Security News and Issues

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Judge Accused of Raping Prostitute Will Put Away His Gavel
by David Lat
July 27, 2011

A New Mexico judge who has been accused of raping a prostitute has decided to resign from the bench.

Here's a quick update on the unfortunate tale of Albert "Pat" Murdoch, the New Mexico state court judge who has been accused of raping a prostitute. He will be retiring from the bench, as of Friday, and he has agreed never to seek another judicial office in the state. (Maybe he should run for elective office? It worked out for Alcee Hastings, who successfully ran for Congress after getting impeached from his federal judgeship.)

71-year-old taken to the ground for questioning Paul Ryan
by Pointr97
August 12, 2012

I guess this sets the tone for what we should expect. Are we really surprised?

The old man didn't exactly use tact by expressing his view, but I can understand the frustration he is feeling to watch everything you work for get pissed away and they don't care. They (both sides) just don't care about anything other than staying in control.

Sex offender nabbed for sexual assault of toddler | ABS-CBN News | Latest Philippine Headlines, Breaking News, Video, Analysis, Features
by Balitang America Staff
December 4, 2010

CALIFORNIA -- Police arrested a registered sex offender on suspicion of sexually assaulting a 2-year-old girl in a discount store in Union City, California.

Union City police said Eugene Ramos, 36, snatched the child in an aisle of a Dollar Store and assaulted her last Wednesday, while the child's grandmother and mother were shopping in the next aisle.

IRS Created 'Special Project Team' of 'Hundreds of Lawyers' to Hide Information from Congress | American Center for Law and Justice
by Jay Sekulow
June 5, 2015

New testimony reveals that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) used “hundreds of attorneys” to hide critical information from Congress’s investigation of the IRS targeting of conservatives.

According to new congressional bombshell testimony today, the IRS set up a previously unknown “special project team” comprised of “hundreds of attorneys,” including the IRS Chief Counsel (one of only two politically appointed positions at the IRS). The “special project” this team was given? Concealing information from Congress.

The IRS Scandal Escalates
by Jay Sekulow
July 18, 2013

Everything we have heard from the IRS and the Obama Admin about the targeting of the Tea Party seems to end up being proven false, one by one, as the congressional investigation and our lawsuit on behalf of 41 targeted conservative groups continues.

The latest bombshell revelation comes from congressional testimony of senior IRS attorneys directly involved in the targeting of the Tea Party that IRS Chief Counsel's office was directly involved in targeting the Tea Party, delaying their applications, and developing the unconstitutional and intrusive inquire process. IRS Chief Counsel William Wilkins is a direct political appointee of President Obama in 2009 and significantly calls into question the Obama Administration's ever evolving timeline of who knew what when, but even more importation who directed and orchestrated the targeting of the Tea Party.

Abortion-Pill Accommodation Unacceptable
by Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice (aclj)
June 27, 2013

Less than 24 hours after being socked on the chin by the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in the Hobby Lobby case, the Obama Administration showed that it is still incapable of understanding reality when it comes to religious liberty.

In the latest version of the "Final Rules" - known better as the "HHS Mandate" - the Administration offers religious groups such as the Little Sisters of the Poor and Louisiana Baptist College the same carrot they've been dangling before them for over a year - "you provide your employees a health insurance plan that excludes drugs you have religious objections to, including abortion-inducing drugs, and we'll magically make sure they get them anyway." How this is to happen technically is spelled out in 110 pages of bureaucratic gobbledygook that has as a goal (so the government assures us) "respecting the concerns of nonprofit religious organizations that object to contraceptive coverage." The Founders didn't need 110 pages - or even one page -- to protect religious liberty. They needed only one sentence, the sentence that stands at the top of our Bill of Rights...

Letters of Intimidation from IRS Lois Lerner
by Jay Sekulow
May 23, 2013

We now know that Lois Lerner, the Director of Exempt Organizations for the Internal Revenue Service - who refused to testify before a House committee by invoking the Fifth Amendment - has a paper trail that reveals her direct involvement.

As you know, ACLJ represented 27 Tea Party organizations in 17 states. Of those, 15 received their tax-exempt status after lengthy delays, 10 are still pending, and two clients withdrew their applications because of frustration with the IRS process. Consider the timeline. We now know through her own testimony and from the Inspector General's report that Lerner was briefed about this unlawful targeting scheme in June 2011. But nine months later, beginning in March 2012, she sent cover letters to many of our clients - demanding additional information and forwarding intrusive questionnaires. In fact, in March and April of 2012, Lerner sent 15 letters to 15 different clients (including those who were approved after lengthy delays and those who are still pending).

Protecting Third-Grader's Right to Wear a Cross Necklace
by Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice (aclj)
March 7, 2013

A third-grade student's mother at a public school in California requested the ACLJ's assistance to ensure that the student may continue to express his religious faith by openly wearing a cross necklace while he is on school grounds.

The student often wears a cross necklace to school to symbolize his Christian faith, which has grown especially important to him after he and his siblings survived a dangerous car accident with virtually no physical injuries. On multiple occasions, however, both his teacher and the principal have scolded him for wearing his cross necklace so that it is visible to other students and have required him to hide the necklace under his shirt because it is a religious symbol.

Report Finds NSA Surveillance Harming Journalism and Law
July 28, 2014

Because freedom can't protect itself Government Spying Undermines Media Freedom and Right to Counsel, ACLU- Human Rights Watch Shows

Large-scale U.S. surveillance is seriously hampering U.S.-based journalists and lawyers in their work, the American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch said in a joint report released today. Surveillance is undermining media freedom and the right to counsel, and ultimately obstructing the American people's ability to hold their government to account, the groups said. The 120-page report, "With Liberty to Monitor All: How Large-Scale U.S. Surveillance is Harming Journalism, Law, and American Democracy," is based on extensive interviews with dozens of journalists, lawyers, and senior U.S. government officials. It documents how national security journalists and lawyers are adopting elaborate steps or otherwise modifying their practices to keep communications, sources, and other confidential information secure in light of revelations of unprecedented U.S. government surveillance of electronic communications and transactions. The report finds that government surveillance and secrecy are undermining press freedom, the public's right to information, and the right to counsel, all human rights essential to a healthy democracy.

Another Day, Another 124 Violent SWAT Raids
by Kara Dansky
June 26, 2014

It's 3:00 a.m. Your children are screaming and your dog is lying dead in a pool of blood. Scorch marks and shattered glass cover the floor. You're being held at gunpoint by towering figures wearing black and holding AK-47s.

This isn't a Hollywood movie set. Odds are this is a predawn SWAT raid targeting a family of color. Mission objective: search the home for a small amount of drugs. There are an estimated 45,000 SWAT raids every year. That means this sort of violent, paramilitary raid is happening in about 124 homes every day - or more likely every night - not in an overseas combat zone, but here in American neighborhoods. The police, who are supposed to serve and protect communities, are instead waging war on the people who live in them.


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