Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

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"Some people call it a recession, I think it's a depression"
Hot Air
by Erika Johnsen
July 3, 2012

You and I have that in common, Congressman Waxman.

But acknowledging the depths to which this not-technically-a-recession/depression is plaguing America's productivity is where Rep. Henry Waxman (D-California) and my similarities end, because I've just about had it with liberals blaming the 'inherited' economy on Bush, acting like President Obama is completely innocent and didn't do anything to add to the deficits, and lamenting that our republic is functioning exactly the way it was intended to function.

"Stuxnet" Designer Should Be Person of the Year
by Philip Klein
December 15, 2010

Today, Time magazine gave its "Person of the Year" honor to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, but another computer programer may have had a far greater impact on world events...

...the person (people?) who designed the "Stuxnet" virus that by a number of accounts has been a huge setback to the Iranian nuclear program. The Jerusalem Post has spoken with the German computer whiz who has been studying the virus, and he's concluded...

"The ABUSE Is That The Govt Is Collecting This In The First Place Without Suspicion Of Wrong Doing!"
August 10, 2013

"The New Debate in the Republican Party Needs to be Between Conservatives and Libertarians" - Reason Magazine
by Nick Gillespie & Matt Welch
April 12, 2012

Sen. Jim DeMint talks about the looming fiscal crisis and the future of the GOP.

"A lot of the libertarian ideals that Ron Paul is talking about...should not be alien to any Republican," Sen. Jim DeMint said during an interview at reason's Washington, D.C., offices in late January. Encouraging words from a South Carolina Republican who has earned a reputation as one of his party's strongest voices for fiscal conservatism during his six years in the House of Representatives and six years in the Senate. Yet right after the 2010 midterm elections brought a wave of DeMint-backed Tea Party freshmen to Capitol Hill, the Palmetto State's junior senator proclaimed that "you can't be a fiscal conservative and not be a social conservative," a comment that was widely viewed as a slap at libertarians.

"The View" on TSA: National Opt Out Day is sort of an act of terrorism, isn't it?
November 26, 2010

So says Whoopi (with Hasselbeck in agreement) because, after all, long lines at security checkpoints could theoretically "cripple air traffic."

I suppose that's true, but of course crippling industries via organized strikes is also a cherished tactic of unions - and somehow I can't imagine our panel here reaching quite the same heights of dudgeon in that case. I thought National Opt Out Day was stupid, but it was a perfectly legal means of protest. Some air travelers wanted TSA to change its behavior so they tried to inflict a little economic and bureaucratic pain. If the flight attendants walked out over a wage dispute, I might be annoyed but my mind wouldn't leap to an Al Qaeda analogy.

"There's never just one cockroach in the kitchen."
F-Secure Weblog
by Sean
July 12, 2012

There's a reaction to yesterday's post which suggests we find fault with Google for "not doing their job" by letting malware into Play. No. We didn't take Google to task on the matter of prevention. It's about its response.

It literally took less than 10 seconds for us to locate a second dummy account being used to push alternate versions of Dropdialer. Google's Android Security team had already removed the first two threats more than six hours earlier. Why was the "Vahtang Maliev" account still online? Does "Android Security" not know how to utilize Google Search?

"Too much public scrutiny and too much free speech"
by Tim Lynch
June 12, 2012

The executive director of North Carolina's Police Benevolent Association says there is a 'conspiracy' against the Fayetteville Police Department and is seeking a federal probe of those lodging complaints against that department.

John Midgette, head of the N.C. Police Benevolent Association, has treated us to a doozy of a warm-up act. Let's watch and see what else he's got. Midgette, presumably speaking for the organization and its membership, last week delivered himself of an oration against unnamed conspirators bent on undermining the Fayetteville Police Department. Chief Tom Bergamine, who leaves the department June 18, wasn't there to hear his jurisdiction described as awash in crime and "a cesspool of corruption and anti-police hatred," and offered no immediate comment.

"Trophy Bodies" Display of Children Throats Cut Girl Beheaded by Obama, McCain Allies
September 12, 2013

This is without a doubt the most vile and disgusting thing I have every seen in my life. There is nothing human in the way these barbaric animals think or behave.

This is the enemy of America that Barack Hussein Obama and John McCain support in our names. These are Hellish Demons, who defy description. We Must Defeat Them.....We Cannot Permit What Is Supposedly Our Government To Help Them in Their Murder of Innocent Children. You hear their raves of "Allahu Akbar" in this insane fervor they are worked into.

"Turn Your Camera Off" .... "No, Fuck You!"
by Carlos Miller
February 27, 2013

In what is probably the most educating 30 seconds you will spend today, a man drives by an accident scene in Kentucky with his camera recording, only to be ordered to turn his camera off.

The driver immediately tells him, "no, fuck you," and keeps driving. The video was posted today on Live Leak with the following description: "I was on my way home from work and saw a pickup upside down and decided to film it as we passed. No one was hurt in this accident. Right to film in public and freedom of speech are both used in this video lol." While it's not the most courteous response, it's even more discourteous to use a position of authority to bark an unlawful order.

"Utter devastation" after major quake, aftershocks hit New ...
by Charlotte Greenfield and Greg Stutchbury
November 17, 2016

At least two people killed. Helicopter teams head to worst-hit area, as hundreds of aftershocks rattle nerves.

A powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake pummelled central New Zealand early on Monday, killing at least two people, damaging roads and buildings and setting off hundreds of strong aftershocks. Emergency response teams flew by helicopter to the region at the epicentre of the tremor, which struck just after midnight some 91 km (57 miles) northeast of Christchurch in the South Island, amid reports of injuries and collapsed buildings.


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