Updates 2024-11-12

Happy Thanksgiving, Folks!

Today is Patch Tuesday for November, 2024.

Hold the line: do not upgrade to 24H2 yet. There have been quite a few issues. Let everyone else be the guinea pigs.

Windows 10 now has only 11 months of support left. If your computer can not be upgraded to Windows 11 either start planning for a switch to Linux or replacing your computer.

There are critical security updates for all supported Apple products and (as is now the norm) new critical security updates for every browser every single week.

QuickBooks Desktop 2025 will be released later this month, and on November 1st all previous versions of QuickBooks Desktop will be end-of-life (EOL).

Windows Server 2025 has been released. And it’s “accidentally” being force-installed on recent Windows Server builds.

Entrust certificates are being disavowed as soon as today. There have been months to prepare, but this will still kill off about 0.1% of active SSL certificates.

There were 645+ major hacks and over 525 application updates this month.
It’s a huge month, with about 5 GB of updates for most users.

This Month in Technology

1st Credentialing, 1StopBedrooms, 1stUnited Credit Union, 20 Canadian government networks, 5.11, Abbott Laboratories Employees Credit Union, Absolute Machine Tools, Acadian Ambulance Service, Inc, Accounting Resource Group, Acko.ru, Action Heating & Cooling, Adguard Home, ADT, Advanced Accounting & Business Advisory, Advanced Recovery Equipment & Supplies, AeoTec Smart Home Hub, AEP, Air Specialists Heating & Air Conditioning, Al Ahly SC, Al Fajer School, Alliance Laundry Systems, AlpineReplay, Altenen, Amazon, Ambica Steels, American Mechanical, Inc, American Medical Billing, American River College, American Water, Amourgis & Associates, Android, ANU Enterprise, Apache Mills, Inc, Apache Solr, Apex, Apple iPhone, Apple macOS, Arango Billboard, Arctrade, Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Asheville Arthritis Centre, Aspen Healthcare, Astac, Atlantic Coast Consulting Inc, Atlantic Medical Management, ATSG Inc, AudoCAD, Australian Nursing Home Foundation, Aviva Spain, Axis Health System, Ayurvedic Herbs Online, Azure AI, Bahrain government, Banco Sucredito Regional, Barnes Cohen and Sullivan, Bel-Air Bay Club Ltd, Belle Tire, Berling.gr, Berridge Manufacturing Co, Bethalto School District, Birth Choice of San Marcos, Blackburn College, Bliss Worldwide, BNBuilders, Boart Longyear, Boston Children’s Health Physicians, Brandenburger Plumbing, Brazil’s SAIC, BrightStar Care, BSN Sports, Bucharest’s District 5 City Hall, Buenos Aires, Burgess Kilpatrick, Bury Council, UK, BWD Technology, By Design LLC, Byerly Aviation, C & C Industries, Caleb & Brown, Calgary Public Library, California Department of Social Services, Call of Duty, Campus.gov.il, Canon imageCLASS MF656Cdw, Cape Cod Regional Technical High School, Cardiology of Virginia, Carolina Arthritis, CAS Software, Casio, Cathexis Holdings LP, Center for Urban Community Services, Central Pennsylvania Food Bank, Central Tickets, Centreon, CGR Technologies, Cheasapeake Regional Information System for our Patients, Inc, Chicago Cardiology Institute, Children’s Health Ireland, Chimienti & Associates, CIIT Wah, Cisco DevHub, City of Sheboygan, CLAS Information Services, Clay Platte Family Medicine, Clayton Properties Group, Clear Connection, ClickFix, Club Vélez Sarsfield, College of Business – Tanzania, Columbus, OH, Comcast, Community Day School, Community Dental in Portland, Compex Legal Services Inc, Compound, Continental Casualty Company, CoPilot, Cordogan Clark and Associates, Cornerstone Healthcare Group Management Services LLC, Corporate Job Bank, Costa Del Sol Hotels, Cottonwood Union School District, Country Club El Bosque, Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, CreaGen Inc, CreditRiskMonitor, Crypto Vеnturе Cаpitаl, CSU Contracting, Cucamonga Valley Water District, CUSO Financial Services, LP, CyberPanel, D-Link routers, Dana Safety Supply, De Rose Lawyers, Delfin Design & Manufacturing, Delta Electronics CNCSoft-G2, Delta Electronics DIAScreen, Delta Electronics InfraSuite, Dennis Kirk, Department of Occupational Safety and Health (Malaysia), Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network, Devtron, DieTech North America, Dietzgen Corporation, digiDirect, Diligent Delivery Systems, Directorate for Combating Organised Crime, Disney World, DMEScripts, Doctors Regional Cancer Center, DoctorsToYou, DocuSign, Dohman, Akerlund & Eddy, Dome Construction, Doscast, DR Butler and Associates, Dr.Web, Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service, Dstat.cc, Dudley Council, UK, Eagle Industries, Eagle Recovery Associates, Earth 2, Easterseals, EasyPay, Ecovacs, EIGEN Holdings, Elections Nova Scotia, Embody Performance & Recovery, Empower Management Group, English Construction Company, Epicor Software Corporation, Equalize, Equator Worldwide, Ericsson codechecker, ESET, European External Action Service, Evergreen Public Schools, Exeter City Council, Eye Clinic Surgicenter, Fair Vote Canada, Fairfield Memorial Hospital, Falo, Family Medical Center in Mount Airy, Federal Board of Revenue (Pakistan), Fidelity Investments, Firefox, First Nations Health Authority, Fiskars, Fitzgerald, DePietro & Wojnas, FloridaCentral, Floyd County Public Schools, Followmont TransportPty, Food Sciences Corporation, Form I-9 Compliance, Fortinet FortiManager, Fortis, Fractal ID, France’s Ministry of Labour and Employment, Free (ISP), Freedom Home Care, Fromm, Funadmin, Funlab, Fylde Coast Academy Trust, Game Freak, Gandara Mental Health Center, General Physician, PC, German Chamber of Commerce, GitLab, Globe Life, Gluckstein Personal Injury Lawyers, Google Scholar, Goshen Central School District, Grafana, Granite School District, Gryphon Healthcare, GSR Andrade Architects, Guardian Healthcare, H&R Block Canada, Hafetz and Associates, Harris Personal Injury, Hawaii State Judiciary, Health & Palliative Services of the Treasure Coast, Healthcare Management Systems, Healthfund Solutions, Hemel Hempstead Council, UK, Henry County Schools, Henry Schein, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Aruba OS, Holistix Treatment Center, Hope Valley Recovery, Hot Topic, Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles, Houston Housing Authority, Howell Electric Inc, HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 3301fdw, Hyundai, IBM Security Verify, Icedrive, IdeaLab, iFocus Consulting, Illumin8 Global, IM Cannabis, Immuno Laboratories, IMPAXX, InCare Technologies, Indian government email, India’s COVID-19 tracking platform, Indonesia’s E-Visa System, Infosys McCamish Systems LLC, Inner City Education Foundation, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI), Interbank, Interbel, International University of Sarajevo, Internet Archive (three times!), Intesa Sanpaolo Bank of Italy, IrfanView, Iron World Manufacturing, Israeli Ministry of National Security, Israeli Ministry of Welfare, Ivanhoe Club, Ivanti Cloud Services Appliance (CSA), Jacksonville Children’s Multispecialty Clinics, Jardine Aviation Services, Jillamy, Johnson & Johnson, Jomar Electrical Contractors, Jordan Ministry of Education, Jordan Public Schools, JS McCarthy Printers, Justice.fr, K&S Tool & Mfg Co, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Kaiser Permanente, Kansas City Hospice, Karman Inc, KEE Process, Kenana Sugar Company, KMC Controls, Knox Law Center, Konecta Group, Kubernetes Image Builder, Kuhn and Associates, Kulicke and Soffa Industries, L & B Transport, LLC, La Tazza D’oro, Lampard Community School, Landmark Admin, Laravel Reverb, Law Office of Omar O Vargas, Legacy Treatment Services, Lein Law Offices, Levales Solicitors LLP, LevelOne WBR-6012, Lexco, Lexmark CX331adwe, LG Electronics, LifeMine, Lincoln University, Linux Kernel, Long Island Plastic Surgical Group, Lorex cameras, Loring, Wolcott & Coolidge, LottieFiles Lotti-Player, Luxwood Software Tools, Magento Open Source, Mainelli Mechanical Contractors, Marisa SA, Maval Industries, Maxxis International, Mazda Connect Connectivity Master Unit (CMU), McElroy, Quirk & Burch, APC, McMillan Electric Company, MCNA Dental, MedElite Group, Memorial Hospital and Manor, GA, Mercury Theatre, Meshworks, Metawin, MiCare Health Center, Michael J Gurfinkel, Microlise, Microsoft Bookings, Microsoft SharePoint, Mid State Electric, Middlesborough Council, UK, Minuteman Senior Services (MSS), MiPC Mexico, MIT Technology Review, Mixfame, Mizuno USA, MMI Services, Inc, MMP Union, Model Die & Mold, Moldova’s parliamentary email servers, MoneyGram, Moodle, Mozilla Firefox, Mr. Winter Wheels, Muah.AI, Muskogee City County Enhanced 911 Trust Authority, MVES, MWI Veterinary Supply, Inc, MySQL Connector/Python, Mystic Valley Elder Services, Nagoya Stock Exchange, NARSTCO, National Financial Services, National Institute of Administration, Native Village of Eyak Ilanka Community Health Center, Navarra & Marzano, Neighbors Credit Union, New Law, New York Plastic Surgery, Newpark Resources, Nidec Precision, Niko Resources Ltd, Nikon NEF, NoBroker, Noida Metro, Nokia, Nor-Well, Northeast Professional Caregivers, Northeast Spine and Sports Medicine, NVIDIA Container Toolkit, NVIDIA GeForce, NVIDIA Onyx, NW Health Porter, Okta, Ollama AI, OMA, Omni, OnePoint Patient Care, Open Range Field Services, Opera Browser, Oracle VirtualBox, ORBCOMM, Orbit Software, Inc, Oregon Department of Corrections, ORM Fertility, Orthopedics Rhode Island, OrthopedicsNY, Osmedeus Web Server, Ottawa Valley Handrailing Company, Over a thousand online shops, OwlTing, OxyHealth, OzarksGo, Pacific Pulmonary Medical Group, PAJ GPS, Palm Hills Developments, Palmisano & Goodman, PA, Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS, Panda Security Dome, Paragon Plastics, Parkland Health, Parnell Defense, Paul White Company, PayDo, Paystack, pCloud, Peoria Lawyers, Petropolis Pet Resort, Pheim Unit Trusts Berhad, Philadelphia Macaroni, Philips Smart Lighting, Phoenix Contact EV chargers, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Center, Planned Parenthood of Montana, PlayBoy, Portsmouth City Council, UK, Positive Business Solutions, Postcard Mania, PostHog, Potomac Medical Aesthetics, PRC-Saltillo, Precision Steel Services, Preferred Travel Group, Presbyterian Healthcare Services, PrestaShop, PriceBlink, Professional Probation Services, Promise Technology, Inc, Protective Industrial Products, PT Haleyora Power, PTZOptics cameras, Pureflow Airdog, qBittorrent, QEMU, QNAP QHora-322, QNAP TS-464, QNQB, Qualcomm chips, Quest Diagnostics Inc, Racing Forensics Inc, Radiant Capital, Radisson’s Country Inn and Suites, Raeyco Lab Equipment, Raimondo Pettit Group, Rancher, RANEPA University, RDC Control Ltd, Redwood Coast Regional Center, Regional Government of Ica, ReliaQuest, RENIEC, Rhode Island Orthopedic Practice, Ridgewood Public School District, Rim Country Health and Rehabilitation, Riverview Health, Rockstar Games, Rockwool, Rocky Mountain Gastroenterology, Rosen Legal, Roundcube Webmail, Royal Thai Police, RRCA Accounts Management, Inc, Rumpke Consolidated Companies, Russell Law Firm, LLC, Russian Foreign Ministry, Russian State TV VGTRK, S & W Kitchens, Sage Automotive Interior, Saint Xavier University, SalesGig, Salford Council, UK, Samsung, Samsung Galaxy S24, San Joaquin County Superior Court, Sanglier Limited, Sango Family Dentistry, Sarah Bush Lincoln Fayette County Hospital, Saratoga Liquor, Save Mart Supermarkets, LLC, Schneider Electric, Schneider Electric EcoStruxure, Schneider Electric Zelio Soft 2, Schreck Financial Group, Schweiger Transport, Scullion LAW, Seafile, Sector 5, Bucharest, SelectBlinds, SEP, Set Forth, Inc, Seven Counties Services, Shareholders in Hong Kong, Sit & Sleep, Smart Media Group Bulgaria, SmartSource, Smeg, Smile Design Management, Smiles in the Pines, Smitty’s Supply, Smoker’s Choice, Solairus Aviation, LLC, SolarWinds Web Help Desk, Soliant Health, SonicWall firewalls, Sonoma County Superior Court, Sonos Era 300, Sophos Firewall, South China Athletic Association, South West Family Medicine Associates, South-East Technological University Waterford, Spine by Villamil MD, Spirit Lake Community School District, SRS-Stahl GmbH, St Albans Council, UK, St. Anthony Regional Hospital, Stalker Online, Standard Bank, Star Health Insurance, Stark County Criminal Justice Information Systems, Starkweather and Shepley Insurance Brokerage, Steel Art Signs, Strava, StreamCraft, Strike Bowling, Structural and Steel Products, Sumitomo, Summit Pathology and Summit Pathology Laboratories, Inc, Sunrise Express, Suntrust Properties, Superior Quality Insurance Agency, Supply Technologies, Surfnet Communications, Survival Flight, Inc, SVP Worldwide, Swalekha.in, Switch, Symetra Life Insurance Company, Symfony, Sync, Synology BeeStation, Synology DiskStation, Synology TC500, Systems Application & Technologies Inc, T-Space, Tameside Council, UK, TargetMaps, TaxPros of Clermont, TDM Technical Services, TEAM Software, Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Spine Consultants, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, The Club Penguin Experience, The Getz Group, The Knesset, The Law Offices of Jed Silverman, The Nolan Financial Group, The Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Center, PA, The Povman Law Firm, The Strainrite Companies, Therabel Lucien Pharma SAS, TheraCom, ThinkPHP, Thompson Coburn, Tiketek, TNAFlix, Toro Enterprises, Inc, Totally Promotional, Tower Clock Eye Center, TrackMan, Trafford Council, UK, Transak, Trend Micro Cloud Edge, Trend Micro Deep Security, Tresorit, Tri-City Healthcare District, Tri-City Medical Center, Tricon Energy, Trimarc Financial, Trimble SketchUp, True World Group, TrueNAS Mini X, TrueNAS X, Truist Bank, TU Parks, Tungsten Automation Power PDF, TV Guide Magazine, Ubiquiti AI Bullet, UK Ambulance Services, UK Biobank, Ultra Tune, United Sleep Diagnostics, Universal Companies, Universal Health Corporation, Universal Music Group, University Medical Center, University of California, Unlimited Lawn Care, US Customs and Border Protection, Uttarakhand State Data Center, Valleygate Dental Surgery Centers, Value City NJ, Van Wagner Group, LLC, Varsity Brands, VasTopUp, Venezuelan Government, VeriSource Services, Inc, Verizon Wireless, Vermilion Parish Schools, VimeWorld, Visionworks of America, Inc, VMware HCX, VMware vCenter Server, Volkswagen, Volta River Authority, Wacom Center, Washington courts, Wayne County, Webb Institute, Weber Packaging, Weiser Memorial Hospital, Well Chip Group, Wellfleet Group, Wells Fargo, Western Sydney University, Westwood Country Club, Wetherby Town Council, Wexford County, WhatsUp Gold, Whitaker Construction Group, Wichita County, Wilson & Lafleur, Wilson Tarquin, WimCoCorp, Windows Driver Signature, Windows Themes, Winestyle, Winnebago Public School Foundation, WordPress Jetpack, WordPress LiteSpeed Cache, X.Org Server, Youngs Timber Builders Merchants, Z-lib, Zalo.vn, Zamalek Club, Zendesk, ZicroDATA, Zierick Manufacturing Corporation, and Zimbra GraphQL have reported hacking or compromises this month.

