Security News and Issues

Each day owning a computer and maintaining it online becomes more of a challenge. Security is a major concern to computer users. SaferPC brings you Security News and Issues of interest to security conscious PC users.

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$3M in gold nuggets stolen from Calif. courthouse
CNS News
February 2, 2012

Thieves have stolen $3 million worth of gold nuggets from a lobby display case inside a courthouse in California gold country.

$42.6 million FEMA trailer settlements approved
CNS News
by Michael Kunzelman
September 27, 2012

A federal judge gave his final approval Thursday to a $42.6 million class-action settlement between companies that made and installed government-issued trailers after hurricanes in 2005 and Gulf Coast storm victims who claim they were exposed to hazardous fumes while living in the shelters. U.S. District Judge Kurt Engelhardt ruled from the bench after hearing from attorneys who brokered a deal resolving nearly all remaining court claims over elevated levels of formaldehyde in trailers provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency following hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

$5 Million Class Action Suit Filed Against LinkedIn Over Security Breach
The Web Host Industry Review
by Justin Lee
June 20, 2012

An Illinois woman is organizing a class action lawsuit against professional social networking site LinkedIn, arguing that the site failed to meet "industry standard" security practices.

Though LinkedIn said that only a "small subset of the hashed passwords was decoded and published," security site Sophos said the number of decrypted LinkedIn passwords is actually closer to 60 percent. Last year, a security analyst reported that LinkedIn is open to security flaws that could potentially allow hackers to breach users' accounts without the need for their passwords. Katie Szpyrka, who has been a LinkedIn member since 2010, said LinkedIn "failed to properly safeguard its users' digitally stored personally identifiable information including email addresses, passwords, and login credentials."

$50 billion Sandy relief bill somehow passes House with just 49 Republican votes
Hot Air
by Allahpundit
January 15, 2013

I remember some consternation in the media a few weeks ago after Boehner split the original $60 billion relief package into two smaller bills that this meant the GOP was going to gut part of it.

Absurd. Did anyone seriously believe Boehner et al. would risk more bad press by stripping out the pork after Chris Christie threw a big tantrum about how evil his own party was for even delaying the initial vote? I hereby retract my skepticism that the GOP leadership collectively has no balls.

$500 Million Medicaid Fraud Ring Broken Up
Personal Liberty Alerts
by Upi - United Press International, Inc.
July 18, 2012

Charges were unsealed in New York Tuesday against 48 suspects accused of diverting hundreds of millions of dollars in Medicaid prescription drugs.

The U.S. Justice Department said the fraud cost Medicaid more than an estimated $500 million in reimbursements for pills diverted into the second-hand black market. Thirty-four suspects were arrested Tuesday morning. Fifteen defendants were taken into custody in New York and New Jersey, and one defendant from the area was expected to surrender. The 16 defendants were scheduled to appeal before a U.S. magistrate in New York.

$500,000 Worth Of Computers Stolen From Miami Business
Local 10 (FL)
November 11, 2005

MIAMI -- More than a month has passed since $500,000 worth of computers was stolen from a Miami business, and police are still looking for the individuals responsible for the heist.

Police said two men broke into Prosys Information Systems Oct. 8 and, along with two others, made off with computer laptops and desktops during a four-hour robbery. Surveillance video shows two men wearing ski masks driving up to the front of Prosys in a Lincoln Navigator trying to break in. After attempts to open the hurricane shutters failed, video shows one of the men smashing the window and entering the code to deactivate the alarm.

$5B Camo Snafu
by Erik German
June 24, 2012

Army ditches failed combat uniform that put a target on grunts' backs for 8 years

Over the next year, America's largest fighting force is swapping its camouflage pattern. The move is a quiet admission that the last uniform - a pixelated design that debuted in 2004 at a cost of $5 billion - was a colossal mistake. Soldiers have roundly criticized the gray-green uniform for standing out almost everywhere it's been worn. Industry insiders have called the financial mess surrounding the pattern a "fiasco."

$6.2M settlement in 2003 Chicago protest lawsuit, lawyers paid $5M
by Bill Cameron
June 6, 2012

Chicago aldermen in committee have approved the multi-million dollar tab to settle lawsuits charging police misconduct at the 2003 Iraq War protests here in Chicago. Lawyers will make millions from taxpayers.

On top of the $6.2 million being paid to plaintiffs, their lawyers are being paid $5 million. Mayor Emanuel's Corporation Counsel Stephen Patton says the city learned lessons from the cases and applied them to the NATO protests and the earlier Occupy Chicago protests. "Folks in both of those protesters were arrested only after extensive notice, and repeated notice. And an opportunity to leave and avoid arrest if they chose to do so."

$619 billion missed from federal transparency site
August 7, 2014

A government website intended to make federal spending more transparent was missing at least $619 billion from 302 federal programs, a government audit has found.

And the data that does exist is wildly inaccurate, according to the Government Accountability Office, which looked at 2012 spending data. Only 2% to 7% of spending data on is "fully consistent with agencies' records," according to the report. Among the data missing from the 6-year-old federal website...

$67 Million for 300 Traffic Cameras: Guess the City
by Scott Shackford
July 18, 2013

It's Chicago, of course. And this is what the city gets after a bribery scandal pushed one contractor out of the bidding process.

The Chicago Tribune reports: Mayor Rahm Emanuel's administration finalized a $67 million, five-year contract to install up to 300 cameras to catch speeders around city schools and parks, but a slow rollout could mean as few as 50 locations operating this year, the city and vendor confirmed Wednesday. The program sold by the mayor as a child-safety initiative could eventually mean hundreds of millions of dollars in ticket revenue for the city. But Emanuel reduced his initial projection of $30 million in ticket revenue this year to $15 million, due to a combination of technical delays and the bribery scandal that engulfed the city's red light camera vendor amid a series of Tribune stories that began last year.


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