim that the web giants illegally intercept emails sent from individual non-Gmail and non-Yahoo subscribers to individual Gmail and Yahoo subscribers, without their knowledge, consent or permission. What's more, they say the interception takes place before the email reaches its intended target.

Police Stop, Handcuff Every Adult at Intersection in Search for Bank Robber
by Erin McLaughlin
June 4, 2012

Police in Aurora, Colo., searching for suspected bank robbers stopped every car at an intersection, handcuffed all the adults and searched the cars, one of which they believed was carrying the suspect.

Police said they had received what they called a "reliable" tip that the culprit in an armed robbery at a Wells Fargo bank committed earlier was stopped at the red light. "We didn't have a description, didn't know race or gender or anything, so a split-second decision was made to stop all the cars at that intersection, and search for the armed robber," Aurora police Officer Frank Fania told ABC News.


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