Calgary Public Library, DHL, Microsoft, Serco, and The Internet Archive have suffered from outages this month.

Last months updates broke Microsoft 365 Outlook, Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft’s “New” Outlook, OpenSSH on Windows Server, Windows 10, and Windows Remote Desktop.

Never again use a third-party charging cord. Treat your USB ports with more concern.

Half of US county websites can be spoofed.

iPhones will now force restart after idle in order to reencrypt data.

Now for the good news:

The Mozilla Foundation has finally dropped their advocacy division. Unfortunately, they’ll be rolling it into their other programs. It still could mean that tech companies might actually start prioritizing their tech instead of politics or other agendas.

Let’s Get Busy

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Patch Tuesday is huge this month. The typical computer should see roughly 5 GB in updates today. Let’s get started.

Microsoft released 98 updates to address 88 vulnerabilities in .NET and Visual Studio, airlift.microsoft.com, Azure CycleCloud, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, LightGBM, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Office SharePoint, Microsoft PC Manager, Microsoft SharePoint Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk (VHDX), Microsoft Virtual Hard Drive, Microsoft Windows DNS, Microsoft Windows VMSwitch, TorchGeo, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability, Windows Active Directory Certificate Services, Windows CSC Service, Windows Defender Application Control, Windows DNS, Windows DWM Core Library, Windows Hyper-V, Windows Kerberos, Windows Kernel, Windows NT OS Kernel, Windows NTLM, Windows Package Library Manager, Windows Registry, Windows Secure Kernel Mode, Windows SMB, Windows SMBv3 Client/Server, Windows Telephony Service, Windows Update Stack, Windows USB Video Driver, Windows VMSwitch, Windows Win32 Kernel Subsystem, Winlogon, and MSRT. This includes security updates. A reboot is required.

Oracle released 334 security updates this quarter to address vulnerabilities in 109 applications and service.

Apple released updates for iOS 17.7.1, iOS 18.1, iPadOS 17.7.1, iPadOS 18.1, macOS Sequoia 15.1, macOS Sonoma 14.7.1, macOS Ventura 13.7.1, Safari 18.1, tvOS 18.1, visionOS 2.1, and watchOS 11.1. This includes security updates. Use Apple Software Update to install these updates. A reboot is required.

iOS 17.7.1 and 18.1 are security updates. Use Settings, General, Software Update to install the most current update.

iPadOS 17.7.1 and 18.1 are security updates. Use Settings, General, Software Update to install the most current update.

watchOS 11.1 is a security update. Use the Watch app on your iPhone to install the most current version.

tvOS 18.1 is a security update. Use System, Software Update to install the most current version.

visionOS 2.1 are security updates. Use System, Software Update to install the most current version.

Google Chrome OS 130.0.6723.101 and Google Chrome OS LTS 126.0.6478.257 are security updates. Use Menu, Help, About to install the most current version. A reboot is required.

Fedora 41-1.4 is a major update, adding many new features, removing unsupported and deprecated tools and applications, and hardening the operating system. This should be treated as a security update.

Don’t forget to check your mobile devices, too! Many updates will also apply to your tablet, phone, kindle or television – so check your device-appropriate App Store and install updates.

Important Notes

Everything above this section should be checked by everyone on every computer. Chances are good that close to every single computer you touch will be affected by those updates. This is not the case with the items below, though you should still check each line item below to see if it applies to software you have installed.

The release of macOS Sequoia (15.x) means that macOS Monterey (12.x) and older are no longer supported. If you can not install at least macOS Ventura (13) on your Mac then you should immediately remove your device from the Internet and use it offline only. It will no longer receive patches or updates and can now no longer be secured.

The now-current — and final — release of the Windows 10 (v22H2) is very large so will take a long time to download on slower connections. All non-LTS versions of Windows 10 other than v22H2 are now out of support, upgrade to v22H2 now. If you aren’t sure whether you are using LTS, you aren’t. If you don’t let it finish and you’re on a slow connection, this process will kill your Internet performance forever. If you don’t have the bandwidth to download the bits, I’m happy to provide loaner USB drives to our local clients, or, if you prefer to have me mail it to you please contact me for information.

The now-current release of the Windows 11 (v24H2) is very large so will take a long time to download on slower connections. Windows 11 pushes you to get the latest Windows 11 release every 12 months and only supports any consumer builds for 24 months. If you don’t let it finish and you’re on a slow connection, this process will kill your Internet performance forever. If you don’t have the bandwidth to download the bits, I’m happy to provide loaner USB drives to our local clients, or, if you prefer to have me mail it to you please contact me for information.

Windows 11 is now stable and can be upgraded to if your hardware supports it, but I recommend you continue to use Windows 10 until early 2025 before you consider switching to it.

Please remember that while I list many different applications within these updates, most people should ONLY install updates for a program if they already have a previous version of that program installed.

It is essential to maintain all the applications you have installed on your computer, but often you can minimize the time investment and the potential for exploitation simply by uninstalling software you do not need or use, reducing the attack surface. This includes “free” applications like Avast, OpenOffice, and games you do not actually play.

Also note that using the applications own “check for updates” function, when available, will best preserve your current settings, and often avoid any crapware that might come with a fresh installer. Use this option if it’s available to you.

Finally, if you’re sick of doing this all yourself, let me! Call or email me any time, and we can set you up with a SaferPC Subscription and we will install updates each month whenever necessary. Click, call or email for more details:

Driver Updates

If you’re using this hardware – these updates are for you.

AMD Adrenalin 24.10.1 resolves several bugs and improves stability. This is not a security update.

Intel Driver and Support Assistant resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Nvidia Driver 566.03 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

UniFi AC Professional 6.6.77 resolves several bugs and improves performance, reliability and stability. This is not a security update.

UniFi airMAX NanoStation 5AC Loco 8.7.14 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

UniFi Network Server 8.6.9 improves SIEM integration, dozens of improvements and bug fixes. This is a security update.

UniFi U6 Professional 6.6.77 resolves several bugs and improves performance, reliability and stability. This is not a security update.

VIISAN OfficeCam doesn’t provide a detailed change log so should be treated as a security update.

Xerox Smart Start doesn’t provide a detailed change log so should be treated as a security update.

Browser Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to everyone.

Brave 1.71.123 is a security update.

Firefox 132.0.2 is a security update.

Firefox ESR 128.4.0 is a security update.

Google Chrome 130.0.6723.116 is a security update.

Vivaldi 7.0.3495.6 is a security update.

Email Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to everyone.

ProtonMail (Android) 4.2.1 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Spark resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Spark (macOS) resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Thunderbird 128.4.2 is a security update.

Internet Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to everyone.

AnyDesk (macOS) 8.1.4 improves compatibility and requires re-granting persmissions. This is a security update.

BrowsingHistoryView 2.59 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

curl 8.11.0 resolves dozens of bugs. This is a security update.

Dropbox 211.4.6008 doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

FileZilla Client 3.68.1 resolves several bugs. This should be treated as a security update.

FileZilla Server 1.9.4 resolves several bugs, including improved Let’s Encrypt compatibility.

FreeFileSync 13.8 adds SFTP support for IPv6, improves copmatibility and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Google Drive 99.0 *finally* adds differential uploads, which will save huge amounts of bandwidth for large files with minor changes. This is not a security update.

MeshCentral 1.1.33 resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

Microsoft Teams improves BYOD and audio source detection. This is not a security update.

Nextcloud Server 30.0.2 resolves dozens of bugs. This is a security update.

Omada Software Controller resolves a dozen bugs and improves the GUI. This is not a security update.

Signal 7.32.0 improves performance, bulk downloads, and adds Call Links. This is not a security update.

Signal (Android) 7.23.1 adds chat folders. This is not a security update.

Syncthing 1.28.0 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Technitium DNS Server 13.1.1 resolves several bugs and improves protocol support. This is not a security update.

Telegram 5.7.2 resolves over a dozen bugs. This is not a security update.

Zoom is a security update.

Media Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

3tene 4.0.11 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

Bitwig Studio 5.2.5 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

iTunes is a security update.

KaraFun Player resolves a dozen bugs. This is not a security update.

Plex Desktop now includes an advertising consent popup.

Plex Media Server improves hardware-encoding for DVR, media support, and metadata. This is not a security update.

Game Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

Minecraft Server (Bedrock) doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

Minecraft Server (Java) 1.21.3 doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

Nintendo Switch 19.0.1 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

PS5 2024.101 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Steam 2024.11.05 adds Steam Game Recording and resolves dozens of bugs. As of this version Windows 7 and 8 are no longer supported. These end-of-life operating systems can continue to use the prior build (for now). https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/4784-4F2B-1321-800A

SteamOS SteamDeck Update 2024.11.06 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Office Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to most people.

Adobe After Effects 24.6.3 & 25.0 are security updates.

Adobe Audition 24.6.3 and 25.0 are security updates.

Adobe Bridge 14.1.3 and 15.0 are security updates.

Adobe Commerce 3.2.6 is a security update.

Adobe Illustrator 28.7.2 and 29.0.0 are security updates.

Adobe InDesign 18.5.3, 18.5.4 and 20.0 are security updates.

Adobe Photoshop 24.7.4 and 25.12 are security updates.

Adobe Reader DC 24.004.20243 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Adobe Substance 3D Painter 10.1.1 is a security update.

Audacity 3.7.0 resolves more than a dozen bugs. This is not a security update.

Blender 4.2.3 resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

Calibre 7.21.0 resolves over a dozen bugs. This is not a security update.

Columns++ 1.1.3 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Inkscape 1.4 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Kdenlive 24.08.3 resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

LibreOffice 24.2.7 resolves over 50 bugs. This is a security update.

Manager resolves several bugs and improves inventory support. This is not a security update.

Nextcloud Desktop 3.14.3 resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

Notepad++ 8.7.1 resolves a couple bugs. This is a security update.

PDF-XChange Editor resolves almost a dozen bugs. This is not a security update.

QuickBooks Pro 2022 20240726-R17_41 doesn’t provide a detailed change log so should be treated as a security update.

QuickBooks Pro 2023 20240726-R14_49 doesn’t provide a detailed change log so should be treated as a security update.

Operating System Updates

These are for specific Linux flavors and alternative operating systems and, sadly, are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

Google Chrome OS 130.0.6723.101 is a security update. Use Menu, Help, About to install the most current version. A reboot is required.

Fedora 41-1.4 is a major update, adding many new features, removing unsupported and deprecated tools and applications, and hardening the operating system. This should be treated as a security update.

iOS 18.1 is a security update.

iPadOS 18.1 is a security update.

macOS 15.1 is a security update.

Tails 6.9 is a security update.

tvOS 18.1 is a security update.

watchOS 11.1 is a security update.

Security Software Updates

One or more of these is likely to be of interest to most people.

Chainsaw 2.10.1 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

FRST 2024.11.12 doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

FSS 2024.10.30 doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

HTTP Toolkit 1.19.1 doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

MalwareBytes Anti-Malware resolves several bugs and hardens security controls. This should be treated as a security update.

OpenSSL 3.4.0 is a security update.

ProtonVPN (macOS) 4.5.0 improves WireGuard connectivity and improves stability. This is not a security update.

RogueKiller 15.19.2 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Stinger adds support for new detections. This should be treated as a security update.

uBlock Origin 1.61.0 resolves over a dozen bugs. This is not a security update.

Converter Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

DVDFab adds support for new encodings. This is not a security update.

PDF Creator 5.3.2 resolves several bugs and updates libraries. This is a security update.

StreamFab adds support for new sources and resolves several bugs.

UniFab resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Education updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to most people.

Zotero 7.0.9 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Utility Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

1Password 8.10.52 resolves a dozen bugs. This is not a security update.

AppResourcesUsageView 1.06 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

balenaEtcher 1.19.25 updates SDK. This is not a security update.

Beyond Compare improves shell menu, updates libraries and resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

Bitwarden 2024.10.4 resolves several bugs and improves auth methods and recovery. This is not a security update.

CCleaner 6.29.11342 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

CPU-Z Installer 2.12 adds support for newer hardware. This is not a security update.

Dell OS Recovery Tool doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

DesktopOK 11.45 improves configuration and language files. This is not a security update.

dnGrep resolves several bugs and updates libraries. This is a security update.

email-oauth2-proxy 2024-11-11 improves compatibility and adds a couple new features. This is not a security update.

ESEDatabaseView 1.75 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

Etcher 1.19.25 updates SDK. This is not a security update.

ExplorerPatcher 22621.4317.67.1 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

Fing 3.7.2 improves network insights and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

FoneTool 2.9.2 adds support for iOS 18 and iPhone 16. This is not a security update.

Free Virtual Serial Ports adds support for virtual script ports and resolves a compatibility bug. This is not a security update.

GoodSync & GoodSync2Go 12.7.7 resolves several bugs and improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

grepWin 2.1.6 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

GSmartControl 2.0.0 is a major update, reduces dependencies, improves input/output and scaling support. This is not a security update.

Homedale 2.14 is a cosmetic change. This is not a security update.

HWiNFO 8.14 adds support for newer hardware, improves output details, and logging. This is not a security update.

Memtest86+ 7.20 adds support for new hardware and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

MultiMonitorTool 2.15 improves compatibility and adds monitor position support. This is not a security update.

NTLite 2024.11.10163 adds support for new components and resolves a couple bugs. This is not a security update.

OSForensics 11.0.1015 updates libraries, resolves a crash bug and improves clarity for sparse records. This is not a security update.

osquery 5.14.1 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

PowerToys 0.86.0 resolves several bugs and improves Advanced Paste, Workspaces, Mouse Jump and more. This is not a security update.

RoboForm 9.6.3 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Rufus 4.6 improves compatibility and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

ScreenConnect resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Starwind V2V Converter 9.554 adds support for new disk image formats. This is not a security update.

TeamViewer 15.59.3 adds AI log generation, improved address book, reporting and a dozen bug fixes. This is not a security update.

WhyNotWin11 adds TSV, improved logging, and resolves a couple bugs. This is not a security update.

WifiInfoView 2.95 improves error reporting. This is not a security update.

WinGet 1.9.25180 resolves more than 100 bugs. This is not a security update.

WinScan2PDF 9.11 improves compatibility and resolves a couple bugs. This is not a security update.

WizTree 4.22 adds MTP/PTP device support, improves compatibility, scaling support and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Developer Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

Android Studio 2024.2.1.11 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

DB Browser for SQLite 3.13.1 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

GDevelop 5.4.217 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

GitHub Desktop 3.4.9 resolves several bugs and updates libraries. This is not a security update.

Go 1.23.3 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Java 8u431 is a security update.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable 14.16.27052.0 is a security update.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable 14.29.30156.0 is a security update.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 Redistributable 14.40.33816.0 is a security update.

MySQL ConnectorNet 9.1.0 resolves several bugs, including crash bugs. This is not a security update.

Node.js 22.11.0 is a security update.

Node.js 23.2.0 is a security update.

Redemption resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

SQLite 3.47.0 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

TortoiseGit improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

TortoiseSVN 1.14.8 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Visual Studio Code 1.95.2 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

WinMerge 2.16.44 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Virtual Machine Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

VirtualBox 7.1.4 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Web Package Updates

These are likely to be of interest only to web developers.

Invision Community 4.7.19 is a security update.

Joomla 5.2.1 is a security update.

Piwigo 15.1.0 is a security update.

Antispam Bee 2.11.7 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

BuddyPress 14.2.1 is a security update.

Contact Form 7 6.0 provides more than a dozen code and feature changes. This is not a security update.

Duplicator resolves a charset bug. This should be treated as a security update.

Interactive World Map 3.4.8 is a security update.

Sucuri Security 1.9.6 improves reporting and log behavior. This is not a security update.

WordPress Importer 0.8.3 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

WP Plugin Update Checker 5.5 resolves a couple bugs and improves debug and ZIP support. This is not a security update.

WPBakery 8.0 adds new features, improves controls, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

That’s all for now folks. Keep it clean out there. 😉


Shawn K. Hall


Updates 2024-10-08

Welcome back, Folks!

Today is Patch Tuesday for October, 2024.

Windows 11 24H2 is out. So is macOS 15/Sequoia. iOS 18, iPadOS 18, tvOS 18, watchOS 11, and visionOS 11 are out now.  The first set of security updates for each of these are released now, too.

All versions of Windows 11 prior to 23H2 are no longer be supported. Upgrade to 23H2 now, then do not upgrade to 24H2, yet. Let everyone else be the guinea pigs. It’s already showing quite a few issues.

All versions of macOS prior to 13/Ventura are no longer supported. If you can’t upgrade your Mac to Ventura you need to permanently take it offline and/or replace it.

Windows 10 now has only 12 months of support left. If your computer can not be upgraded to Windows 11 either start planning now for a switch to Linux or replacing your computer.

There were 505+ major hacks, and over 395 application updates this month. It’s an enormous month, with about 4 GB of updates for most users.

This Month in Technology

4B Components, 5.11 Tactical, A1 Mobile Locksmith, Access Ambulatory Surgery Center, LLC, Access Sports, Accurate Railroad Construction Ltd, Acuity Advisor, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Audition, Adobe Commerce & Magento stores (5% of all their commerce sites!!!),  Adobe Media Encoder, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, ADT, Advanced Sterilization Products, Inc, Affirm Agency, AFP, air-gapped government systems, Akromold, Al Rajhi Bank, Albany College of Pharmacy, Alliance, Ally Bank, Alshaya Group, Altman Plants, Alvan Blanch, American Water Works, Amgen Inc, Amplitude Laser, Andamen, Andantex USA, Anniversary Holding, Apache Avro, Apache HugeGraph-Server, Apex Softcell, Aramark myPay, Arc browser, Arelance Group, Around the Clock Companies, Asheville Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center, PA, AT&T, ATG Communications Group, Atrium Health, Autel Maxicharger, Auto Recyclers, AutoCanada, Autodesk Navisworks Freedom DWF, automatic storage tank gauge (ATG) systems (6 models), Avi Resort & Casino, Avis, Balboa Bay Club Ventures LLC, Banana Gun, Bangladeshi government, Barbados Revenue Authority, Barnes & Cohen, Batcom, Battle Lumber Co, Bay Ridge Automotive Management Group, Bazooka, Bel-Air Bay Club, BELL DATA, Inc, Benny Gantz, Bethalto Community Unit School District, Betterhalf, Bharat Petroleum, BingX, Bloom Hearing Specialists, Blundstone USA Inc, BNBuilders, BotSpace, Branhaven Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, Brechbuhler Scales Inc, BroadGrain Commodities, Broward Realty Corp, Brown Bottling Group, Brown Integrated Logistics, Brunswick Hospital Center, BSH Soft, BudTrader, C&L Ward, CaleyWray, Calibrated Healthcare, LLC, California Department of Social Services, Cameroon’s pension fund, Canstar Restorations, Capgemini, Capital Printing, Carlile Group, Cascade Columbia Distribution, Casino Fandango, Casio, Caterpillar Inc, Cellular Plus, CentralTickets, CF Medical, Charles Darwin School, Chernan Technology, ChiceDNA, Chinese government, a Chinese government botnet, Chrome, Chunghwa Telecom Data, Cincinnati Public Schools, City of Aberdeen, WA, City of Forest Park, City of Pleasanton, CA, City of Richardson, TX, CK Associates, CKS Packaging, Classic Business Products, CobelPlast, Cohesive Networks VNS3, Comcast Cable Communications, Community Clinic of Maui, Inc, Community Hospital of Anaconda, Compass Group, Concord Management Services, Condere IP, Conductive Containers, Inc, Connally Memorial Medical Center, Control Panels USA, CopySmart LLC, Corantioquia, Creative Consumer Concepts, Creative Playthings, CrediHealth, Crown Mortgage Company, CSG Consultants, D-Link routers, DATASUS, Daughterly Care, David’s Bridal, Del Valle Independent School District, Delaware Library system, Dell (twice in a week),  Deloitte, Delta Prime, Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), Philippines, DETRAN, Detroit Public TV, Diamond Contracting, LLC, Didi Chuxing, digiDirect, Dimensional Merchandising, DINAS Corp, Divine Interprises INC, DJH Jugendherberge, Domain Industries, DotPe, DPC DATA, Dr. Web, DrayTek routers, Dreyfuss + Blackford Architecture, Duopharma Biotech, Dutch Police, EasyMPS, Edge Imaging, eFile.com, EigenLayer, Elgin Separation Solutions, Elitecare Emergency Hospital, Elitecare, Empereon Marketing, English Football League, Enterprise Outsourcing, EnviroNET Inc, Environmental Code Consultants Inc, Erasmus+, ETC Companies, Ethena Labs, Eurobulk, Evans Distribution Systems, Experience Engine, Express Services, Fabrica Industrial Machinery & Equipment, FastStone Imave Viewer, Fazenda Brazil government, FBCS, Fedbank Financial Services, Feeld, Feldstein & Stewart, Fireworks Software, First Choice, Fleet Equipment, FoccoERP, Forshey Prostok LLP, Fortinet, Fortive, Foundation, Foxit PDF Reader, Freshstart Credit Repair, Frigocenter, Fritzøe Engros, FTV Employment Services LLC, Fylde Coast Academy Trust, G/S Solutions, Galloway MacLeod, Games Box, GameVN, Garvey, GenPro Inc, GitLab, GNOME Project G, GoDaddy, Golden Age Nursing Home, Gough Construction, Graminex, Graybill Medical Group, Greene Acres Nursing Home, Guerriere & Halnon, GW Mechanical, Hair Club for Men, Hamel Cranial Chiropractic & Wellness INC, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Harvey Nichols, HDI, Hertz, Hezbollah, Hindle Group, Holmes & Brakel, Howard CPAs, HPE Aruba Networking, Hughes Gill Cochrane Tinetti, Hunter Dickinson Inc, HuntStand, I-MED, Ibermutuamur, ICBC London, IDEALEASE INC, Idre Fjäll, Indian Supreme Court, Indodax, Infosys McCamish Systems, Instituto Nacional de Deportes de Chile, Insurance Agency Marketing Services, Inc, InteriorWorx Commercial Flooring, iOS Password Manager, 260,000 IoT devices (Raptor Train), Iron Metals, Isola, Israel Defense Minister, Israel Foreign Affairs Minister, Israel Harel Insurance, Israel Prime Minister, an Israeli analytics company, Israeli defense companies, Israeli Industrial Batteries, Istrail, Italian Ministry, Ivanti Cloud Services Appliance, Ivanti Endpoint Manager, Ivanti Workspace Control, Jackson Paper Manufacturing, Jacobsen Construction Co, Inc Health Plan, Joe Swartz Electric, Johnson & Wales University, JTaylor & Associates LLC, Juice Generation, Kawasaki Motors Europe, Keller Williams Realty Group, Kennedy Funding, Keuka College, Keya Accounting and Tax Services LLC, Kia dealer portal, Kia vehicles (again), KintApp, Kravit, Hovel & Krawczyk SC, KukuFM, Kuwait Health Ministry, LA Financial Federal Credit Union, Labib Funk Associates, Ladov Law Firm, Lakeland Chamber, Lancaster Royal Grammar, three-quarters of law firms (which explains a lot of the hacks this month), Law Offices of Michael J Gurfinkel, Inc, Lawrie Insurance Group, Lee Hoffoss Injury Lawyers, LEGO, Lenovo Service Bridge, Liberty First Credit Union, Local 1964 ILA Health & Insurance Fund, Lumen Technologies, Luso Cuanzа, Lyomark Pharma, MacGillivray Law, macOS graphics driver, macOS video decoder, Magenta Photo Studio, Malwarebytes Antimalware, Markdom Plastic Products, Maryville Academy, Mattson Technology, Inc, Max Shop, MC2 Data, McAbee Construction, Inc, McCarty Company, MCNA Dental, MDSi INC, MediCheck, MedReview, Messe C, Miami Dolphins Forum, Michigan Masonic Home, Michigan Medicine, Microsoft Azure API Management, Microsoft C++ redistributable, Microsoft Pragmatic General Multicast Server, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Windows 10 AllJoyn Router Service, Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer, Microsoft Windows SmartScreen, Mile Hi Foods, MIPS Holding, Inc, Mobility Compare, Model Engineering, Moeller Door and Window, MoneyGram, Mozambique Election System, Mt. Carmel Behavioral Healthcare, Muskogee City County Enhanced 911 Trust Authority, mySCADA myPRO, NASA, New Electric, New River Electrical, New York Sports Club, Noble Environmental, North American Breaker, Nova Sinseg, Nusser Mineralöl GmbH, NVIDIA Container Toolkit, Octapharma Plasma, OffRoadAction, Omega Industries, One Point HR Solutions, Onyx, OpenAI, OpenPLC_v3 Runtime, Optigo Networks ONS-S8, Oracle WebLogic, Pacific Coast Building Products, Pacific Islands Forum, Fiji, Pacific Scientific Energetic Materials Company LLC, Palomar Medical Group, PaperCut NG, Partners Air, Patelco Credit Union, Patrick Sanders Company, PDF-XChange Editor, Pearl Cohen, Peerless Umbrella, Performance Food Centers, Performance Therapies, PetEdge, Pete’s Road Service, PetroChina, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Center, Piggly Wiggly, Plaisted Companies, Plastics Plus, Plumbers Stock, Port of Seattle/Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA), Power Torque Services, PRC-Saltillo, Premier Packaging, Prentke Romich Company, Progress Software WhatsUp Gold, Pureform Radiology Center, Qualcomm DSP, Quantum Healthcare, Raaga, Rackspace, Radio Geretsried, 19 UK railway stations, Ranveer Allahbadia, Reading Train Station, Red Barrels, Repsol, Research Electronics International, Reutter, Richland County, WI, Richmond Auto Mall, Richmond Community Schools, Riley Gear Corporation, Rim Country Health and Rehabilitation, Ring Power, River Delta Unified School District, River Region Cardiology Associates, Riverside Resort Casino, Rob Levine & Associates, Robson Planning Group Inc, Rockwell Automation PLC Software, Sacred Heart Catholic School, Sage Home Loans Corporation, SaniRent, Satia Group, Savannah Candy, Schäfer, dein Bäcker GmbH & Co KG, Scranton School District, Sellafield, ServiceNow, Shenango Area School District, Sherr Puttmann Akins Lamb PC, Shezmu, Shin Bet, ShoreMaster, Signature Healthcare Services LLC, siParadigm LLC, Slim CD, Smart Buy, Smart Source, Inc, 2,700 “smart” devices in the Netherlands, SolarWinds Access Rights Manager, Solutii Sistemas, Sono Bello, Southeast Cooler, Southern Bone, SpaceX, Spectrum Industries, Sportstech, spWETH Wallet, Star Blizzard, Star Health (India), Stillwater Mining Company, Storck-Baugesellschaft mbH, Structural Concepts, Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove, Sunrise Farms, Synnovis, TANYA Creations, TeamViewer, TeleHealth Center (India), Temu, Tewkesbury Borough Council, Thai Honda Manufacturing, The Gill Corporation, The Maids International, The Rubber Resources, The Superior Court of California, The Tech Interactive, Theresa Gordon Tax Services, Inc, Think Simple, Thomas Lloyd, Thompson Construction Supply, TIAA, Title Financial Corporation, Total Electronics, TOTVS, Toyota, TradeZero America Inc, Transport for London, Transtec SAS, TransUnion Risk and Alternative Data Solutions, Inc, Travel Alberta, TRC Worldwide Engineering, Trend Micro Deep Discovery Inspector, True Family Enterprises, Truflation, Truist Bank, Trump campaign, Tuttle-Click Automotive Group, Twilio, Uber Eats, UCC Retreivals, United Animal Health, Universal Music Group, University Medical Center, University of Minnesota Orthodontics, US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Congress, US Dermatology Partners, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Uttarakhand (India) government, Veertu Anka Build, Verizon, Vermilion Parish Schools, Versa Director, VGTRK, Vickers Engineering, Vidisco, Virginia Dare Extract Co, Visionary Homes, Visteon Infotainment System, VMware vCenter Server, Ward Transport, Wayne County, MI, WazirX, We Level Up Treatment Lake Worth, Weiser Memorial Hospital, Weldco-Beales Manufacturing, Wells Fargo, Western Digital MyCloud PR4100, WhatsApp, Wichita Police, Wilmington Convention Center, Wilson & Lafleur, Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corp, Woodard, Hernandez, Roth & Day, WordPress Houzez Login Register plugin, WordPress Houzez theme, WordPress LiteSpeed Cache Plugin, Wright, Moore, DeHart, Dupuis & Hutchinson, LLC, Young Consulting LLC, and Zimbra email servers have reported hacking or compromises this month.

AFP, AT&T, Cloudflare, Confidant Health, Dr. Web, Google CloudImposer, Highline Public Schools, MoneyGram, PlayStation Network, Port of Seattle, Providence Public Schools, State Data Center (India), Verizon, and WP Engine have suffered from outages this month.

Last months updates broke M4 iPad Pro devices, macOS Sequoia VPN & antivirus software, Microsoft 365 apps, Microsoft Outlook mail vs nested folders, Microsoft Word (serious – Word deletes your files if they have mixed case extensions!), Windows 11 24H2 BSODs, Windows 11 24H2 gaming performance, Windows 11 24H2 license activation, Windows reboots, and Windows USB & Bluetooth.

In other news

The Internet backdoor mandated by US federal law has been hijacked by China (Salt Typhoon) and is being actively exploited again across several phone providers. It’s not good.

Almost 3 in 5 of breached UK firms admit to paying ransom on demand. An insane 92% of healthcare firms in the US were hit by cyberattacks this year.

Now that “exploding pagers” (and more) are a thing, will people start to take supply chain and physical security seriously?

Fearing exposure of weak security processes, Apple has moved to dismiss their lawsuit against NSO Group.

Now for the good news

Discord has added end-to-end encryption for audio & video calls.

NIST has finally scrapped their complexity and change frequency recommendations. The math on these recommendations simply doesn’t add up.

Let’s Get Busy

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Patch Tuesday is enormous this month. The typical computer should see roughly 4 GB in updates today. Let’s get started.

Microsoft released 65 updates to address 121 vulnerabilities in .NET Framework, .NET, Azure CLI, Azure Monitor, Azure Stack, BranchCache, Code Integrity Guard, DeepSpeed, Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI), Microsoft ActiveX, Microsoft Configuration Manager, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based), Microsoft Graphics Component, Microsoft Management Console, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office SharePoint, Microsoft Office Visio, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol, Microsoft WDAC OLE DB provider for SQL, Microsoft Windows Speech, OpenSSH for Windows, Outlook for Android, Power BI, Remote Desktop Client, RPC Endpoint Mapper Service, Service Fabric, Sudo for Windows, Visual C++ Redistributable Installer, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, Windows Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock, Windows BitLocker, Windows Common Log File System Driver, Windows Cryptographic Services, Windows cURL Implementation, Windows EFI Partition, Windows Hyper-V, Windows Kerberos, Windows Kernel, Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers, Windows Local Security Authority (LSA), Windows Mobile Broadband, Windows MSHTML Platform, Windows Netlogon, Windows Network Address Translation (NAT), Windows NT OS Kernel, Windows NTFS, Windows Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP), Windows Print Spooler Components, Windows Remote Desktop Licensing Service, Windows Remote Desktop Services, Windows Remote Desktop, Windows Resilient File System (ReFS), Windows Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS), Windows Scripting, Windows Secure Channel, Windows Secure Kernel Mode, Windows Shell, Windows Standards-Based Storage Management Service, Windows Storage Port Driver, Windows Storage, Windows Telephony Server, Winlogon, and MSRT. This includes security updates. A reboot is required.

Apple released updates for Apple TV for Windows, iOS 17.7, iOS 18, iOS 18.0.1, iPadOS 17.7, iPadOS 18, iPadOS 18.0.1, macOS Sequoia 15.0.1, macOS Sonoma 14.7, macOS Ventura 13.7, Safari 18, Safari 18.0.1, tvOS 17.6.1, tvOS 18, visionOS 2, visionOS 2.0.1, watchOS 10.6.1, watchOS 11, watchOS 11.0.1, and Xcode 16. This includes security updates. Use Apple Software Update to install these updates. A reboot is required.

iOS 17.7, 18, and 18.0.1 are security updates. Use Settings, General, Software Update to install the most current update.

iPadOS 17.7, 18, and 18.0.1 are security updates. Use Settings, General, Software Update to install the most current update.

watchOS 10.6.1, 11, and 11.0.1 are security updates. Use the Watch app on your iPhone to install the most current version.

tvOS 18 is a security update. Use System, Software Update to install the most current version.

visionOS 2 and 2.0.1 are security updates. Use System, Software Update to install the most current version.

Google Chrome OS 128.0.6613.163, 129.0.6668.80, and ChromeOS LTS 126.0.6478.254 are security updates. Use Menu, Help, About to install the most current version. A reboot is required.

Don’t forget to check your mobile devices, too! Many updates will also apply to your tablet, phone, kindle or television – so check your device-appropriate App Store and install updates.

Important Notes

Everything above this section should be checked by everyone on every computer. Chances are good that close to every single computer you touch will be affected by those updates. This is not the case with the items below, though you should still check each line item below to see if it applies to software you have installed.

The release of macOS Sequoia (15.x) means that macOS Monterey (12.x) and older are no longer supported. If you can not install at least macOS Ventura (13) on your Mac then you should immediately remove your device from the Internet and use it offline only. It will no longer receive patches or updates and can now no longer be secured.

The now-current release of the Windows 11 (v24H2) is very large so will take a long time to download on slower connections. Windows 11 pushes you to get the latest Windows 11 release every 12 months and only supports consumer builds for 24 months. If you don’t let it finish and you’re on a slow connection, this process will kill your Internet performance forever. If you don’t have the bandwidth to download the bits, I’m happy to provide loaner USB drives to our local clients, or, if you prefer to have me mail it to you please contact me for information.

Windows 11 is now stable and can be upgraded to if your hardware supports it, but I recommend you continue to use Windows 10 until early 2025 before you consider switching to it.

The now-current — and final — release of the Windows 10 (v22H2) is very large so will take a long time to download on slower connections. All non-LTS versions of Windows 10 other than v22H2 are now out of support, upgrade to v22H2 now. If you aren’t sure whether you are using LTS, you aren’t. If you don’t let it finish and you’re on a slow connection, this process will kill your Internet performance forever. If you don’t have the bandwidth to download the bits, I’m happy to provide loaner USB drives to our local clients, or, if you prefer to have me mail it to you please contact me for information.

Please remember that while I list many different applications within these updates, most people should ONLY install updates for a program if they already have a previous version of that program installed.

It is essential to maintain all the applications you have installed on your computer, but often you can minimize the time investment and the potential for exploitation simply by uninstalling software you do not need or use, reducing the attack surface. This includes “free” applications like Avast, OpenOffice, and games you do not actually play.

Also note that using the applications own “check for updates” function, when available, will best preserve your current settings, and often avoid any crapware that might come with a fresh installer. Use this option if it’s available to you.

Finally, if you’re sick of doing this all yourself, let me! Call or email me any time, and we can set you up with a SaferPC Subscription and we will install updates each month whenever necessary. Click, call or email for more details:

Driver Updates

If you’re using this hardware – these updates are for you.

AMD Adrenalin 24.9.1 improves hardware compatibility, game support, resolves several bugs and expands Vulkan extensions. This is not a security update.

TP-Link Archer AX55 v1 240628 improves mesh and configuration controls. This is not a security update.

goxlr-utility 1.1.4 resolves several compatibility and reliability bugs. This is not a security update.

UniFi Network Server 8.4.62 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

VIISAN OfficeCam doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

Browser Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to everyone.

Brave 1.70.123 is a security update. Use Help, About to install the most current version.

Google Chrome 129.0.6668.100 is a security update. Use Help, About to install the most current version.

Microsoft Edge 129.0.2792.79 is a security update. Use Help, About to install the most current version.

Firefox 131.0 is a security update. Use Help, About to install the most current version.

Firefox ESR 128.3.0 is a security update. Use Help, About to install the most current version.

Vivaldi 6.9.3447.51 is a security update. Use Help, About to install the most current version.

Email Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to everyone.

Mailspring 1.14.0 is a security update.

ProtonMail (Android) resolves a major stability bug. This is not a security update.

Spark resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Spark (macOS) resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Thunderbird 128.3.0 is a security update.

Internet Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to everyone.

AnyDesk 8.1.0 resolves dozens of bugs and improves stability. This is a security update.

AnyDesk (macOS) 8.1.2 is a security update.

BrowsingHistoryView 2.58 resolves an export bug. This is not a security update.

curl 8.10.1 resolves over a dozen bugs. This is not a security update.

Dropbox 209.4.3661 does not provide a detailed change log so should be treated as a security update.

Facebook Messenger is a security update.

FileZilla Server 1.9.2 resolves a bug in the update engine. This is not a security update.

Google Drive 98.0 is a security update.

MeshCentral 1.1.32 is a security update.

Microsoft Teams improves onboarding flow and allows external presenters to join from mobile platforms. This is not a security update.

Nextcloud Server 30.0.0 is a major update, updating libraries, minimum requirements, and resolving more than a hundred bugs. This is a security update.

Npcap 1.80 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Rclone 1.68.1 improves compatibility and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Signal 7.27.0 adds several new display options for media, groups and restores ability to search stored messages from groups you’re no longer part of. This is not a security update.

Signal (Android) 7.18.2 adds ability to search for emoji. This is not a security update.

Technitium DNS Server 13.0.2 resolves protocol bugs. v13 adds several other new DNS features and controls including ZONEMD, RP, Catalog Zones and improved logging. This is not a security update.

Telegram 5.6.1 resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

Telegram (Android) 11.1.3 resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

Zoom resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Media Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

3tene 4.0.10 resolves a couple bugs and improves lip sync. This is not a security update.

Bitwig Studio 5.2.4 resolves over 20 bugs. This is not a security update.

Grayjay 264 adds auto-play toggle, allows you to control rotation sensitivity, reverse rotation, and resolves several bugs and compatibility issues. This is not a security update.

iTunes is a security update.

Plex Desktop resolves a couple bugs and adds an advertising consent notice. This is not a security update.

Plex Home Theater updates web engine. This should be treated as a security update.

Plex Media Server adds support for external subtitles, improved ad detection, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Game Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

Minecraft Server (Bedrock) doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

Nintendo Switch 19.0.0 improves stability. This is not a security update.

PS5 2024.920 improves stability. This is not a security update.

Steam 2024.09.17 changes the terms of use and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

SteamOS SteamDeck Update 2024.10.03 improves Wi-Fi 7 compatibility. This is not a security update.

Office Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to most people.

Adobe Animate 23.0.8 and 24.0.5 are security updates.

Adobe Commerce 2.4.7-p3, 2.4.6-p8, 2.4.5-p10, 2.4.4-p11, 1.4.2-p3, 1.3.5-p8, 1.3.4-p10, and 1.3.3-p11 are security updates.

Magento Open Source 2.4.7-p3, 2.4.6-p8, 2.4.5-p10, and 2.4.4-p11 are security updates.

Adobe Dimension 4.0.4 is a security update.

Adobe FrameMaker 2020.7 and 2022.5 are security updates.

Adobe InCopy 19.5 and 18.5.4 are security updates.

Adobe InDesign 19.5 and 18.5.4 are security updates.

Adobe Lightroom 7.5, 13.5.1, and 12.5.2 are security updates.

Adobe Substance 3D Painter 10.1.0 is a security update.

Adobe Substance 3D Stager 3.0.4 is a security update.

Audacity 3.6.4 doesn’t have a change log so should be treated as a security update.

Blender 4.2.2 resolves dozens of bugs. This is a security update.

Calibre 7.19.0 improves performance and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Ghostscript 10.04.0 is a security update.

GnuCash 5.9 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Kdenlive 24.08.1 resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

Krita 5.2.6 resolves over 50 bugs and improves reliability and stability. This is not a security update.

LibreOffice Fresh 24.8.2 resolves almost 200 bugs. This is a security update.

Manager adds business templates, FDX support, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Nextcloud Desktop 3.14.1 resolves a dozen bugs. This is not a security update.

Notepad++ 8.7 updates libraries, resolves over a dozen bugs. This is a security update.

PDF Candy Desktop 3.13 doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

PDF-XChange Editor is a security update.

QuickBooks Pro 2022 20240726-R17_34 doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

QuickBooks Pro 2023 20240726-R14_39 doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

Security Software Updates

One or more of these is likely to be of interest to most people.

JShelter 0.19.1 improves Manifest V3 compatibility and performance. This is not a security update.

KeePass 2.57.1 is a security update.

MalwareBytes Anti-Malware 5.5.4 doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

RogueKiller 15.18.3 updates libraries and resolves several bugs. This should be treated as a security update.

SecurityCheck 2024.9.22 doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

Stinger is a security update.

SuperAntiSpyware 10.0.1268 adds support for new browsers, applications, unicode compatibility and resolves several bugs. This is a security update.

uBlock Origin 1.60.0 adds several new features and resolves a couple bugs. This is not a security update.

Operating System Updates

These are for specific Linux flavors and alternative operating systems and, sadly, are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

QubesOS 4.2.3 is a security update.

Tails 6.8 is a security update. 6.8 also signals the merger of Tails and the Tor Project.

Zorin OS 17.2 improves customization, updates libraries, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Capture Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

SnagIt 24.2.4 resolves stability bugs. This is not a security update. This is not a security update.

VideoCacheView 3.10 improves compatibility with Google Chrome. This is not a security update.

Converter Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

DVDFab adds support for new encodings. This is not a security update.

MakeMKV 1.17.8 improves defect tolerance and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

StreamFab improves compatibility and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

UniFab adds FLAC support and resolves sseveral bugs. This is not a security update.

Education updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to most people.

Zotero 7.0.7 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Utility Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

1Password 8.10.46 adds QR code authentication, Wi-Fi QR code sharing, accessibility improvements, and resolved several bugs. This is not a security update.

AOMEI Partition Assistant 10.5.0 adds Boot Repair, improves Migrate OS and resolves bugs in the optical media creation flow. This is not a security update.

Bitwarden 2024.9.2 improves PDF attachment handling and improves Secrets Manager. This is not a security update.

CCleaner 6.28.11297 adds support for new applications. This is not a security update.

CPU-Z Installer 2.11 improves mainboard detection and adds new hardware support. This is not a security update.

Deskflow 1.17.0 is a complete rebrand of the upstream Synergy source, pushing the public code base into a useful utility. This is the first one, though, so I’d hold off a little while. This is not a security update.

DesktopOK 11.44 improves copmatibility. This is not a security update.

dnGrep improves cache plug-in to use hash data to reduce network chatter, encoding improvements, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

email-oauth2-proxy 2024-09-12 adds option to use password as credentials, improves documentation and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Everything Toolbar 1.5.1 improves compatibility, adds RTL support, keyboard shortcuts and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

ExplorerPatcher 22621.3880.66.6 improves compatibility and adds support for Windows 11 v24H2. This is not a security update.

Fido 1.60 adds support for Windows 11 v24H2 and removes v23H2. This is not a security update.

Fing 3.7.1 improves Network Insights and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

FoneTool 2.9.0 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Git SCM 2.46.1 resolves several bugs and improves documentation. This is not a security update.

GoodSync 12.7.6 improves logging and compatibility. This is not a security update.

Homedale 2.13 adds channel utilization reporting, Wi-Fi 7 (802.11be) support and filtering improvements. This is not a security update.

HWiNFO 8.12 adds support for newer hardware and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

HWMonitor 1.55 adds support for newer hardware and battery information. This is not a security update.

IsMyHdOK 4.11 adds support improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

Kingston SSD Manager doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

LessMSI 2.2.0 adds Italian language support. This is not a security update.

MultiMonitorTool 2.11 resolves a mapping bug. This is not a security update.

NTLite 2024.9.10073 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

OSForensics 11.0.1014 resolves over a dozen bugs including performance and reliability issues. This is not a security update.

PointerStick 6.44 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

PowerToys 0.85.1 improves stability. This is not a security update.

ScreenConnect 24.2 should be avoided. It has had rollout “paused” due to stability issues four times already. Just wait for 24.3 or 24.4 to be stable.

TeamViewer 15.58.5 resolves several bugs and implements new cosmetics. This is a security update.

TestDisk 7.3 doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

XnConvert 1.101.0 doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

Developer Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

.NET Runtime 8.0.10 is a security update.

Android Studio 2024.2.1.9 resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

GDevelop 5.4.213 adds ability to change opacity within properties panel, tilemap improvements, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

GitHub Desktop 3.4.6 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Go 1.23.2 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Node.js 20.18.0 updates libraries, resovles several bugs and adds experimental support for network inspection. This is not a security update.

Node.js 22.9.0 updates libraries, adds support for stack trace, disables V8, and resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

Python 3.13.0 resolves over a dozen bugs. This is a security update.

Visual Studio Code 1.94 improves Explorer Find, adds filtering options to Source Control Graph, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Virtual Machine Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

VirtualBox 7.1.2 is a major update, changing style, performance, stability, hardware compatibility and adding many options. It also initially broke older guests and this release fixes that as well as a dozen other bugs. This is not a security update.

Web Package Updates

These are likely to be of interest only to web developers.

Duplicator 1.5.11 improves compatibility and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Sucuri Security 1.9.5 improves analysis. This should be treated as a security update.

That’s all for now folks. Keep it clean out there. 😉


Shawn K. Hall


Updates 2023-11-14

Happy Thanksgiving, Folks!

Today is Patch Tuesday for November, 2023. It’s ugly.

This month brings a new version of Windows 11 (v23H2), critical security updates for all supported Apple products, and (literally) new security updates for every browser every single week since the last update cycle on October 10th. That’s on top of the 190+ major hacks, and over 205 application updates this month. Prepare yourself, there will be about 5 GB of updates for most devices this month.

The new Windows Copilot AI feature is now enabled by default in Windows 10 and 11, but can be disabled either in the deep settings or within group policy.

This Month in Technology

1Password, 23andMe, Accenture, Ace Hardware, Advarra, Air Canada, Air Europa, Allen & Overy, Allied Pilots Association, AlohaCare, American Family Insurance, Ampersand, Android 13, AndroidLista, Apache ActiveMQ, Apple Safari, Apple “Find My”, Atlas Healthcare CT, Atlassian Confluence, Avito, BHI Energy Health and Welfare Benefits Plan, BHI Energy I Specialty Services LLC, BHS Physician Network, Inc., Boeing, British Library, Bukalapak, BulletProftLink, Bureau van Dijk, Cadence Bank, Caesars Entertainment, Inc., Casio, CCleaner, Chess, Cisco IOS XE, City of Philadelphia, City of Victorville, California, Clark County School District (CCSD), Colonial Pipeline, Counseling and Recovery Services of Oklahoma, Crum & Forster, D-Link, Dakota Eye Institute, Deer Oaks Behavioral Health, 22 companies overseeing energy infrastructure in Denmark, District of Columbia Board of Elections, DP World Australia, Drug Free Workplaces USA, LLC, Edward C. Taylor, PhD., PL, eleHealth, Ethereum wallet system, European government email servers, F5 BIG-IP, Fidelity National Information Services, Inc., Financial Asset Management Systems, First Judicial Circuit, Fitmart, Five Guys Enterprises, LLC, Frax Outsourcing, Frazier & Deeter, LLC, Fredericksburg Foot & Ankle Center, PLC, GameSprite, GamingMonk, GPD Holdings LLC (CoinFlip), Grammarly, Greater Rochester Independent Practice Association, Inc., Growers Express, LLC, Grupo GTD, Healthsoft LLC, Helping the Aging Needy and Disabled Inc, Henry Schein, Hill International, Inc, Hospital & Medical Foundation of Paris, Inc, Hospital Sisters Health System, Indian state government, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)…which paid the ransom, International Criminal Court, IPM Healthcare DBA Boomerang Healthcare, Jeffco Public Schools, Juniper devices, Jupyter Notebooks, JustSystems Corporation Ichitaro, Kansas Supreme Court, Kwik Trip, Kyocera AVX Components Corporation (KAVX), La Red Health Center, LastPass, LCS Financial Services, LDLC ASVEL, Lennar Corporation, Life Generations Healthcare LLC, Lobel Financial Corporation, Longhorn Village, macOS, Marina Bay Sands, Mattson Technology, Inc., McLaren Health Care, MemeChat, Microsoft Exchange, Morrison Community Hospital, Mozi IoT Botnet, Mr. Cooper, Napa Integrated Medicine PC, NASCO, NetScaler ADC and NetScaler Gateway appliances, New York Life Insurance Company, Northern Iowa Therapy PC, Okta (again and again), OrthoAlaska, LLC, Oscar Insurance Company of Florida, Pacific Clear Vision Institute, Pacific Union College, Peerstar LLC, Pennsylvania General Store, peplink Surf SOHO, Perry Johnson & Associates, Personify Care, Pharmacy Group of Mississippi, LLC, Phoenix, Pisenti & Brinker LLP, Postmeds, Inc./Truepill, Progress Software MOVEit, Progressive Leasing, Prolific Puma, Pypl, QNAP QTS, Radius Global Solutions, RagnarLocker ransomware, Redcliffe Labs, Refresco Beverages US Inc., Resort Data Processing, Inc., Revival Animal Health, Riverside County Office of Education, Roundcube Webmail, Royal Elementor, Samsung Galaxy S23, San Diego PACE, San Francisco Jazz Organization, Sberbank, Seiko, Shadow PC, Simpson Manufacturing, Singing River Health System, 1 million Windows and Linux hosts using SMBv1, SoftEther VPN, SolarWinds Access Rights Manager, South River Technologies Titan MFT and Titan SFTP, Sphero, Stanford University, Stars Arena, State of Maine, Sumo Logic, Sun Life Financial, Sutter Health, SysAid, Taylored Service Parent Co., TeamCity, The Chattanooga Heart Institute, The Commerce Insurance Company (MAPFRE Insurance), The Hilb Group Operating Company, LLC, The Newtron Group, LLC, Toronto Public Library, Toumei, Town of Iowa, Louisiana, Transaction Data Systems, TransForm, Tri Counties Bank, Tri-City Medical Center, Trigona ransomware gang, Trust Benefit Technologies, LLC, Tunngle, 11 Ukrainian telcos, University Federal Credit Union, University of Michigan, University of Missouri, User Submitted Posts WordPress plugin, Veeam ONE IT, Vidio, VMware vCenter Server, VMware vRealize Log Insight, WACOSA, Wescom Central Credit Union, West Texas Gas, Westat, Inc., Western Washington Medical Group, Weston Embedded uC-HTTP HTTP Server, Women Political Leaders Summit, WS_FTP, Wyze Cam v3, Yifan YF325, Zhefengle have reportedly been hacked or compromised this month.

In what should be no surprise to 40,000 people, yes, leaving the default “admin” password will get you hacked.

Cloudflare, OpenAI/ChatGPT, Outlook.com, and the Toronto Public Library have suffered from outages this month.

Last months updates broke .NET 6.0 security patches, .NET 7.0 security patches, Apple device integration with Enterprise Single Sign On, Hosted Exchange, HP motherboards, Hyper-V, Microsoft 365 admin system, Microsoft 365, MS Office, Outlook Desktop, Rivian infotainment systems, Veeam RCT, VMware ESXi, Windows desktop icons, Windows Server 2022 VMs on VMware ESXi, Windows Update, and WSUS.

Microsoft violated (again) their promise not to push bloatware on LTSC.

Microsoft also introduced over 110 security vulnerabilities (discovered so far…) to Microsoft 365 by integrating SketchUp 3D capabilities.

Sadly, Microsoft has also disabled the free upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 7 and 8. Until about a month ago it was still possible to upgrade older machines to Windows 10 without having to purchase a license. Now it is no longer possible.

Microsoft has also changed Authenticator behavior to suppress notifications for “risky sign-ins.” The idea is that when a login occurs from an unlikely source, somewhere you have not logged in before or a country you’re unlikely to be in, they can prevent the out-of-the-blue popup asking if you’re trying to log in. Unfortunately, if you’ve reused passwords, or used weak passwords, then this will increase the likelihood of a random calls “from microsoft” or “your IT department” asking you to “verify that you still have access to account” by opening the authenticator and actively approving the login. This kind of UI behavior teaches people to be less wary since they have to then go out of their way to “prove” themselves, which is something most humans innately want to do. It’s going to be bad. To reduce the risk please use strong, unique, random passwords to lessen the risk of successful password spraying attacks.

Microsoft extended the security update support period for Windows Server 2012 to October 2026.

LBRY, Inc is finally throwing in the towel after years of fighting the SEC. LBRY is the organization behind the best (IMHO) video and data sharing service in the world, and was targeted because the federal government chooses not to understand crypto. LBRY is dead, long live LBRY!

The US is leading an alliance to never pay ransom to cybercriminals. A US court has ruled that it is not a privacy violation for your car to harvest your contacts, texts and call logs even when you do not grant those permissions. The SEC has charged SolarWinds and their CISO with fraud over the massive hack in late 2020.

Not only is it foolhardy to assume that any automated system could prevent abuse by 100% of the advertisers, Google’s own data shows that the number of malicious ads they have detected has increased by over 50% in the last year.

The “they have detected” clause is the important takeaway from that statement. Google has over a thousand dedicated people within their ad review department whose sole purpose is to detect and block malicious advertisements, and ads that violate any other policies. Even with that, many people that interact with ads still don’t realize they’re advertisements or are taken to malicious or fraudulent sites. They simply can not detect all malicious advertisements.

Now that Google is pushing a new ad-blocker war via YouTube, it’s actually increasing the number of people that realize that they can, and should, take action to block advertisements. Is it any wonder why people are increasingly blocking ads? You should, too. Start with uBlock Origin. Blocking advertisements is not just about security, though, it could help save the planetNeed help? Ask.

Moody’s has downgraded the US financial outlook to “negative”.

Now for the good news:

According to the CDC there are now record-high childhood vaccine refusals across the country. It’s about time.

Let’s Get Busy

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Patch Tuesday is huge this month. The typical computer should see roughly 5 GB in updates today. Let’s get started.

Microsoft released updates to address 83 vulnerabilities in .NET Framework, ASP.NET, Azure, Azure DevOps, Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales, Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based), Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office SharePoint, Microsoft Remote Registry Service, Microsoft WDAC OLE DB provider for SQL, Microsoft Windows Search Component, Microsoft Windows Speech, Open Management Infrastructure, Tablet Windows User Interface, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Windows Authentication Methods, Windows Cloud Files Mini Filter Driver, Windows Common Log File System Driver, Windows Compressed Folder, Windows Defender, Windows Deployment Services, Windows DHCP Server, Windows Distributed File System (DFS), Windows DWM Core Library, Windows HMAC Key Derivation, Windows Hyper-V, Windows Installer, Windows Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), Windows Kernel, Windows NTFS, Windows Protected EAP (PEAP), Windows Scripting, Windows SmartScreen, Windows Storage, and MSRT (~ 2 GB). This includes security updates. A reboot is required.

Apple released updates for macOS Monterey 12.7.1, macOS Ventura 13.6.2, macOS Sonoma 14.1.1, iOS 15.8, iOS 16.7.2, iOS 17.1.1, iPadOS 15.8, iPadOS 16.7.2, iPadOS 17.1.1, Safari 17.1, tvOS 17.1, and watchOS 10.1.1. This includes security updates. Use Apple Software Update to install these updates. A reboot is required.

iOS 15.8, 16.7.2, and 17.1.1 are security updates. Use Settings, General, Software Update to install the most current update.

iPadOS 15.8, 16.7.2, and 17.1.1 are security updates. Use Settings, General, Software Update to install the most current update.

watchOS 10.1.1 is a security update. Use the Watch app on your iPhone to install the most current version.

tvOS 17.1 is a security update. Use System, Software Update to install the most current version.

Google Chrome OS 118.0.5993.123/124 and 114.0.5735.339 are security updates. Use Menu, Help, About to install the most current version. A reboot is required.

Fedora 39-1.5 is a major update, adding cosmetic, networking, security and other improvements, and updates libraries. This should be treated as a security update.

Don’t forget to check your mobile devices, too! Many updates will also apply to your tablet, phone, kindle or television – so check your device-appropriate App Store and install updates.

Important Notes

Everything above this section should be checked by everyone on every computer. Chances are good that close to every single computer you touch will be affected by those updates. This is not the case with the items below, though you should still check each line item below to see if it applies to software you have installed.

The release of macOS Sonoma (14.x) means that macOS Big Sur (11.x) and older are no longer supported. If you can not install at least macOS Monterey (12) on your Mac then you should immediately remove it from the Internet and use it offline only. It will no longer receive patches or updates and can now no longer be secured.

The now-current — and final — release of the Windows 10 (v22H2) is very large so will take a long time to download on slower connections. All non-LTS versions of Windows 10 other than v22H2 are now out of support, upgrade to v22H2 now. If you aren’t sure whether you are using LTS, you aren’t. If you don’t let it finish and you’re on a slow connection, this process will kill your Internet performance forever. If you don’t have the bandwidth to download the bits, I’m happy to provide loaner USB drives to our local clients, or, if you prefer to have me mail it to you please contact me for information.

The now-current release of the Windows 11 (v23H2) is very large so will take a long time to download on slower connections. Windows 11 pushes you to get the latest Windows 11 release every 12 months and only supports any consumer builds for 24 months. If you don’t let it finish and you’re on a slow connection, this process will kill your Internet performance forever. If you don’t have the bandwidth to download the bits, I’m happy to provide loaner USB drives to our local clients, or, if you prefer to have me mail it to you please contact me for information.

Windows 11 is now stable and can be upgraded to if your hardware supports it, but I recommend you continue to use Windows 10 until early 2025 before you consider switching to it.

Please remember that while I list many different applications within these updates, most people should ONLY install updates for a program if they already have a previous version of that program installed.

It is essential to maintain all the applications you have installed on your computer, but often you can minimize the time investment and the potential for exploitation simply by uninstalling software you do not need or use, reducing the attack surface. This includes “free” applications like Avast, OpenOffice, and games you do not actually play.

Also note that using the applications own “check for updates” function, when available, will best preserve your current settings, and often avoid any crapware that might come with a fresh installer. Use this option if it’s available to you.

Finally, if you’re sick of doing this all yourself, let me! Call or email me any time, and we can set you up with subscription SaferPC updates which will be installed each month whenever necessary. Click, call or email for more details:

Driver Updates

If you’re using this hardware – these updates are for you.

AMD Adrenalin 23.11.1 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Daemon Tools Lite 12.0.0 is a major update with a redesign, improves search and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Display Driver Uninstaller improves cleanup. This is not a security update.

DS4Windows 3.2.19 updates libraries and resolves several bugs. This is a security update.

Nvidia Driver 474.66 is a security update.

Samsung DeX doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

Wacom Driver 6.4.4-3 adds support for new hardware and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Browser Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to everyone.

Brave 1.60.114 resolves dozens of bugs. This is a security update.

Google Chrome 119.0.6045.123 is a security update.

Microsoft Edge 119.0.2151.58 is a security update.

Firefox 119.0.1 is a security update.

Firefox ESR 115.4.0 is a security update.

Vivaldi 6.4.3160.42 is a security update.

Microsoft Edge WebView2 119.0.2151.44 is a security update.

Email Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to everyone.

DavMail Gateway 6.2.0 updates dependencies and resolves several bugs. This is a security update.

Spark 3.10.2 adds Spark Integrations and +AI to improve automation and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Spark (macOS) adds Spark Integrations and +AI to improve automation and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Thunderbird 115.4.2 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Internet Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to everyone.

AnyDesk 8.0.6 adds dark mode, improves key handling, improves UI, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

AnyDesk (macOS) 7.2.3 vastly improves key handling and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

BrowsingHistoryView 2.57 improves compatibility with Opera. This is not a security update.

curl 8.4.0 adds support for IPFS and resolves more than 100 bugs. This is a security update.

Dropbox 186.4.6207 improved hard drive space controls. This is not a security update.

Facebook Messenger is a security update.

FileZilla Client 3.66.1 improves stability and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

FreeFileSync 13.1 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Google Drive 84.0 is a security update.

Microsoft Teams adds SMS notifications, unique join links, workflows within channels and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Nextcloud Server 27.1.3 is a security update.

Npcap 1.78 is a security update.

Pocketnet-GUI 0.8.67 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Rclone 1.64.2 resolves several bugs. This should be treated as a security update.

Signal 6.38.0 improves contact management, voice and video calls. This is not a security update.

Signal (Android) 6.39.3 improves contact management. This is not a security update.

Skype resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Syncthing 1.26.0 resolves several bugs. This should be treated as a security update.

Technitium DNS Server 11.5.3 resolves several bugs. This follows shortly after a security update, so should be treated as a security update.

Telegram (Android) 10.2.3 doesn’t provide a changelog so should be treated as a security update.

Telegram 4.11.8 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Zoom is a security update.

Media Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

3tene 3.0.13 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Bitwig Studio 5.0.11 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

iTunes is a security update.

Picard 2.10 is a security update.

Plex Desktop adds Discover Together and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Plex Home Theater improves stability. This is not a security update.

Plex Media Server resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

VLC Media Player 3.0.20 is a security update.

Game Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

GameMaker Studio 2023.8.2.108 improves stability. This is not a security update.

GDevelop 5.3.180 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Lego Studio 2.23.10_1 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Minecraft Server (Bedrock) doesn’t provide a changelog so should be treated as a security update.

Nintendo Switch 17.0.0 improves stability. This is not a security update.

PS5 23.02-08.20.02 improves performance. This is not a security update.

SteamOS SteamDeck Update 2023-11-13 is a security update.

Office Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to most people.

Adobe Acrobat and Reader DC 23.006.20380 is a security update.

Adobe Acrobat and Reader 20.005.30539 is a security update.

Adobe After Effects 23.6.2 and 24.0.3 are security updates.

Adobe Animate 23.0.3 and 24.0 are security updates.

Adobe Audition 23.6.2 and 24.0.3 are security updates.

Adobe Bridge 13.0.5 and 14.0.1 are security updates.

Adobe ColdFusion 2021.12 and 2023.6 are security updates.

Adobe Dimension 3.4.10 is a security update.

Adobe FrameMaker Publishing Server 2022.1 is a security update.

Adobe InCopy 18.5.1 and 19.0 are security updates.

Adobe InDesign 18.5.1 and 19.0 are security updates.

Adobe Media Encoder 23.6.2 and 24.0.3 are security updates.

Adobe Photoshop 24.7.2 and 25.1 are security updates.

Adobe Premiere Pro 23.6.2 and 24.0.3 are security updates.

Adobe RoboHelp Server 11.5 is a security update.

Artweaver 7.0.16 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Audacity 3.4.1 adds musical view, pitch controls, and resolves a dozen bugs. This is not a security update.

Blender 3.6.5 doesn’t provide a detailed change log so should be treated as a security update.

Calibre 6.29.0 resolves several bugs, improves zoom control, and adds a command line option to open a new instance. This is not a security update.

Ghostscript 10.02.1 is a security update.

GIMP 2.10.36 is a security update.

ImageMagick 7.1.1-21 is a security update.

Kdenlive 23.08.3 resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

Kindle for PC 2.1.70471 doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

Krita 5.2.1 improves various features and resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

LibreOffice 7.5.8 resolves more than a dozen bugs. This is not a security update.

Manager resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Nextcloud Desktop 3.10.1 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Notepad++ 8.5.8 resolves more than a dozen bugs. This is a security update.

Paint.net 5.0.11 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

PDF-XChange Editor is a security update.

QuickBooks Pro 2022 R13_09 improves migration assistant and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

QuickBooks Pro 2023 R6_25 resolves resolves a major billing bug. This is not a security update.

QuickBooks Pro 2024 20230817-R3_61 doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

SumatraPDF 3.5.2 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Security Software Updates

One or more of these is likely to be of interest to most people.

JShelter 0.17 adds several new controls and features. This is not a security update.

KeePass 2.55 resolves more than a dozen bugs and adds several new features. This is a security update.

MalwareBytes Anti-Malware 4.6.5 improves compatibility and resolves a couple bugs. This is not a security update.

OpenSSL 3.1.4 is a security update.

ProtonVPN (macOS) 4.0.0 improves stability. This is not a security update.

RogueKiller 15.13.0 is a security update.

Stinger adds support for several new detections. This should be considered a security update.

SuperAntiSpyware 10.0.1258 is a security update.

Tails 5.19 is a security update.

Tron 2023-10-17 is a security update.

uBlock Origin 1.53.4 improves stability.

Wireless Network Watcher 2.40 adds columns for IPv6 Address and Link Local IPv6 Address. This is not a security update.

Capture Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

Open Broadcaster Software 30.0.0 is a major update which removes support for older platforms, adds support to new features and capabilities, and resolves over 50 bugs. This should be treated as a security update.

SnagIt 24.0.1 resolves several bugs, improves performance and adds output to Teams. This is not a security update.

Converter Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

DVDFab resolves dozens of bugs and adds support for new encodings. This is not a security update.

FFmpeg 20231114 adds caption decoding. This is not a security update.

StreamFab improves compatibility and resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

UniFab improves compatibility and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Education updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to most people.

Zotero 6.0.30 is a security update.

Utility Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

.NET Runtime 7.0.13 and 8.0.0 are security updates.

1Password 8.10.18 resolves over a dozen bugs. This is not a security update.

Agent Ransack 2022.3416 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

AMD Ryzen Master is a security update.

AOMEI Partition Assistant 10.2.1 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

Beyond Compare improves stability and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Bitwarden 2023.10.1 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

CCleaner 6.17.10746 improves junk cleaning. This is a security update.

CurrPorts 2.76 adds option to show only incoming TCP connections. This is not a security update.

Dell Command Update 5.1.0 is a security update.

Dell OS Recovery Tool doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

DesktopOK 11.13 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

dnGrep updates libraries and resolves several bugs. This is a security update.

email-oauth2-proxy 2023-11-01 adds support for secret rotation, resolves a couple bugs, and improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

Everything Toolbar 1.3.2 resolves a couple bugs. This is not a security update.

Fido 1.52 adds support for Windows 11 23H2. This is not a security update.

FileLocator Pro 2022.3416 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Fing 3.5.1 improves stability and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Go 1.21.4 is a security update.

GoodSync 12.4.5 resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

HDD Raw Copy 1.20 doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

HWiNFO 7.66 adds support for newer hardware and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Java 8u391 is a security update.

NConvert 7.163 doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

NetworkInterfacesView 1.35 adds support for IPv6 addresses and IPv6 DNS servers. This is not a security update.

NTLite 2023.11.9477 improves compatibility and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

osquery 5.10.2 is a security update.

PingInfoView 3.01 adds support for IPv6, sorting, reporting improvements, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

PowerToys 0.75.1 resolves a couple bugs. This is not a security update.

RoboForm 9.5.4 reduces nags and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Rufus 4.3 adds support for Windows 11 23H2, improves compatibility, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

ScreenConnect is a security update.

Sysmon 15.11 improves performance and resolves a couple bugs. This is a security update.

TcpLogView 1.40 adds option to show only incoming connections. This is not a security update.

VMMap 3.4 adds support for .NET 6 and higher. This is not a security update.

WinGet 1.6.3133 adds support to configure behavior and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

WinScan2PDF 8.68 improves performance and reliability. This is not a security update.

WizTree 4.16 adds several new features, cosmetic and reliability improvements, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

ZoomIt 7.2 adds highlighter and blur and microphone selection. This is not a security update.

Developer Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

ADB 34.0.5 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Android Studio 2022.3.1.21 resolves a couple issues with Gradle. This is not a security update.

GitHub Desktop 3.3.5 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Godot 4.1.3 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 Redistributable 14.36.33130.0 is a security update.

MySQL ConnectorNet 8.2.0 updates libraries and resolves a couple bugs. This is not a security update.

MySQL Server 8.0.35 resolves over a dozen bugs. This is a security update.

Node.js 18.18.2 is a security update.

Node.js 20.9.0 is a security update.

Node.js 21.2.0 resolves several bugs, updates libraries, and provides dozens of improvements. This is a security update.

SQLite 3.44.0 provides more than a dozen improvements and bug fixes. This should be treated as a security update.

Visual Studio Code 1.84.2 resolves several bugs. As of 1.84 Microsoft has dropped support for 32-bit versions of Visual Studio. This is not a security update.

WinMerge 2.16.34 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Virtual Machine Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

PPSSPP 1.16.6 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

VirtualBox 7.0.12 resolves dozens of bugs. This should be treated as a security update.

Web Package Updates

These are likely to be of interest only to web developers.

HumHub 1.15.0 resolves dozens of bugs. This is a security update.

Invision Community 4.7.14 resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

Joomla 5.0.0 and 4.4.0 are both major updates with many new features, compatibility improvements, and bug fixes. These are not security updates.

ownCloud Client 5.1.2 is a major update improving compatibility, performance, stability and resolving many bugs. This is not a security update.

ownCloud Server 10.13.2 updates depenendencies and resolves several bugs. This is a security update.

WordPress 6.4.1 is the third update to WordPress in the last month, following several security issues.

Autoptimize 3.1.10 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

BuddyPress 11.4.0 improves stability and compatibility. This is a security update.

Contact Form 7 5.8.2 improves stability and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Duplicator 1.5.7 resolves a couple bugs. This is not a security update.

My Sticky Bar (formerly myStickymenu) 2.6.5 rebrands, adds a couple features, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Postie 1.9.66 improves compatibility and resolves a notification bug. This is not a security update.

Show IDs 1.1.10 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

W3 Total Cache 2.6.0 improves compatibility and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

WooCommerce 8.2.2 resolves several bgus. This is not a security update.

WP Mail SMTP 3.10.0 improves OAuth integration and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

WP Plugin Update Checker 5.3 resolves a couple bugs. This is not a security update.

WPBakery 7.2 adds AI support and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

WPtouch 4.3.55 resolves several bgus. This is not a security update.

That’s all for now folks. Keep it clean out there. 😉


Shawn K. Hall


Updates 2023-09-12

Welcome back, Folks!

Today is Patch Tuesday for September, 2023.

This month has been insane. There were 223 major hacks, and over 170 application updates this month. Each browser and several other apps released at least weekly security updates. It’s a very big month, with about 5 GB of updates for most users.

This Month in Technology

16shop, A-Family Dental Care Center PC, Absolute Dental Services, Adobe Acrobat & Reader, Alberta Dental Services Corporation, Allison Transmission Inc., AMD CPUs, AmeriBen, American National Group, LLC, Android TV, Anonfiles, Apache’s RocketMQ, Asian national electricity grid, The Associated Press Stylebook, Associates in Pediatric Dentistry, ASUS routers, Atlas VPN, Atmeltomo, a major auction house, Avada WordPress Theme and Plugin, Ayush Jharkhand, AzeroCloud, Baesman Group, Inc., Balancer, Barracuda Email Security Gateway (ESG), Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery, Binance, Bloom Health Centers, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona, Byju’s, CareSource, CentroMed, CERT Poland, Chicago IVF, Church of England Debenham High School, Church of England St. Augustine Academy, Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA), Cisco BroadWorks, Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD), Cisco VPN, Citrix NetScaler, Citrix ShareFile, Cleveland City Schools, Clorox, CloudNordic, Coastal Orthopedics, Cobra DocGuard, CODESYS V3, Coffee Meets Bagel, Coinbase, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing, CraftRise, Cummins Behavioral Health Systems, CyberPower PowerPanel, Cypher, Data Media Associates, Dataprobe iBoot, Dell Compellent, Detroit Central City Community Mental Health, Discord, Discord.io, DuoLingo, Dymocks Booksellers, El Salvadoran government, a south African electrical utility, EMS Management and Consultants Inc, Energy One Limited, Enzo Clinical Labs, Inc., Exactly Protocol, Florida Healthy Kids, Ford SYNC3, Forever 21, France’s Pôle emploi, Free Download Manager, Freecycle, Geico, Gemini North Observatory, GitLab, Google Chrome, Google Looker Studio, Harbor Protocol, Harris Center for Mental Health and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Health Care Service Corporation, Health Employers Association of BC, Highgate Wood School, Illinois Department of Public Health, iMenu360, Indiana University Health, Intel CPUs, iPhone iMessage, Israel’s Mayanei Hayeshua hospital, iTrust Wellness Group, Ivacy VPN, Ivanti Avalanche, Ivanti MobileIron, Ivanti Sentry, IXPERTA, Japan’s Cybersecurity Agency (NISC), Jefferson Health, Jobzone, Johnson & Johnson Health Care Systems, Juniper EX switches, Juniper SRX firewalls, Jupiter X Core, Just Kids Dental, Kroll (that’s appropriate), Leaseweb, Libbitcoin, Lifeline Health Systems, Lincoln SYNC3, LinkedIn, LogicMonitor, Lolek Bulletproof Hosting, MacOS, Madera County, Magellan Rx Management, Maiden Erlegh Trust, Manipulated Caiman, Maximus Health Services Inc, McAlester Regional Health Center, Mend.io, MGM Resorts International, Microsoft 365 corporate accounts, Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Microsoft’s PowerShell Gallery, Milan Eye Center, MinIO, Missouri Department of Social Services, Morris Hospital & Healthcare Centers, Mountain View Family Practice, PC, Nice Pak Products Inc., Norfolk and Suffolk police, Nova Scotia government, NPO Mashinostroyeniya, NVIDIA D3D10 Driver, NXP, O’Neil Digital Solutions, LLC, OAS Engine, Openfire, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, Pampling, Paramount Global, PCC Pediatric EHR Solutions, Performance Health Technology, PHPFusion, Pizza Hut Australia, PlayCyberGames, Poland’s PKP railway, Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) —  twice, Prime Therapeutics, Prince George’s County Public Schools, Prospect Medical Group, Prospect Medical Holdings, PurFoods/Mom’s Meals, QakBot, Radius Global Solutions, Ranhill Utilities Berhad, Rapattoni, Resort Data Processing, Respublikinė Vilniaus Psichiatrijos Ligoninė, Rightbiz, Rite Aid, Roberto Polizzi, RocketSwap, Sabre, Schneck Medical Center, See Tickets, Seiko, Serco, Inc., SevenRooms, Seville, Spain, Singing River Health System, Sourcegraph, South African National Defence Force, SouthCoast Medical Group, LLC, Sovos Compliance LLC, Spring WebFlux, Sri Lankan Government, St. Paul Public Schools, Stake.com, Starmount Life Insurance Co, SUNY at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, SysInformation Healthcare Services, LLC, Terra, Tesla, Three Crowns Park, Tift Regional Medical Center, TitleMax, Topgolf Callaway, TP-Link Tapo, TRACT Radiology, TTEC Healthcare Solutions, a UK internet backbone infrastructure provider, UK Metropolitan Police, UK Ministry of Defence, Ukrainian Military, United Bankshares, Inc., United Healthcare Services, Inc., UnitedHealthcare, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, University of Michigan, University of Sydney, University of Utah, UofL Health, US Department of Defense (DoD), US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), US energy company, US Government email servers, Vecino Health Centers, Venus Protocol, Virginia Dept. of Medical Assistance Services, Viva Air, VMware’s Aria Operations for Networks, VNS Health Plans, WebDetetive, WinRAR, Zaun, Zengo, Zimbra Collaboration Suite, Zoom ZTP, and Zunami have reportedly been hacked or compromised this month.

Coffee Meets Bagel, German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), Hotmail, Midwest Hospital Group, Rogers, Square, and Toyota have suffered from outages this month.

Last months updates broke Microsoft Exchange, MSI BIOS compatibility, Windows drive partitions, Windows EFI boot loader, Windows Group Policy, Windows LAPS, Windows Search, Windows Time service, and Windows Update for Business.

The new Microsoft Edge for Business release was such a disaster that enterprise customers are moving to Chrome and Firefox.

Facebook Messenger has become a major target of phishing. Again. So is Microsoft Teams.

The fallout from the LastPass hack last year is still coming to light, including repeated hijacks of large cryptocurrency accountsAt the time we were assured that since the data was “strongly encrypted” that there was no chance of accounts being exposed. It seems that faith was misplaced. 

Microsoft will finally be eliminating WordPad. This isn’t really that surprising since all supported versions of Windows are now born with MS Office already installed.
What is less surprising is that they’re also killing off Visual Studio for Mac and disabling support for older TLS versions in the next few months, which is likely to prevent many network and automation apps from working. 

Another ransomware key decryptor is now available.

The Taliban is working with Huawei to install facial detection cameras. Experian Consumer Services has been caught spamming, to the tune of $650k. The Federal Trade Commission has publicly named 130 healthcare firms sharing user information with third parties through web trackers.

Google has added a new feature in Chrome, “Privacy Sandbox,” to use your browsing history to show ads. Turn it all off.

Now for the good news:

There may finally be a good reason to use Microsoft Paint. It will soon have the ability to remove photo backgrounds. And — this is hard for me to believe — Apple, yes that Apple, is supporting the California State “Right to Repair” bill.

Let’s Get Busy

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Patch Tuesday is huge this month. The typical computer should see roughly 5 GB in updates today. Let’s get started.

Microsoft released updates to address 73 vulnerabilities in .NET, .NET Core, .NET Framework, 3D Builder, 3D Viewer, AMD CPU Branch, Azure DevOps, Azure HDInsights, Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service, Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft Dynamics Finance & Operations, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Identity Linux Broker, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Outlook, Microsoft Office SharePoint, Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft PostScript Printer Driver, Microsoft Streaming Service, Microsoft Windows Codecs Library, Servicing Stack Update, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Windows Cloud Files Mini Filter Driver, Windows Common Log File System Driver, Windows Defender, Windows DHCP Server, Windows GDI, Windows Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), Windows Kernel, Windows Photo Import API, Windows Scripting, Windows TCP/IP, Windows Themes, and MSRT (~1.5 GB). This includes security updates. A reboot is required.

Apple released updates for macOS Ventura 13.5.2, macOS Monterey 12.6.9, macOS Big Sur 11.7.10, iOS 16.6.1 and 15.7.9, iPadOS 16.6.1 and 15.7.9, watchOS 9.6.2, and tvOS 16.6. This includes security updates. Use Apple Software Update to install these updates. A reboot is required.

iOS 16.6.1 and 15.7.9 are security updates. Use Settings, General, Software Update to install the most current update.

iPadOS 16.6.1 and 15.7.9 are security updates. Use Settings, General, Software Update to install the most current update.

watchOS 9.6.2 is a security update. Use the Watch app on your iPhone to install the most current version.

tvOS 16.6 is a security update. Use System, Software Update to install the most current version.

Google Chrome OS 115.0.5790.182 and 108.0.5359.242 are security updates. Use Menu, Help, About to install the most current version. A reboot is required.

Don’t forget to check your mobile devices, too! Many updates will also apply to your tablet, phone, kindle or television – so check your device-appropriate App Store and install updates.

Important Notes

Everything above this section should be checked by everyone on every computer. Chances are good that close to every single computer you touch will be affected by those updates. This is not the case with the items below, though you should still check each line item below to see if it applies to software you have installed.

The release of macOS Ventura (13.x) means that macOS Catalina (10.15) and older are no longer supported. If you can not install at least macOS Big Sur (11) on your Mac then you should immediately remove it from the Internet and use it offline only. It will no longer receive patches or updates and can now no longer be secured.

The now-current — and final — release of the Windows 10 (v22H2) is very large so will take a long time to download on slower connections. All non-LTS versions of Windows 10 other than v22H2 are now out of support, upgrade to v22H2 now. If you aren’t sure whether you are using LTS, you aren’t. If you don’t let it finish and you’re on a slow connection, this process will kill your Internet performance forever. If you don’t have the bandwidth to download the bits, I’m happy to provide loaner USB drives to our local clients, or, if you prefer to have me mail it to you please contact me for information.

The now-current release of the Windows 11 (v22H2) is very large so will take a long time to download on slower connections. Windows 11 pushes you to get the latest Windows 11 release every 12 months and only supports any consumer builds for 24 months. If you don’t let it finish and you’re on a slow connection, this process will kill your Internet performance forever. If you don’t have the bandwidth to download the bits, I’m happy to provide loaner USB drives to our local clients, or, if you prefer to have me mail it to you please contact me for information.

Windows 11 is now stable and can be upgraded to if your hardware supports it, but I recommend you continue to use Windows 10 until early 2025 before you consider switching to it.

Please remember that while I list many different applications within these updates, most people should ONLY install updates for a program if they already have a previous version of that program installed.

It is essential to maintain all the applications you have installed on your computer, but often you can minimize the time investment and the potential for exploitation simply by uninstalling software you do not need or use, reducing the attack surface. This includes “free” applications like Avast, OpenOffice, and games you do not actually play.

Also note that using the applications own “check for updates” function, when available, will best preserve your current settings, and often avoid any crapware that might come with a fresh installer. Use this option if it’s available to you.

Finally, if you’re sick of doing this all yourself, let me! Call or email me any time, and we can set you up with subscription SaferPC updates which will be installed each month whenever necessary. Click, call or email for more details:

Driver Updates

If you’re using this hardware – these updates are for you.

AMD Adrenalin 23.9.1 resolves a stability bug. This is not a security update.

BullZip PDF Printer updates translations. This is not a security update.

Crucial Storage Executive 9.07 doesn’t provide a changelog so should be treated as a security update.

Display Driver Uninstaller improves cleanup and resolves a couple bugs. This is a security update.

DS4Windows 3.2.14 adds several new controls and translations. This is not a security update.

Garmin Express 7.18.3 doesn’t provide a changelog so should be treated as a security update.

GSLite 20230809 is a security update.

TP-Link Archer A6 v3 230828 is a security update.

TP-Link Archer AX21 v1.20 230829 is a security update.

Wacom Driver 6.4.3-1 adds support for newer hardware and resolves a couple bugs. This is not a security update.

Browser Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to everyone.

Brave 1.57.62 is a security update.

Firefox 117.0.1 is a security update.

Firefox ESR 115.2.1 is a security update.

Google Chrome 116.0.5845.187 is a security update.

Iridium 2023.09.116 is a security update.

Microsoft Edge 116.0.1938.81 is a security update.

Vivaldi 6.2.3105.48 is a security update.

Email Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to everyone.

NK2Edit 3.46 adds the icon to dialogs and resolves an empty field bug. This is not a security update.

ProtonMail (Android) 3.0.16 doesn’t provide a detailed changelog so should be treated as a security update.

Spark 3.8.3 resolves several bugs. This should be treated as a security update.

Thunderbird 115.2.1 is a security update.

Internet Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to everyone.

AnyDesk 7.1.16 improves localization. This is not a security update.

BrowsingHistoryView 2.56 improves cosmetics. This is not a security update.

Dropbox 182.4.6427 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Facebook Messenger is a security update.

FileZilla Server 1.7.3 is a security update.

FreeFileSync 13.0 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Google Drive 80.0 improves performance, installation size and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update. Note that Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, and 32-bit Windows of all flavors are no longer supported — you can still access your files through Firefox on these devices.

Grocy 4.0.3 improves performance and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Grocy Desktop 2.7.0 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

IPInfoOffline 1.70 adds support for sapics IP-Location. This is not a security update.

jq 1.7 is the first update in 5 years and doesn’t disappoint. This build adds several new functions, logical structures, stability, output formats, and resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

Microsoft Teams doesn’t provide a changelog so should be treated as a security update.

Nextcloud Server 27.0.2 updates dependencies and resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

PuTTY 0.79 resolves a dozen bugs. This is a security update.

Rclone 1.64.0 adds new backends, multithreaded transfers, and resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

Signal 6.30.1 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Signal (Android) 6.31.2 improves performance. This is not a security update.

Skype expands AI integration and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Syncthing 1.24.0 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Technitium DNS Server 11.4.1 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Telegram 4.9.5 ads several new bot web-app features and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Telegram (Android) 10.0.1 doesn’t provide a changelog so should be treated as a security update.

Trillian resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Wget2 2.1.0 adds support for sitemaps, certificate validation, improves recursion, and resolves a dozen bugs. This is a security update.

Zoom adds several new features (and the ability to disable!) to their integrated AI Companion offering. This is not a security update.

Media Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

3tene 3.0.12 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Picard 2.9.2 resolves a dozen bugs and improves update detection behavior. This is not a security update.

Plex Desktop resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Plex Home Theater resolves a couple networking bugs. This is not a security update.

Game Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

GameMaker Studio 2023.8.0.98 updates libraries and runtimes, improves debugging capabilities, and resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

GDevelop 5.2.172 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Lego Studio resolves several bugs and adds new palette controls, tagging and GUI elements. This is not a security update.

Minecraft Server (Bedrock) doesn’t provide a changelog so should be treated as a security update.

Nintendo Switch 16.1.0 improves stability. This is not a security update.

PlayStation PS5 23.01-07.61.00 improves performance. This is not a security update.

Office Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to most people.

Adobe Connect 12.4.1 is a security update.

Adobe Experience Manager is a security update.

Adobe Reader DC 23.006.20320 and 20.005.30524 are security updates.

Blender 3.6.2 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Calibre 6.26.0 adds support for new hardware, new stylization options, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Ghostscript 10.01.2 is a security update.

Kdenlive 23.08.0 adds support for several new formats, improved hardware support and performance, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Kindle for PC 2.0.70301 doesn’t provide a changelog so should be treated as a security update.

LibreOffice 7.5.6 resolves over 50 bugs. This is not a security update.

LibreOffice Fresh 7.6.1 provides over 400 new features and bug fixes. This is not a security update. Remember that the “Fresh” line is beta software and the “Still” line should be used wherever possible.

Nextcloud Desktop 3.9.4 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Notepad++ 8.5.7 is a security update.

Paint.net 5.0.9 resolves several bugs and improves stability. This is not a security update.

PDF-XChange Editor is a security update.

Security Software Updates

One or more of these is likely to be of interest to most people.

.NET Runtime 7.0.11 is a security update.

Chainsaw 2.7.3 updates dependencies, adds new rules, and resolves export data issues. This is not a security update.

DNSQuerySniffer 1.95 adds support for sapics IP geolocation. This is not a security update.

JShelter 0.14 improves performance, internationalization, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Kaspersky Removal Tool doesn’t provide a changelog so should be treated as a security update.

MalwareBytes Anti-Malware 4.6.2 improves detection, internationalization, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

OpenSSL 1.1.1w is a security update.

ProtonVPN (macOS) 3.3.2 resolves several bugs and adds B2B WPN support. This is not a security update.

RogueKiller 15.12.0 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Tails 5.17 is a short follow-on to a critical security update in 5.16.1. This version adds new printer drivers and enables all drivers by default (which I personally think is a horrible idea) and updates libraries. This is a security update.

uBlock Origin 1.52.0 improves performance and stability, adds new operators, and resolves several bugs. This is a security update.

Velociraptor 0.7.0 adds several new features and many bug fixes. This is not a security update.

Capture Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

SnagIt 23.2.1 updates libraries, improves output options, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Converter Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

DVDFab adds support for new encodings. This is not a security update.

PDF Creator 5.1.2 is a security update.

StreamFab improves compatibility and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

UniFab resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Education updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to most people.

Zotero 6.0.27 resolves several bugs and adds support for macOS Sonoma. This is not a security update.

Utility Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

1Password for Mac 8.10.13 resolves dozens of bugs and updates libraries. This should be treated as a security update.

1Password for Windows 8.10.13 resolves dozens of bugs and updates libraries. This should be treated as a security update.

Agent Ransack 2022.3406 resolves a compatibility bug. This is not a security update.

Bitwarden 2023.8.3 doesn’t provide a changelog so should be treated as a security update.

CCleaner 6.15.10623 adds and updates cleaning rules. This is not a security update.

CintaNotes 3.14 is *finally* released. This version resolves several stability and reliability bugs. This is not a security update.

CPU-Z Installer 2.07 adds support for newer hardware. This is not a security update.

Cygwin 3.4.9 resolves several bugs. This is a security update.

DesktopOK 11.08 improves compatibility and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

DevManView 1.80 adds high DPI support, ability to run unelevated, an elevation switch, and a dark background option. This is not a security update.

dnGrep adds pause/resume support, improved print output, and updates libraries. This is a security update.

email-oauth2-proxy 2023-09-06 resolves several bugs and improves compatibility. This is a security update.

ESEDatabaseView 1.74 resolves a couple bugs. This is not a security update.

Fido 1.51 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

FileLocator Pro 2022.3406 resolves a compatibility bug. This is not a security update.

FileTypesMan 1.98 adds sort menus and buttons. This is not a security update.

Git SCM 2.42.0 resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

Go 1.21.1 is a security update.

GoodSync 12.3.6 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

HWiNFO 7.62 doesn’t provide a changelog so should be treated as a security update.

HWMonitor 1.52 adds support for newer hardware. This is not a security update.

IsMyHdOK 3.91 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

Kingston SSD Manager doesn’t provide a changelog so should be treated as a security update.

NConvert 7.155 improves HEIC and TIFF support. This is not a security update.

NTLite 2023.8.9408 improves compatibility and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Open-Shell 4.4.191 resolves over a dozen bugs and improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

PointerStick 6.31 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

PowerToys 0.73.0 resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

QuickSetDNS 1.35 improves high DPI support, adds menu and toolbar controls, and keyboard support. This is not a security update.

RoboForm 9.5.2 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

ScreenConnect resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

TraceRouteOK 3.33 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

Unity 2023.1.12 resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

Ventoy 1.0.95 resolves a couple bugs and adds new distros. This is not a security update.

WifiInfoView 2.91 resolves a detection bug. This is not a security update.

WinGet 1.5.2201 resolves a couple bugs and is now available through the PowerShell Gallery. This is not a security update.

WizTree 4.15 improves deletion detection and display, TSV support, and updates translations. This is not a security update.

Developer Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

Android Studio 2022.3.1.19 adds several new features. This is not a security update.

AutoHotkey 2.0.8 resolves several parsing and key mapping bugs. This is not a security update.

GitHub Desktop 3.3.1 adds support for commit signing, repository rules, fixes several bugs and improves output, contrast, and accessibility. This is not a security update.

Node.js 16.20.2 is a security update.

Node.js 18.17.1 is a security update.

Node.js 20.6.1 is a security update.

Python 3.11.5 is a security update.

SQLite 3.43.1 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Visual Studio Code 1.82.1 adds several new features and improves accessibility. This is a security update.

Virtual Machine Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

PPSSPP 1.16 adds support for new backends, resolves dozens of bugs, and improves reliability. This is not a security update.

Web Package Updates

These are likely to be of interest only to web developers.

Grocy 4.0.3 is a major update improving compatibility, adds several new features, improved calculations and field support, and dozens of bug fixes. This should be treated as a security update.

Invision Community 4.7.13 resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

Joomla 3 is now end of life (EOL). *Please* upgrade to Joomla 4 as soon as possible.

Joomla 4.3.4 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

jQuery 3.7.1 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

ownCloud Server 10.13.1 resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

WordPress 6.3.1 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

BuddyPress 11.3.1 is a security update.

Idea Publisher 1.0.9 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

Social Post Feed 4.2 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

W3 Total Cache 2.4.1 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

WooCommerce 8.0.3 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

WP Cerber Security 9.5.7 adds and extends 2FA support. This is not a security update.

WP Mail SMTP 3.9.0 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

WP Plugin Update Checker 5.2 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

That’s all for now folks. Keep it clean out there. 😉


Shawn K. Hall

Updates 2023-04-11

Welcome back, Folks!

Today is Patch Tuesday for April, 2023.

This month brings over 160 significant hacks, and over 170 application updates. This is pretty normal these days, and the updates will weigh in at a little over 2.5 GB of updates for most users.

This Month in Technology

3CX, 51,000 websites, Ace Nursing, Activision, Adobe ColdFusion, Alivia Health, AllCare Plus Pharmacy, Inc, Allied Benefit, American Pain and Wellness, PLLC, an “East Asian company that develops data-loss prevention software for government and military,” Apple Safari, Aspire Public Schools, Associates in Dermatology, Atlantic Dialysis Management Services, Atlantic General Hospital, Autoridad de Acueductos y Alcantarillados, Bing.com search (via Azure AD), BitGo, BitKeep, Bitzlato, Black & McDonald, Blue Shield of California, Breached, Brooks Rehabilitation, Capita, ChatGPT, Chippewa County, CHU University hospitals, City of Oakland, City of Toronto, CloudPanel, Community Health Systems, Crown Resorts, Dole Food Company, a Dutch maritime logistics company, eFile-com, El Camino Health, El Consejo Nacional de Supervisión del Sistema Financiero, Elementor Pro WordPress plugin, Elmbrook School District, Essendant, Eye4Fraud, Fabrega Molino, Federal Law Enforcement Database, Ferrari, Florida-based community healthcare system, Frideres Dental LLC, Gala Games, General Bytes, 130+ organizations using GoAnywhere MFT, Guam Memorial Hospital, Hatch Bank, Hawaiian death registry, HDB Financial Services, Health Plan of San Mateo, Hitachi Energy, Homewood Health, HP LaserJet printers, Independent Living Systems, India’s Defense Research and Development Organization, Indian health system, Instituto De Educación Secundaria Ies Emilio Canalejo Olmeda, Integrated Supports for Living, Inc, Killer Instinct, Latitude Financial Services, Leaked Reality, LinusTechTips, Lionsgate, Long Son Petrochemicals, Lumen, Majestic Care Middletown Assisted Living LLC, McDonald’s, Medellin government, MedEx, Medminder, Merritt Healthcare Advisors, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, Mozilla Firefox, MSI, National Basketball Association, NCB Management Services, Nebu, Netgear Orbi, New Medical Healthcare, New York City public school special education students, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, NewBridge Services, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, Nexx smart devices, NHS Highland, Nonstop Administration and Insurance Services, Inc, NorthStar Emergency Medical Services, NS, Open University of Cyprus, Oracle VirtualBox, ParaSpace, Pension Protection Fund, PetroVietnam, Poolz Finance, POSCO Engineering & Construction, Postal Prescription Services – Kroger, Procter & Gamble, Proskauer Rose, QNAP, Rio Tinto, Rochester Public Schools, Rubrik, SafeMoon, Saks Fifth Avenue, Samsung, SD Worx, Shopper+, South Texas Health System, Sundry Files, Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare, Inc, Tasmanian Education Department, Telegram, Tesla Model 3, the WiFi protocol (this is big), TheGradCafe, Throne, TMX Finance (TitleMax, TitleBucks, InstaLoan), Top of the World Ranch Treatment Center, Toyota Italy, Tusla, Twitter, Uber, Ubuntu Desktop, UC San Diego Health, UHS of Delaware, Inc, UK’s Criminal Records Office, UK’s Virgin Red, Ukrainian utility company, US Congress, US Department of DefenseUS Federal Bureau of Investigation, US Marshals Service, US Special Operations Command, US Wellness Inc, US Wellness, Vazquez Nava Consultores y Abogados, Veeam’s Backup & Replication, Veritas Backup Exec, VM2, VMware Workstation, WellBe, Wells Fargo, West Virginia hospital, Western Digital, Wilkes-Barre Career and Technical Center, WinRAR SFX, WooCommerce, Yardley Dermatology Associates, PC, Yucatan government, Yum! Brands (Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut), Z2U, ZenGo, Zimbra Collaboration Suite, and Zoll have reportedly been hacked or compromised this month.

Amazon has pulled the plug on their most successful charitable endeavor, AmazonSmile.

According to the FBI, 860 “critical” infrastructure organizations were hit with ransomware in 2022. Shouldn’t they just stop if they’re so concerned, since they’re usually the ones behind most terrorists?

It should come as no surprise that the recent spate of train derailments comes not long after a manager at one of the largest rail companies told inspectors to stop marking rail cars that needed repairs.

Apple Weather, Microsoft Defender, Reddit, and WD My Cloud suffered from outages this month.

Last months updates broke Red Dead Redemption 2, and caused problems for many printers by replacing the vendor print drivers with Microsoft’s incompatible drivers. But at least Microsoft is now inserting ads in the Start menu, right? Grrr.

Here’s yet another demonstration of how your “smart device” can be exploited without your knowledge. GM’s Cruise robotaxis have been recalled after they caused an accident in San Francisco. 

Now for the good news:


Let’s Get Busy

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Patch Tuesday is huge this month. The typical computer should see roughly
GB in updates today. Let’s get started.

Windows 10 and Windows 11 22H2 should now be installed. Sadly, the new “Moments” features on Windows 11 will insert advertisements in the Start menu and Control Panel. Just another sign of the continuing decline of Windows.

Microsoft released updates to address 93 vulnerabilities in .NET Core, Azure Machine Learning, Azure Service Connector, Microsoft Bluetooth Driver, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Voice, Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based), Microsoft Graphics Component, Microsoft Message Queuing, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office Publisher, Microsoft Office SharePoint, Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft PostScript Printer Driver, Microsoft Printer Drivers, Microsoft WDAC OLE DB provider for SQL, Microsoft Windows DNS, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Windows Active Directory, Windows ALPC, Windows Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock, Windows Boot Manager, Windows Clip Service, Windows CNG Key Isolation Service, Windows Common Log File System Driver, Windows DHCP Server, Windows Enroll Engine, Windows Error Reporting, Windows Group Policy, Windows Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Protocol, Windows Kerberos, Windows Kernel, Windows Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol, Windows Lock Screen, Windows Netlogon, Windows Network Address Translation (NAT), Windows Network File System, Windows Network Load Balancing, Windows NTLM, Windows PGM, Windows Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE), Windows Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol, Windows Raw Image Extension, Windows RDP Client, Windows Registry, Windows RPC API, Windows Secure Boot, Windows Secure Channel, Windows Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP), Windows Transport Security Layer (TLS), Windows Win32K and MSRT (~
GB). This includes security updates. A reboot is required.

Apple released updates for iOS 15.7.5 and 16.4.1, iPadOS 15.7.5 and 16.4.1, macOS Big Sur 11.7.6, macOS Monterey 12.6.5, macOS Ventura 13.3.1, Safari 16.4.1, Studio Display Firmware Update 16.4, tvOS 16.4, and watchOS 9.4. This includes security updates. Use Apple Software Update to install these updates. A reboot is required.

iOS 16.4.1 and 15.7.5 are security updates. Use Settings, General, Software Update to install the most current update.

iPadOS 16.4.1 and 15.7.5 are security updates. Use Settings, General, Software Update to install the most current update.

watchOS 9.4 is a security update. Use the Watch app on your iPhone to install the most current version.

tvOS 16.4 is a security update. Use System, Software Update to install the most current version.

Google Chrome OS 112.0.5615.62 is a security update. Use Menu, Help, About to install the most current version. A reboot is required.

Don’t forget to check your mobile devices, too! Many updates will also apply to your tablet, phone, kindle or television – so check your device-appropriate App Store and install updates.

Important Notes

Everything above this section should be checked by everyone on every computer. Chances are good that close to every single computer you touch will be affected by those updates. This is not the case with the items below, though you should still check each line item below to see if it applies to software you have installed.

The release of macOS Ventura (13.x) means that macOS Catalina (10.15) and older are no longer supported. If you can not install at least macOS Big Sur (11) on your Mac then you should immediately remove it from the Internet and use it offline only. It will no longer receive patches or updates and can now no longer be secured.

The now-current release of the Windows 10 (v22H2) is very large so will take a long time to download on slower connections. Windows 10 pushes you to get the latest Windows 10 release every 12 months and only supports any consumer builds for 18 months. If you don’t let it finish and you’re on a slow connection, this process will kill your Internet performance forever. If you don’t have the bandwidth to download the bits, I’m happy to provide loaner USB drives to our local clients, or, if you prefer to have me mail it to you please contact me for information.

The now-current release of the Windows 11 (v22H2) is very large so will take a long time to download on slower connections. Windows 11 pushes you to get the latest Windows 11 release every 12 months and only supports any consumer builds for 24 months. If you don’t let it finish and you’re on a slow connection, this process will kill your Internet performance forever. If you don’t have the bandwidth to download the bits, I’m happy to provide loaner USB drives to our local clients, or, if you prefer to have me mail it to you please contact me for information.

Windows 11 is still very young so I encourage you to wait a few more months before you consider switching to it.

Please remember that while I list many different applications within these updates, most people should ONLY install updates for a program if they already have a previous version of that program installed.

It is essential to maintain all the applications you have installed on your computer, but often you can minimize the time investment and the potential for exploitation simply by uninstalling software you do not need or use, reducing the attack surface. This includes “free” applications like Avast, OpenOffice, and games you do not actually play.

Also note that using the applications own “check for updates” function, when available, will best preserve your current settings, and often avoid any crapware that might come with a fresh installer. Use this option if it’s available to you.

Finally, if you’re sick of doing this all yourself, let me! Call or email me any time, and we can set you up with subscription SaferPC updates which will be installed each month whenever necessary. Click, call or email for more details:

Driver Updates

If you’re using this hardware – these updates are for you.

AMD Adrenalin 23.4.1 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Display Driver Uninstaller resolves a stability bug. This is not a security update.

Nvidia Driver 474.30 is a security update.

Browser Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to everyone.

Brave 1.50.114 is a security update.

Google Chrome 112.0.5615.49 is a security update.

Microsoft Edge 112.0.1722.34 is a security update.

Microsoft Edge 109.0.1518.78 is a security update. This version should be used only on devices where the current stable release is not available.

Firefox 112.0 is a security update.

SeaMonkey 2.53.16 is a security update.

Vivaldi 5.7.2921.65 is a security update.

Email Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to everyone.

OutlookAttachView 3.48 adds sort-by to the toolbar. This is not a security update.

Spark improves stability. This is not a security update.

Spark (macOS) improves stability. This is not a security update.

Thunderbird 102.9.1 is a security update.

Internet Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to everyone.

AnyDesk 7.1.11 is a bug fix for a security update.

BrowsingHistoryView 2.55 adds sort-by to the toolbar. This is not a security update.

curl 8.0.1 resolves dozens of bugs. This should be treated as a security update.

Dropbox 171.4.6182 improves stability. This is not a security update.

FreeFileSync 12.2 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Google Drive 73.0 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Microsoft Teams is a security update.

Nextcloud Server 26.0.0 is a major update with improvements across a dozens features and many bug fixes. This is not a security update.

Npcap 1.73 is a security update.

Omada Software Controller 5.9.31 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Rclone 1.62.2 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Signal (Android) 6.16.2 doesn’t provide a detailed changelog so should be treated as a security update.

Signal 6.13.0 improves dark mode and cosmetics. This is not a security update.

Syncthing 1.23.4 resolves several bugs. This should be treated as a security update.

Telegram 4.7.1 resolves a couple bugs. This is not a security update.

Trillian resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

WinSCP 5.21.8 is a security update.

Zoom resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Media Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

Bitwig Studio 4.4.10 improves stability. This is not a security update.

iTunes is a security update.

Plex Desktop fixes the subtitle render/crash issue. This is not a security update.

Plex Home Theater resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Plex Media Server resolves a font bug and a certificate installation bug. This is not a security update.

Game Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

GameMaker Studio 2023.2.1.75 adds a new particle editor to the IDE and reworks some of the interface. This is not a security update.

GDevelop 5.1.160 resolves several bugs and adds more than a dozen new assets and feature improvements. This is not a security update.

Lego Studio resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Nintendo Switch 16.0.1 improves stability. This is not a security update.

PS5 23.01-07.01.01 resolves a cosmetic bug. This is not a security update.

Steam 2023.03.15 resolves dozens of bugs. This should be treated as a security update.

Office Updates

One or more of these are likely to be of interest to most people.

Adobe Reader DC 23.001.20143 is a security update.

Adobe Digital Editions is a security update.

Adobe InCopy 18.2 and 17.4.1 are security updates. Use Creative Cloud to install the update.

Adobe Acrobat and Reader 23.001.20143 and 20.005.30467 are security updates.

Adobe Substance 3D Stager 2.0.2 is a security update.

Adobe Dimension 3.4.9 is a security update.

Adobe Substance 3D Designer 12.4.1 is a security update.

Artweaver 7.0.15 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Calibre 6.15.1 resolves several bugs and improves document compatibility. This is not a security update.

ImageMagick 7.1.1-6 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

LibreOffice Fresh 7.5.2 resolves over 90 bugs. This is a security update. The “Fresh” line is beta software and should be avoided by most users.

Nextcloud Desktop 3.8.0 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Notepad++ 8.5.2 resolves several context menu and cosmetic bugs. This is not a security update.

Paint.net 5.0.3 adds center-point shape drawing and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

PDF-XChange Editor 9.5.368.0 is a security update.

Security Software Updates

One or more of these is likely to be of interest to most people.

Caine 13.0 is a security update.

Chainsaw 2.6.0 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

FSS 2023.3.19 updates service list. This is not a security update.

MalwareBytes Anti-Malware 4.5.26 improves reporting and resolves several bugs. This should be treated as a security update.

ProtonVPN 2.4.1 improves stability. This is not a security update.

ProtonVPN (macOS) 3.0.15 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

QubesOS 4.1.2 is a security update.

RogueKiller 15.8.2 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Stinger improves detections. This should be treated as a security update.

SuperAntiSpyware 10.0.1250 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Tails 5.11 is a security update.

uBlock Origin 1.48.4 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Velociraptor 0.6.8 integrates several net

Wireless Network Watcher 2.31 adds a dark mode option and updates internal MAC address database. This is not a security update.

YARA 4.3.0 resolves several bugs and adds new functions and behaviors. This should be treated as a security update.

Capture Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

Camtasia 22.5.3 resolves several crash bugs, installation issues and improves the UI. This is not a security update.

SnagIt 23.1.1 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Converter Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

DVDFab improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

StreamFab improves compatibility and provides new output options. This is not a security update.

UniFab improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

Utility Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

1Password for Mac 8.10.4 fixes of a dozen bugs. This is a security update.

1Password for Windows 8.10.4 fixes over a dozen bugs. This is a security update.

AstroGrep 4.4.9 updates libraries, adds dark theme, improves filters and resolves several bugs. This is a security update.

Bitwarden 2023.3.3 adds domain verification, improved browser security, and resolves several bugs. This is a security update.

CalyxOS Device Flasher 1.0.7 doesn’t provide a changelog so should be treated as a security update.

Carbonite 6.4.6 is a security update.

CCleaner 6.10.10347 improves cleaning and adds to the their driver update solution. This is not a security update.

CrucialScan 20230308 doesn’t provide a changelog so should be treated as a security update.

CurrPorts 2.71 adds full screen display option. This is not a security update.

DesktopOK 10.77 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

DMDE fixes several bugs. This is a security update.

Everything Toolbar 1.0.5 improves stability and compatibility. This is not a security update.

FolderChangesView 2.35 adds dark mode support and sort-by to the toolbar. This is not a security update.

Go 1.20.3 is a security update.

GoodSync 12.2.0 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

IsMyHdOK 3.88 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

NTLite 2023.4.9191 adds components, new settings and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

osquery 5.8.2 is a security update.

PowerToys 0.69.0 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Process Explorer 17.04 is a security update.

PsExec 2.42 adds support for long paths. This is not a security update.

Regedix adds registry scan and resolves paste bug. This is not a security update.

RoboForm 9.4.6 is a security update.

Rufus 3.22 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

ScreenConnect improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

TCPView 4.18 resolves a crash bug and improves dark mode. This is not a security update.

TeamViewer 15.40.8 resolves a LAN bug. This is not a security update.

Unity 2022.2.14 resolves dozens of bugs. This is not a security update.

Ventoy 1.0.91 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

WifiInfoView 2.79 resolves a display bug. This is not a security update.

WinScan2PDF 8.55 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

WizTree 4.13 adds regexp search, search history, command line options, virtual drives, sorting options, and resolves a couple bugs. This is not a security update.

XnConvert 1.98 doesn’t provide a changelog so should be treated as a security update.

ZoomText 2023 2023.2303.77.400 adds tethered view. This is not a security update.

Developer Updates

These are unlikely to be of interest to most people.

ADB 34.0.1 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

GitHub Desktop 3.2.1 resolves a dozen bugs and provides several improvements. This is not a security update.

Node.js 16.20.0 updates libraries and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Node.js 19.9.0 adds a new tracing feature, URL parser improvements, and resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

SQLite 3.41.2 resolves several bugs and improves several features. This is not a security update.

Visual Studio Code 1.77.1 improves stability. This is not a security update.

Web Package Updates

These are likely to be of interest only to web developers.

Coppermine Gallery 1.6.24 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Drupal 9.4.12 is a security update.

Drupal 9.5.7 resolves a bug in the editor. This is not a security update.

WordPress 6.2 adds several new native features – custom CSS, sticky positions, new site editor, block management, Openverse media access, and more. This is not a security update.

Akismet 5.1 resolves several bugs. This should be treated as a security update.

Autoptimize 3.1.6 resolves several bugs. This is not a security update.

Contact Form 7 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

Duplicator doesn’t provide a change log so should be treated as a security update.

Limit Login Attempts 1.7.2 is a security update.

Redirection 5.3.10 resolves a save bug. This is not a security update.

W3 Total Cache 2.3.1 improves compatibility and resolves several bugs. This is a security update.

WooCommerce 7.5.1 improves stability. This is not a security update.

WP Cerber Security 9.5.3 improves compatibility. This is not a security update.

WPtouch 4.3.52 resolves a cosmetic bug. This is not a security update.

That’s all for now folks. Keep it clean out there. 😉


Shawn K. Hall